我覺得MSN真係史上一項好偉大嘅發明.. 撇開即時訊息唔講啦, 最抵死就係嗰啲感情豐富嘅emoticons, 真係就咁擺個圖像落去, 就已經一切盡在不言中喇, 對方一睇就即刻收到意思, 好有創意而且鬼馬至極.. 一路來由四方八面熱心朋友捐助之後, 小弟已經儲埋儲埋好多喇, 各位朋友麻煩多多捐贈, 好待我能夠更加感情豐富地同他家聊天吧, 哈哈.. 除此, MSN其他功能都應該要在此表揚啦, 各位MSN擁躉心照不宣喇..
以下為在下一些心頭好, 好多時候同我MSN都會出現嘅朋友, 係唔係好得意啊?? 有咗佢哋都真係多姿多彩啲架..

you will be surprised (or not) to see there will be more of these kinds of stuff coming out in the future soon (even from my company... well allegedly! :D)
ReplyDeletecoming out to where you meant?? your company are doing all these kind of things?? hmmmm, that does not link me to the impression of your company though..
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