我每日都會搭輕鐵返工放工, 可謂看遍乘客百態.. 好嘅我冇謂講, 因為大家遵守規則係天經地義, 更何況真係見少買少.. 乞人憎嘅的確屢屢碰到, 加上我哋最原始嘅本性就係鐘意八卦人哋啲衰嘢, 所以今日嚟一篇「輕鐵上的非洲和尚」, 同大家分享以下幾個例子, 有補充儘管留言, 哈哈..
[自我陶醉型]最近時運低遇見兩個乘客, 一個年輕OL喪玩PSP得意游戲V嘩鬼叫, 一個印度大姑用手提電話喪播印度歌曲.. 唔係接耳筒喎, 而係大剌剌咁扭盡volume冚車廂都聽到晒!! 你阿媽炒蟹吖, 真係好哽耳囉啲高分貝噪音, 唔該收聲啦, 好折磨啊!! 而家世界大同咩?? 唔駛你咁偉大同我哋家分享你製造出嚟嘅噪音喎!! 好彩人多我行唔埋你面前, 如果你正正對住我嘅話, 睇我訓唔訓你一輪吖嗱??
[嚴重潔癖型]先生, 我知你時間倉促, 不過唔駛如此過份爭取時間, 喺輕鐵內眾目睽睽之下剪指甲係嘛?? 呢啲咁personal嘅個人清潔工作, 係唔係唔應該帶出街啊?? 你個指甲鉗一夾, 啲指甲就啪一聲咁遠走高飛, 就算你幾小心防備, 都係無補於事架噃.. 你就自己乾淨, 唔駛理車廂衛生架啦??
[缺乏安全型]每朝最頭痛嘅事就係要人逼人, 其中好多人都鐘意孭住自己個袋, 實不知個大袋已經佔去一定空間, 你個大袋如果可以放低, 我覺得可以再逼多兩位乘客囉.. 一踏入車廂, 就放低步伐牙住個門口, 喂, 大佬啊, 後邊仲有好多人等住上車架, 唔該動作快啲企入啲去啦, 車廂門就閂喇!! 再嚟孭住個大袋郁身郁勢, 整親人又唔知喎.. 真係至憎遇到呢類人, 完全唔醒目, 完全唔為他人著想!!
i'm commuting in LRT to and from work everyday, and hence i really see all sorts of passengers.. good ones, let's put aside as it's just nothing impressive to follow the rules, and furthermore it's just very rare.. bad ones, yeah let's talk about it, as our most native instinct is to bitch bad things about people right?? just few examples here, anything to add please leave your comment, haha..
[over-enjoyed type] have met two of the kind recently, one young OL playing those cute-and-giggle-like-hell games with her PSP, one indian mid-age woman playing hindi songs with her i-supposed-brand-new handphone.. and nope, they are not using earpiece, but instead turn on the volume as if telling the whole car what they are doing with their gadgets!! i say damn it, those are really irritating noise, it's not up to them to decide sharing with us the noise they produced!! but fortunate for them, i didn't have space to move near them, if they ever do that right in front of me, i just put on a good show for them..
[over-hygiene type]hey mister, i know you're kind of rush, but just don't need to grab whatever time you can grab to cut your nails inside the train right?? such personal kind of individual hygiene work, tell me it's not supposed to be brought out into the public right?? just a snap of your manicure clipper on your nails,
pak pak, and there your nails flown to nowhere, no matter how careful you are, it just still won't help right?? and you are just considering your personal cleanliness, what about the hygiene of the train and other passengers??
[over-insecure type] the biggest headache every morning is to get caught in the packed train, and especially bad luck if i ever run into those carrying big bags on their back.. they just gotta know, their bag actually take up space, if they are willing to put down their back, we can have another two more anxiously-waiting passengers to get into the train.. and once they have their feet stepped in, they'll just move slow and stand as close to the door, hey boss, can't you just quickly move in to the train?? there are still tons of people waiting out there to get into the train, the doors are closing in split seconds!! and what's more, carrying their huge bag and moving their body, come on, you just won't realise your bag has actually
invaded other passengers!! i really hate these, so dumb and inconsiderate..