噚晚放工飯局去咗呢間經一位嘴刁友人介紹, 叫做Buonasera嘅意大利餐廳.. 因為國情關係, 要喺呢個地方可以食到豬肉嘅西餐廳其實唔係多, 所以去到呢間嘢嘅時候, 就梗係要食豬肉料理啦, 其實我自己本身就已經非常喜歡食豬肉架喇(:p).. 去到嘅時候, 竟然係一個客都冇, 再加上友人唔見之前個肥佬意大利老闆Enzo, 而係個年輕(似劉卓琪)嘅適應小姐, 開始懷疑究竟係唔係好嘢.. 不過最後都係既來之則安之, 點咗兩個是日例湯(蘑菇同埋番茄), 一個迷迭香豬扒(sakura crackling pork chop with special rosemary Enzo sauce, mashed potato and garden salad ), 一個茄汁意粉(abbariate fettucine with pork bacon, grilled capsicum and whole olives in tomato sauce), 最後甜品係tiramisu.. 柯打完之後, 其實係有其他客人入嚟囉..
例湯送上, 第一啖就已經覺得係誠意十足果然落足料.. 啲湯唔係一般罐頭忌廉湯, 蘑菇湯係用真正蘑菇剁碎煮出嚟, 番茄湯就成個都係番茄嘅鮮味(入邊有啲碎料似係minestrone不過就切得比較幼細), 非常之開胃.. 主菜端上嘅時候, 個賣相就已經令人期待, 又係一句落足料.. 豬扒只係食咗友人份兩小塊, 覺得煎得僅僅好, 肉汁仲喺返度, 而且好嫩好味.. 我自己個意粉都整得很好, 意粉係我鐘意嘅硬度, 配合濃度適中嘅番茄漿, 我係整碟幹完不留痕跡.. 最後係甜品, 唔係平時食慣嗰啲一層層嘅, 覺得係OK水準囉.. 埋單一共RM109, 食物好服務OK, 會再返嚟試其他嘢..
[BUONASERA 意大利餐廳] 地址: 42 G/F, SS2/66 Petaling Jaya. 電話: +603-78778586
went to this italian trattoria "Buonasera" recommended by a picky friend last night after work.. due to our national culture, you seldom find western restaurants serving pork, and hence i have already decided i must order pork for myself.. reached there around 7:30pm but was surprised to be the first customers, and we didn't see the regular Italian chef Enzo but instead another young waitress, was that something not good?? anyway since we were there, we ordered two soup of the day (mushroom and plum tomato), sakura crackling pork chop with special rosemary Enzo sauce mashed potato and garden salad, abbariate fettucine with pork bacon grilled capsicum and whole olives in tomato sauce, and tiramusu for dessert.. well, actually people started coming in after we placed our orders..
the soup came and the first sip was already promising and appetising, not those regular canned cream soups you would always get elsewhere, but really they are made from scratch with fresh ingredients.. the mushroom soup was full with finely chopped mushroom pieces, the tomato soup was rich with finely chopped vegetables in it.. and then the main dishes, pork chop was well cooked with juices still locked, tender and delicious.. my fetuccine was cooked in the way i liked it, al dante, and with the tomato base sauce, i finished it up with the plate licking clean, haha!! finally the tiramisu, not the common layering you get elsewhere but in a whole big block, i would say just OK standard.. the bill came at RM109 (a bit expensive), food and service was good, will definitely come back for other items on the menu..
[BUONASERA Italian Trattoria] Address: 42 G/F, SS2/66 Petaling Jaya. Tel: +603-78778586
ReplyDelete哗!每次来看你,你都是讲食的。小心哟!Or, aim to be a 网上美食评家 ?
我们吃鬼佬yu (sorry, 中文差,不会写)猪,要丢烂碟子才可开始吃。那时满座,有很多华人,很多鬼佬。
忘了餐厅的名字,ask Jess ;)
ReplyDelete細佬, 唔啦, 無啦啦做乜要食pizza啫, 咁難得有豬扒食, 梗係大啖大啖豬肉落肚啦, 係唔係?? haha..
沒有喇, 我只是和大家分享我吃過覺得特別的東西啊, 也沒有怎麼評論, 況且我還沒有資格當美食評論家吧?? 你那間餐廳是在BB附近的El Cerdo嗎?? 那間蠻出名的, 不過還沒去試過..