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12.08.2008 | 數字游戲

曾幾何時, 呢個源自日本嘅數字游戲Sudoku, 無聲無息喺度咁掀起一股熱潮, 又出電動游戲, 又出書, 報紙日日連刊, 幾咁平地一聲炮啊.. 當時覺得呢個游戲好複雜, 太多嘅數字睇到我眼都花埋, 曾經試吓去玩玩嘅, 但係始終都未能完成[係, 我認我資質差囉~~].. 手上呢部手機其實都有裝咗個Sudoku游戲, 擱置好耐最近先開始嘗試玩玩.. 由beginner level開始玩, 因為得嗰廿四個格, 所以慢慢玩落覺得原來都幾OK噃.. 所以玩吓玩吓開始捉到其中竅門, 難怪有啲人會玩上癮啦.. 於是每逢搭車或者有空余時間, 一機在手就會玩吓過時間, 一步一步慢慢玩到advanced level, 之後仲屢破自己記錄, 哈哈, 好玩喎.. 我個人呢就比較唔中意啲暴力游戲, 啲得意白癡游戲就最係啱我口味喇.. 所以呢個算係智力游戲嘅Sudoku我幾OK囉, 不過已經玩咗幾百個game set, 開始有啲悶喇.. 喂, 打蛇隨棍上, 有冇咩好玩嘅Nokia游戲可以同我分享架?? 哈哈..
i remember this game of numbers called Sudoku from japan, was a big hit some time ago.. business minded people has came out with all kinds of Sudoku electronic games, books, and even newspapers were (and still are) having a section on this game daily.. i was then trying to play this game, but found it complicated because of all those confusing numbers (yeah, i admit i'm not good with figures~~).. my handphone (or cellphone, mobile phone, whatever u call it) has been preloaded with this game, have been ignoring it for quite some time until recently i started to play the game again.. started with beginner level, and the 24-only-boxes-to-complete has got my butt kicked-up for the game, pretty interesting by the way.. and the more i get with it, the more tricks i learnt, and from level to level i progressed to now the advanced level.. will hook on to it whenever i'm commuting or have some time to kill.. i personally don't like those violent games, but cute and silly games are my flavour.. i would say this Sudoku is considered kind of intellectual games, that's why i enjoyed it quite much.. anyway, have completed hundreds of the game set, and started to get a little bored with it though.. hmmm, any nice Nokia games you have to share with me?? hehe..


  1. I love sudoku. Used to play it everyday, but not so much nowadays. I still love it though.

  2. 哦? 又系sudoku? 你唔闷我都闷啦!

  3. 有没有iPod? 好多免费的游戏可以下载

  4. legolas:
    yeah, i mean "used to" like it, but not now really, kind of boring..

    係啊, 其實我都已經悶咗架喇..

    沒有ipod啊, 就只有這個baliar的nokia手機..

  5. how to play ah??

  6. heeehee i have started playing monopoly on my mobile too .. it's quite fun and love it especially when the train is so packed and i cant read my book or the paper :)

  7. fookong:
    數字游戲我看是不適合你喇, 你比較會玩文字游戲吧?? 哈哈..

    oh monopoly on your mobile?? sounds interesting boh.. actually i don't care what game it is, be it the 白癡 snake and ladder, as long as it's something new, it would be very fun before i get bored of it.. hahahaha!!
