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08.08.2007 | 北京奧運倒數365天..
距離2008年北京夏季奧運會剛好一年, 天安門廣場今晚隆重其時舉行慶祝活動倒數迎接奧運來臨, 2008年8月8日晚上8時08分為呢個世人盼望, 史上耗資最大(21億美元)嘅奧運會揭開序幕.. 眼前所見, 天安門廣場是夜喺燈光同埋煙火襯托之下顯得特別明亮照人.. 臨時舞台除咗一貫嘅中華表演, 亦都因為中港台各地明星坐鎮而顯得星光熠熠添.. 見到每位中國同胞同埋海內外華人對於呢次奧運嘅熱誠, 身為華人嘅自己其實都感染到嗰份驕傲同埋感動..
不過期間覺得有點突兀就係成龍大哥突然出場, 企喺個台正中間向四方八面揮手達成分鐘咁耐, 就係咁唲起棚牙齋揮手後就收工.. 乜佢係代言人咩? 唔係北京歡迎你嗰五隻福娃咩?? 好無喱頭, 好唔明請佢上嚟做乜???

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one word to describe: Grand!
ReplyDeleteWhy Jacky Chan? Maybe we should get Lei Ka Shing since he has contributed so much to mainland.
Probably another reason is that his daughter is now in CN.
真係好唔明白點解架, 可能因為成龍國際知名度高呱?? 不過點都好過派嗰個姓張嘅囂張女演員出嚟啦~~