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13.08.2008 | 豈有此理

上兩個星期去申請間超市嘅會員優惠卡, 其實好多年前經已擁有, 但係近兩三年過期之後就冇再用過.. 最近都經常幫襯佢, 見會員優惠都唔錯, 所以諗住再申請啦.. 記得嗰日填晒表, 個職員查到我已經原有一個account, 所以係唔可以(再睇清楚係唔可以)重新申請一定要更新, 而且要更新嘅話就要收返之前兩年嘅會員費!! 我聽到後碌大對眼啦梗係, 呢個咩policy啊?? 再問多兩次, 答案依然, 好, 我暫且妥協唔同你拗..

返到屋企, 我已經盤算要整封投訴信, 白紙黑字寄去總部.. 有咩理由我白白畀呢兩年lapsed咗嘅會員費架?? 要我畀錢, 但係呢兩年又唔見你畀我繼續享有會員優惠?? 豈有此理, 真係講唔通!! 結果無意中畀我讀到佢哋會員守則第6條, 說明:「會員卡若過期, 會員有權選擇重新申請或更新..」哈哈!! 天助我也, 於是即刻打咗封投訴信(我仲影印埋個守則一齊寄), 指名道姓畀個卡務經理, 信中用咗我一貫笑裡藏刀, 客氣但係凌厲嘅書寫能力, 今次你仲唔死??

數日後, 個卡務經理終於私底下撥個輪畀我, 話經過調查之後, 確實係佢哋職員嘅疏忽.. 同我道歉, 兼且同意退還我當時白畀嘅兩年更新會員費.. 當晚我即刻去返間超市, 填晒一輪表格之後, 終於得返我應得嘅.. 所以話, 客戶永遠係最重要, 如果有咩不滿, 一定要投訴唔好goot聲吞落肚.. 其實顧客嘅投訴就係佢哋進步嘅原動力啊, 哈哈~~went to apply for the privilege membership of a supermarket couple of weeks back, i actually was a member long time ago, but rarely use the card and it has expired since three years ago.. frequent the supermarket recently and think the member privileges are actually quite good, hence thought of re-applying it.. went there fill in all forms, and the staff told me that she found an existing account in their system.. and to my surprise, she told me that i can only renew but not apply for a new one, and furthermore if i choose to renew (well, that's my only choice, do i have an option?) i have to re-pay the renewal fees for the lapsed two years.. this is ridiculous, i've double confirmed with her on the policy and yet she gave me the same answer.. alright, i gave in and not going to argue with her anymore..

back home, i have already planned to write a complaint letter to their HQ on this matter.. it's really absurb for me to backdate the payment, just for having not utilised any privilege or benefits from them for the past two years?? by accident i read their terms and conditions on membership, and delighted to find the clause number 6 stating "In the event that the CARD expired, CARD members shall have the option of applying a new card or renewing the CARD..", bingo!! straight away i type the letter, attaching a photocopy of this evidence as well, and sent it straight away to the HQ, attention to the Card Department Manager..

few days later, the Manager gave me a call personally, admit that after investigation she found out that her staff has made a mistake, and agree to refund me the two years renewal fees i've paid for nothing.. that night i spare some time to drop by the supermarket again, fill in all necessary forms and get my money back, no questions asked, hehe!!! so i always advise to send in complaints or feedback on any unsatisfaction, afterall these feedback from customers are always their best motivation for improvements, agree??


  1. 这是消费者的权益,不要放过他们。我最近也为了镜纸的warranty和一家著名日本车厂“熬”,结果当然我这精明的aunty 赢了! 换来免费更新镜纸。hahahaha!

  2. 哈哈, 我也聽說過「好佬怕爛佬, 爛佬怕潑婦」這句話囉.. auntie, 我絕對相信你如果要跟人拗, 一定不會輸的~~

  3. Good on you! Don't let them earn our money so easily!

  4. I always complaint if I think I am right!!!

    Good for you. :) then can use the money to buy me drink.. Thank you SK

  5. legolas:
    hehe, if i think my rights have been abused, i would always voice out!!

    haha, that money is not an extra, it's just what i should get back woh.. like that also want me to buy you drink??

  6. 哗! 原来你咁得人惊架,所以话咧,千祈咪得罪人,尤其是系"男人"。:p

  7. hahah is this your no.2 success story? after the famous KFC complain letter? :)

  8. 换成是我就当场“揪”出个经理来理论。 干吗还先给钱后投书啊?

  9. must learn how to write a complain letter from u lo...

  10. chris:
    正所謂好佬怕爛佬啊.. 如果有幸喺飛機上撞到我, 千其要好好咁server我啊, 如果唔係, 哈哈..

    haha, yeah the 1st was KFC where i got two set of free meals voucher.. 2nd one was a complaint to MAS on her very bad attitude stewardess, and i was given a good apology.. this one i consider the 3rd laa..

    那個經理在總公司, 所以不能當場揪出.. 況且我不是個潑婦罵街型, 我是會寫封令人冒汗的投訴信囉..

    hehe, yeah, you can always learn writing complaint letter from me.. never failed to claim back my rights so far..

  11. 有没有想过把信贴出来让大家分享分享... 哈。

  12. 歹勢, 那封信寄了出去, softcopy也delete掉了, 所以沒辦法讓大家大開眼界.. hehe!!
