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17.08.2008 | 一中一西

又係普通不過嘅一日, 冇乜特別嘢好寫, 所以唔好意思喇咁多位, 我又嚟折磨大家對眼, 睇睇我今日食咗啲咩?? 呵呵.. 其實都冇乜特別啦又, 咪就係食咗兩餐一中一西咁囉..
today has been another more normal than normal day again, got nothing special to write about, so i'm gonna torture your eyes again by writing about what i've eaten for the day, hehehe.. well actually nothing special though, just one western and one local that's it..

下晝gym完過後唔想食得太飽, 求其食個包咁就算喇, 反正我一路都係認為lunch可以隨意啲, 唔駛太過豐富嘅.. 去咗食Delifrance, 幾廿年都未幫襯過, 今日久別一顧, 啲嘢比起以前整得精緻好多, 而且presentation都有啲講究喇喎.. 食物味道同水準就不過不失啦, 其實簡簡單單一個包, 只要材料新鮮, 都好難整得唔好食啩?? 食完之後急急腳去咗廁所(因為汽水任飲, 貪小便宜心態作祟之下係都撐咗兩大杯落肚子, 哈哈), JY負責埋單所以唔知道食咗幾多錢, 嘿嘿..
didn't want to bloat my stomach after gym, so just just had something light to bite after gym, afterall i always think that lunch can be simple and doesn't need to be sumptuous at all.. went Delifrance for sandwiches that i have not been to for many many years, after a long absence the food tend to be more fine and presentation is greatly improved.. food wish still the standard it should be, however for a simple sandwich as long as the ingredients are fresh, i don't see any problem with it at all.. rushing to the loo after the meal (free flow drinks, so had two big glasses as a result of the i-will-get-what-i-have-paid-for attitude, kekeke) and left JY alone to settle the bill, so not sure how much we paid for the meal, hahaha..

晚餐都係好隨興咁去舊吧生路邊一間露天排檔解決, 其實一啲都唔求其架, 因為去到嘅時候檔嘢已經係八成滿喇, 搵到張檯坐低之後即刻開始有人等位喇.. 呢度最出名(JY話嘅)係各式蒸魚, 唔怪得見到每一檯都有啦.. 我哋叫咗一個亞參醬蒸魚, 肉骨茶+油炸鬼同埋油菜心, 當然仲有白飯同嘢飲啦.. 好中意個蒸魚, 亞參醬好開胃, 條魚蒸得啱啱好魚肉都幾滑, 唔錯唔錯!! 講到亞參醬蒸魚我就諗起小春流晒口水個樣, 好啦好啦, 你下次返嚟帶你去喇.. 肉骨茶普通啦因為唔係強項, 油菜新鮮做得幾好.. 埋單RM40.90, 條蒸魚佔咗一半價錢, 可以再去幫襯試試其他款式嘅蒸魚..
went to a open-air stall in Old Klang Road for dinner, nearly full house when we got there, found a nice table sat down and started to see people waiting for tables.. famous for its steam fish (as what JY told me), it's not uncommon to see steam fish on every table there.. we ordered a assam steam fish, bak kut teh and vege, of cos plain rice and drinks.. love the fish very much, the assam sauce was really appetising and the fish is very well steamed, the flesh was tender.. and i can imagine csws drooling on the dish already, ok ok let me bring you there when you're back next time, hohoho!! bak kut teh was so-so maybe because that is not their speciality, the vege is fresh and taste good.. bill came at RM40.90, the steam fish took half of it, will go back again to try different types of steam fish..


  1. I noticed your style of blogging :) very cool, four words title, and always nice to read your blog... make me... dripping my sliva hahahaha

  2. hey, that is very observant of you!! yes, i purposely use 4-word title cos i think it's cool to keep a standard.. haha, just normal local food, let me bring you there when you're back later!! :p

  3. yierrrrrrrrr .... you always make me homesick .. de!

  4. mai jao hai wrote something about your favourite assam fish... jeh mah~~

  5. i tell u la .. if i can find 'song fish head' i will cook assam fish head here de .. i cooked b4 lorr but on seabass -- not as nice de~~~

  6. haha, of course must use "soong yee tao" de ma.. aih, i say there's just nothing you cannot cook lorr.. hahaha!! you want to try the Tean Sifu assam fish paste or not?? get bolok to bring you two pack and try try laa, if not nice then only you gar liu yourself also good maa, hai mmm hai??
