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18.08.2008 | 一派胡鬧

噚日去睇咗呢齣極之胡鬧嘅電影, 由Adam Sandler主演嘅《特勤沙龍》.. 唔好問我好唔好睇, 因為呢出電影同好唔好睇就係大纜扯唔上關係; 不過如果你問我個娛樂性程度, 就可以好肯定話你知, 極之豐富可以畀五星, 全場笑到停唔到嘴.. 故事好簡單, 敘述一個隻身去到美國嘅以色列特務, 一圓佢成為一個享名勝負嘅美髮師嘅夢想.. 當中當然係一貫地笑料百出, 天馬行空大拋笑彈啦(尤其鐘意用主角勁大包嘅下半身嚟開玩笑, 呵呵!!).. 跟住背後隱藏住一個希望世界和平, 唔好再有戰爭嘅訊息, 不過呢個對白好高調咁repeat咗好多次, 確實覺得同個胡鬧場面格格不入.. 令我諗起周生近期作品都極力擺脫無厘頭, 硬係要喺胡鬧中攝個嚴肅訊息, 不過笑料往往蓋過訊息, 最後咪就係no effect之嘛.. 而呢齣電影手法更差, 我只可以用鬧劇嚟看待佢囉, 如果你想有個開心忘懮嘅兩個小時, 都可以不妨一睇嘅.. 順便一提, Sandler模仿以色列人講英文嘅口音, 我要豎起拇指大贊, 好神似啊.. went to watch this extremely hilarious movie "You Don't Mess with Zohan" (starring Adam Sandler) yesterday.. don't ask me whether this is a good movie to watch, because i can tell you there is no link between this movie and whether-it-is-good.. but if you ask me whether this movie is entertaining, yes i can assure you a 5-star rating, you will be laughing non-stop through the whole movie.. a very simple storyline, an Isreali assassin flying to USA, to fulfill his dream of becoming a world famous hair stylist.. no surprise, jokes and hilarious gags were all around the movie, especially on Zohan's eye-poppingly huge groin (hahaha!!).. but of course, while keeping it hilarious the movie did actually mean to bring out a message for world peace and stop war.. anyway, i think the jokes just outshine the message, and the message just seem quite awkward being high-profilely repeated few times in the movie, not wise at all.. anyway, i will treat this movie as a hilarously entertaining movie, and if you think you need a happy stressless 2-hour this movie is actually not a bad idea.. finally, i gotta put two thumbs up for Sandler, his imitation on Isreali's English accent is simple superb!!


  1. Sandler is a Jew himself, hence he is the most suitable for the part.

  2. oh really?? didn't know that at all.. there's a whole bunch of jews/ arabs/ middle easter in the movie, can't really differentiate them..

  3. 哦? 又有新戏上映? 又系傻戏?

  4. a simple comedy is what i need now...
    will go watch this week..

  5. chris:
    細佬你飛得太多喇, 地球上每個星期都有新戲上映架啦, 乜你唔知咩??

    huh?? how to tell you here?? go and watch the movie and you'll know how the jewish slang sound like..

    oh yeah, it's not just a simple comedy, it's an absolutely crappy hilarious movie.. go watch and get yourself cheer up..
