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24.08.2008 | 曲終人散

一連17日嘅北京奧運今日正式閉幕.. 開幕禮之後其實冇睇過任何京奧項目, 不過既然有個開始(中間啲唔緊要啦)咁當然要有個結束, 所以頭先喺出邊喺食咗晚餐, 突然醒起開幕禮, 所以嗱嗱聲搵間有電視嘅地方飲嘢(其實係要睇直播), 仲要係bottomless refill嘢飲, 哈哈!!
  • 係唔係開幕典禮太過震撼, 定係我有先入為主嘅期待, 硬係覺得個閉幕典禮好求其咁嘅?? 好似冇個主題, 是但搵咋人搞啲圖案算數.. 不過最後掀起布條show個京奧logo再放煙花嗰一個環節就相當唔錯..
  • 下一屆奧運2012年倫敦舉行, 倫敦奧委會派咗架雙層巴士入場表演, 難道等巴士就係英國文化?? 原來架巴士內有乾坤, 好似變形金剛咁彈咗兩個人出嚟, 一位係英國熾手可熱嘅流行歌手Leona Lewis, 另一個係勁似我國首相拉伯嘅伴奏guitar手(英國搖滾樂隊Led Zeppelin嘅Jimmy Page)..
  • 倫敦市長好失禮, 件西裝竟然唔扣鈕, 而且上到台上雙手仲插入大衣口袋, 毫無貴格.. 隔離檯咁啱係一班英國旅客, 聽到佢哋不停取笑, 好過癮.. 好彩最後突然出現萬人迷碧咸, 算係彌補市長大人嘅失禮啦, 哈哈..
中國始終都係由頭到尾一路領先, 最後以歷史性嘅51面金牌, 取替美國穩坐一哥位置.. 呢次京奧中國能夠舉辦得咁成功, 而且獲得有史以來最好成績, 我身為華人覺得好驕傲好光榮.. 北京奧運, 你是最好的, 你知道嗎??for consecutive 17 days, the beijing olympics finally comes to an end tonight.. after the opening ceremony, i didn't actually watch any broadcast of the events, but i think it's a good idea to watch the closing ceremony tonight (for a good start and a good ending).. and hence when suddenly recalled about the event after dinner with friend just now, we quickly look for a place with television for drinks, and finally we got Chilli's for bottomless refills (hahaha) and most importantly closing ceremony live..
  • could it be that the opening ceremony was too wow-able, i found that the closing ceremony was just so errhh-able.. it's like so simply, just arrange the people to do the work without the passion of the opening ceremony.. but the final part where they showed the beijing 2008 logo while lifting up the cloth and the firework play were impressive though..
  • the next game is 2012 in london, and the authority brought into the bird's nest a classic london double-decker, english culture is all but just waiting for bus?? hehe.. anyway, the double-decker did transformed and shot up Leona Lewis the hot singer, and our dear PM Abdullah Badawi look-alike guitarist (Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin).. oh, they really look so alike i thot PM went to dye his hair silver!! haha
  • the mayor of london was entertaining, he has got his coat unbuttoned all the way, and hands in the coat pockets when on stage, really casual in such a solemn occasion yeah?? coincidently our next table sat a few british tourists, and they just had a good laugh on their dear mayor.. anyway, luckily Beckham's appearance near the end of the londoners' performance save some face for london?? haha..

china has all the while leading in the gold medal chart, and rounded up the game with a striking 51 golds!! a very successful olympics they organised, and the best result in history ever for china, i do somehow feel proud and ego being an overseas chinese.. beijing you are the best!!


  1. i totally agree with you about that london major!!! he is like a mafia gangster or something... man... british has 沦落 from the so-called gentleman to this... *sigh

  2. not only China had won 51 gold medals to make a chinese proud, but the fabulous and spetacular opening and closing ceremony is also doing us proud! i am really very impressived with China!

  3. personally i like the closing more than opening...maybe i am 'sien' of Zhang Yi Mou's style oledi..:)
    but London mayor really need to go for grooming class..lol

  4. Boris Johnson does have a 'controversial image' but don't judge a book by its cover, he's in fact an Etonian (Kings Scholar!) and read his degree from Oxford and was the President of the Oxford Union. He has a very international and impressive background (compared to a lot of Majors in the world). Having said that, haa I am not a fan really, coz he's from the Conservative Party :) I missed the closing ceremony but I agree this year's Olympics did get a great level of limelight and attention. But at a whopping 22 billion pounds investment from China, it's still too early to tell if it's really a success but then again, one can't deny a great PR effect China has accomplished (ignoring the miming incident that is)!

  5. 傑士:
    yeah, i was a bit shocked to see Mayor Johnson caught in such situation.. well, perhaps he was trying to portrait the casual and friendly image?? hehe..

    yeah, i do feel proud of China for being able to achieve such high standards!! a toast for China..

    hmmm, still to find out who directed the closing ceremony.. yeah, had a good laugh with the London mayor when he got his hands in the pocket and ooopss he realised that he should not do that 2 seconds later..

    well, didn't know he's so smart and witty.. but he just portrait that casual image of London to the world last night.. yeah i agree, beijing has successfully caught the focus from the whole world, shall see what london can do 4 years later..

  6. heehee london definitely have a high bar to reach with such a great show put up by beijing, but with only 9.4 billion pounds budget, it's less than half of Beijing's budget! so we shall see if london can on a great show with less than half of the money! one thing for sure, there will be less performers haha ... i hope to see a more international olympics and a greater potrayal of the olympics spirits and less of a PR show, tho!one thing tho, the london olympics site is an underdevelped housing estate so the olympics itself is a generation project, so i guess it's worth the cause no matter what ge ... look forward to it loo :)

  7. the london mayor can use a comb. he does not have the charisma. he was trying to tell people that Olympic 2012 is going to be a good one. He stressed that ' ... pingpong is home' in 2012. not the most impressive mayor though.

  8. csws:
    yeah, Beijing has marked the most spectacular and of course the most expensive Olympics ever, and we just know the reason behind the show-the-best-else-don't-do-it philosophy, don't we?? or perhaps if Dubai is doing it in the future, i'm more looking forward to it though, hehe..

    oh really he did say that?? why is it that "pingpong is home in 2012"?? it's ok he didn't use a comb, but please button his coat, he is not doing a cat walk..
