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09.08.2008 | 鮮味火鍋

我其實都頗鐘愛火鍋嘅, 雖然大熱天時成30度, 但係仍然好享受嗰種感覺, 解釋唔到箇中原因, 就係情有獨鐘.. 頭先晚餐就忽然想食火鍋, 於是就掹咗JY去火鍋.. 叫咗兩人份(都係啲例牌魚旦, 肉丸, 豆腐, 蝦, 魚片, 伊麵米粉, 時蔬之類囉), 再另加薄片豬肉, 魚鰾, 同埋吉隆坡好難可以搵到嘅紅毛沙梨酸梅汁(你聽到佢個名都已經流晒口水啦係嘛)..

湯底好清甜唔會落咗太多嘅味精, 啲火鍋料全部都好新鮮.. 覺得今次同JY呢個(食得有要求嘅)人一齊火鍋, 食得十分企理兼有次有序, 唔係平時成棚人一鍋熟嗰種囉, 所以每一樣嘢都漉到啱啱好, 食得十分滋味十分享受.. 全晚最開心最滿意就係杯沙梨酸梅汁同埋啲薄片豬肉.. 沙梨酸梅汁冰涼沁心, 好解渴, 每人加碼飲咗兩杯添.. 至於薄片豬肉, 我哋係等食晒鍋中嘢之後, 叫適應再添湯底, 就用筷子一片一片夾起(片得好薄, 厚度少于一毫米), 以涮涮方式漉熟佢(5秒鐘就可以熟透喇), 再用碗稍為攤凍嘅湯底「過冷河」(JY創新食法, 又好似真係比較爽口喎), 最後沾上辣椒醬送入口, 簡簡單單就已經係人間美食喇~~ 埋單二人一共60大元(唔係平), 環境一般, 不過食物新鮮而且服務幾好, 可以再去嘅.. 呢間「好好火鍋」, 位於Jalan Ipoh往Jalan Duta方向一間獨立古屋改造嘅餐廳, 早市釀豆腐, 夜市火鍋, 相信大家都熟悉啩..
dear english reader: frankly i have difficulties in translating this entry into english, because this is just so CHINESE, haha!! well, to summarise it all, this steamboat experience was a good one - a meal for two at RM60 (a bit expensive), soup was clear and less MSG compared to others, food was nice and fresh, service was good.. must try the sliced pork, and must do it the shabu-shabu way to fully appreciate this simple yet delicious delicacy.. also don't miss out the kendongdong juice with sour plum, hardly found in KL, it's refreshing and sure a great thirst quecher for your steamboat session.. located in a renovated bungalow along the jalan ipoh to jalan duta direction, it goes yong tofu in the day and steamboat at night, perhaps you might know this restaurant already well..


  1. Urgh! Wrong time to read your blog cause now just eaten and very full! Haha.

  2. hmm, if not mistaken i supposed there are more better steamboat in china, and most importantly they are damn cheap.. haha :p

  3. 我不喜欢火锅,很多口水!

  4. 阿叔, 有一樣東西叫做公筷啊~~

  5. 不如試埋 Sri Petaling 嗰間哩。。佢哋個湯低好重江魚仔味架。。

  6. 哈哈, auntie, 呢個禮拜我哋咪成棚人一齊去試囉..
