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13.08.2007 | 重拾童真
今朝一返到公司, 就發現pantry多咗好多包零食.. 有蝦條啦, 有雞片啦, 仲有脆口即食麵.. 問起全部同事都話唔係佢哋買嘅, 咁應該係今日請病假嗰位同事買架啦, 唔通買得太多搞到自己辛苦到病咗?? 呵呵.. anyway, 喺度講返句多謝晒先..
記得十幾廿年前仲係小朋友嘅時候, 非常之喜愛食呢幾樣零食, 而且每次買都係偷偷地咁買, 驚死有人知道咁, 可能就係因為偷食嘅關係, 就覺得越是滋味無窮.. 記得以前幾毫子就可以買到包好大包嘅可以慢慢食, 但係而家通脹關係, 不單止起價而且仲越買就越細包(雖然包裝就越係講究), 啪佢兩啖就冇喇, 所以而家都係出呢啲家庭歡樂裝(即係一大包裡邊有十細包), 唔怕你唔夠食啦.. 不過食到三十歲, 其實都係志在喋返個味道, 回味下兒時樂趣, 重拾童真啫, 唔係真係食上癮想食個夠嘅..

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These few pictures makes me feel hungry. I should have read your blog in the morning. I am hesitating should i make myself a cup of Milo or not????
ReplyDeleteWhat about Kamkam. Not really an all time fav like mamee but the name is funny and easy to remember. Still remember my childhood friend was shaking after eating kamkam because her mouth and hands were all yellow. She scared that her mum would find out her eating the forbidden snack.
ReplyDeleteI miss O-Ya and Chickadee; and I used to despise the Ding Dong ads, so silly! But I do miss them now, especially Malay Ding Dong ads. The all time classic Twisties is still around right? I still like the cheese (red packaging) and BBQ (or is it Satay) version (the brown packaging) -- very spicy and so Malaysian! You know I used to smuggle a few packets of Twisties, Cheezels & Mamee back to London but they don't taste as yummy as 20 yrs ago but still ...
ReplyDeleteman, i miss those junk food!
ReplyDeletegrace: life is about enjoying nice food when you feel like having it, so just a little cup of milo is nothing and won't ruin your 2.5hrs of working out in FF laa..
ReplyDeletechloe: what is kamkam?? never heard of it geh?? popo i have heard of it laa, bcos it now 重出江湖 already!!
choonsie: i think what you need most now is 蝦餅 and 肉乾, especially when you're back in Aman Suria!! hahaha..
JC: huh?? you eat junk food?? i never know you like junk food but instead only all those local 美食.. hahaha!!
原來係你, 哈哈!! 多謝你都嚟唔切啦.. 你睇吓四點幾嘅時候, 係唔係去親pantry嘅同事都一定會拎返包埋位架?? 哈哈..
ReplyDeleteWah, wah, wah... I really miss the MAMEE...
ReplyDeleteEh, I don't recognize the first two ler... :o
Popo: yes, this one I know, I still remember I ate alot during last trip back. Btw, I actually didn't' thank GC for that ler ! Schhh ! :o