[八月號封面] Simpsons一家人抵達巴黎呢個時裝大都會, 一身時髦打扮嘅Linda率領Marge, Selma同Patty, 四美齊齊風風騷騷咁於巴黎街頭招搖過市..
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14.08.2007 | 星光熠熠耀巴黎
權威時裝雜誌Harper's Bazaar食住《The Simpsons Movie》嘅熱潮, 於八月號用左佢哋嚟做主題-- The Simpsons Go To Paris with Linda Evangelista.. 個人認為呢一輯crossover可以算得上係經典佳作喇, 真係畫得栩栩如生兼且好有時裝feel, 睇得我不亦樂乎啊..
[八月號封面] Simpsons一家人抵達巴黎呢個時裝大都會, 一身時髦打扮嘅Linda率領Marge, Selma同Patty, 四美齊齊風風騷騷咁於巴黎街頭招搖過市..
[左]一家大細齊齊整整開開心心去欣賞LV時裝show, 仲同埋阿Marc 揮手示好添.. [右]Marge難得放返把幾呎高嘅頭髮落嚟, 輕依舒發上, 女人味唧晒出嚟一啲都唔輸蝕Linda同埋Donatelli噃..
[左]經阿Karl巧手打理過後, 睇吓Marge著起一身Chanel Haute-Couture係幾咁雍容華貴呀.. [右]JPG阿Jean夾住Linda同埋Marge貓步夜遊巴黎, 睇吓一身蘇格蘭格子紅裙嘅Marge幾咁嬌悄幾咁sweet呀..
The Simpsons and Linda Evangelista for Harper's Bazaar Magazine, August 2007 Issue. Illustrations by Julius Preite.
[八月號封面] Simpsons一家人抵達巴黎呢個時裝大都會, 一身時髦打扮嘅Linda率領Marge, Selma同Patty, 四美齊齊風風騷騷咁於巴黎街頭招搖過市..
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