英國創作歌手Amy Winehouse於2006年10月推出佢第二張專輯《Back To Black》裡頭第一波主打歌《Rehab》, 無意中經小春介紹後讓我終於有機會欣賞到呢首佳作(雖然有啲相逢恨晚).. 齋睇佢個另類污糟邋遢look的確會覺得不甚開胃, 再聽佢把聲就並非人人可接受.. 不過佢令我聯想起另一位相同風格嘅歌手Macy Gray, 我都同樣非常欣賞佢哋呢種另類騷靈嘅曲風, 簡直入晒型入晒格, 而且帶有些少性感添(哈哈!!).. 千其唔好睇小Winehouse小姐佢啊, 其實佢年紀輕輕已經係得獎無數嘅一位歌手嚟架喇, 今年BRIT Awards最佳英國女歌手得主就係佢噃, 失敬晒啊真係..
講返首歌吖, 其實就係寫佢前經紀公司好意勸告佢戒酒, 反而被佢狠狠拒絕並終止合作嘅故事, 因為佢有好堅定嘅理由點解佢會酗酒, 而且真正可以幫到佢嘅唔係戒酒中心而係佢自己.. 果然好大膽兼有性格嘅作風兼唱風, 唱出嚟嗰種另類+騷靈+funky嘅味道, 實在令在下越聽越過癮..
see... knew you'd like her voice, my favourite is still 'valerie' i will get you the single when it's released, if only i can get hold of 2 copies that is! i watched her gig on the tele the other night (hosted by the annoying kelly osbourne!), she really has a character and her singing is just effortless!
ReplyDeleteenjoy winehouse ~~~
大家廿幾年老友, 知我者莫若你啦..
ReplyDeleteHhaha it's just my pay back time, you got me Macy's album remember? That was years ago!
ReplyDelete... and i watched this clip again, i noticed the curtains at the background -- so retro and i like it soo much !!!!
ReplyDelete真 paiseh 。。
ReplyDeletehaha.. we 老友記 maa, i won't just only buy you Macy and Yiklin album laaa.. all these things we 領會而不言喻 maaa..
i also don't know who she is until just recently.. really 有眼不識泰山
BTW, when can you burn me any latest cando/ mandarin pop songs compilations jek? am bored of listening to paula tsui, sam hui, etc in the car already .... thank you in advance first la :>
ReplyDeleteaiyooo...finally i know who is she liao..i just realized that i saw her MV b4 leh...
ReplyDeleteher hairstyle reminds me...
yeah.. i also remember her in this MV, i remembered watching her in MTV before and yes - that was her signature hairstyle and makeup that reminded me of her.. hahahaha!!