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06.08.2008 | 年老先兆

以下種種發生喺我身上嘅跡象, 係唔係代表年長邁老呢?? mentally同physically有跡可尋, 你話係唔係頗恐怖啊?? {>_<}"
  • [mentally] 頭先去pantry斟水, 點知個water dispenser冇晒水, 於是就換過支水啦, 換過之後好自然咁拎隻空杯返埋位, 坐低拎起個杯想話飲啖水, 先發現頭先原來冇斟到水..
  • [mentally] 有時驚自己忘記, 所以就猛咁remind自己一定要做呢樣做嗰樣.. 結果到頭來做得呢樣就唔記得做第樣嘢, 心掛掛硬係應住有樣嘢未做, 又醒唔起係乜喎.. 結果要隔段時間先醒起原來漏咗呢樣嘢未做..
  • [physically] 覺得自己日漸贅肉橫生, 日漸肌肉鬆跨, 啲褲頭開始覺得緊緊地, 啲衫開始覺得窄窄地.. 同樣有去健身房workout, 但係而家嘅衝勁同效果都大大大不如前.. 感覺自己就好似健身房內嘅一個超低代謝率嘅老人家..

noticed the following signs of aging on me recently, both mentally and physically, rather threatening yeah?? {>_<}"
  • [mentally] intended to take some water from pantry just now, but to find out the dispenser was empty.. hence i change a new drum of water, and then grab my empty mug back to seat, wanna take a sip of water and just to find out i have forgotten to fill in water..
  • [mentally] sometimes will keep reminding myself of tasks just in case i ever forget.. and there i do them one by one, but could most probably left out something.. feeling uneasy about something incomplete but just could not find out what that matter is.. until quite a while that i can remember what was missed out..
  • [physically] getting more flabby flesh on my body, and muscles starting to droop with gravity.. frequent the gym for workout as usual, but the motivation and hence the result were never as good as before.. am like an old fat fart with low metabolism rate "zombie-ing" in the gym..


  1. hahahaha i share those similarities :) but, nowadays i dont care that much, if i forget i just forget, who give a damn hahahaha

  2. no lah.. i think it happens to everyone..might not be the aging issues..

    besides... guys should be luckier than girl.. i guess normally girl will start worries earlier than guy.. haha

  3. 咪担心啦!我地齐齐提早步入更年期,好好啊!至少有人陪!嗬嗬!

  4. It will happen sooner or later. Maybe it's work.

  5. haha !!! Me too. I always tell Ed, 'hey, remind me to do this do this...'.

    And, now that I have enter the 30s. I find that I have to be careful of what I eat. In the past, I don't give a damn if I eat chocolate, and ice-cream everyday. They would have no effect on my body. But now....the effect is very quick ! Scary !

  6. 傑士:
    we share the similarities, because we are of the same age!! hahahaha.. yeah, actually just those are just tiny matters of no harm..

    hmmm?? do you think so?? or maybe you consider you + me = everyone?? hahahaha.. but when it comes to the word "old", it matters to both the gender lorr..

    你把口真係唔收.. 鬼同你齊齊更年啊.. 我仲青春迫人架.. 哈哈哈哈!!

    yeah, of course we will be getting old one day.. it's not work laa, i can sense it's age, haha!!

    oh, and did your "reminder" function professionally?? haha.. well, you have not just entered the 30s, but advancing to mid 30 soon ok?? so take good care of your body laa, kekekeke..

    讓位?? 讓什麼位?? 讓給你嗎?? 呵呵..

  7. aih nothing is worse when you are so clearly ageing (physically) and people still think you look like in your early twenties - you dont know if you should be happy or sad?

  8. huh?? i thot when people still think you are in your early 20s is something you should be happy about?? that means you keep your look young..

  9. ops... someone getting extra flabs on his body now yeah.... hahahha... wait till u see me the next time u are in town... i think i am more jialat than u lei... u can't imagine... :p

  10. hehe, then we both flabby flabby wobbling on the street lor, sure catch focus from people de.. hahaha!!

  11. hmm... forgetfulness... how to rectify???

  12. forgetfullness, there is no rectification or remedy.. there is only prevention.. :p

  13. 有冇?? 係咪你多心咋??

  14. 甲洞區嗰間蝦麵冇咁差但係味道都係麻麻地啫兼超貴唔低食囉。。

  15. 唔係呢, 真係架, 人一老就開始好善忘架喇..

    唔知囉, 可能我對佢期望過高.. 不過當時真係覺得好差喎, 只不過又唔會貴, RM4之嘛, 好彩係RM4之嘛, 如果唔係我會仲傷心!!

  16. Think it is all these unfavourable signs keep human worry of celebratign birthday after 2x .

    I mind unfavourbale aging signs more than leaving the world.

    Wonder when will our scientist figure out the solution to curb these aging sign ?

  17. hmmm, well i still happily celebrated my 3x birthday worr.. perhaps guys are different from ladies?? hehe..

    curb aging sign?? hmmm, rather impossible unless you are thinking of everybody being immortal??

  18. Ehh....I think I dont mind to die, but I mind aging sign like sick, wrinkles,pigmentation, hair lost,physical/ movement impaired, etc.

  19. haha, ok ok.. meaning you will do anything to get rid of all the aging signs, even death??
