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11.11.2008 | 笑談醜事

記得我以前小學時期係好怕醜嘅, 有嘢唔明唔夠膽舉手向老師發問, 就連想去廁所都唔夠膽同老師要求.. 所以一年班嘅時候, 發生咗數次令我瘀死畢生嘅事件.. 而家諗返起都真係會笑爆嘴, 唔怕型像盡毀都要同大家齊齊分享呢件趣事.. 你食緊嘢嘅話, 奉勸你都係唔好繼續睇落去, 我係一於豁晒出去架喇!!

話說有兩次因為上上吓堂, 個肚覺得唔舒服, 又唔敢同老師講話要上廁所喎.. 結果千忍萬忍始終忍唔到落堂, 於是就控制唔到, 終於「決堤」便到成地都係喇!! {-.-}" 就係因為隔離同學忽然間聞到有陣異味, 四圍探索之下, 驚見面青青嘅我, 郁都唔郁咁坐喺一pet半液狀便便上, 先揭發咗呢件令老師瞪大眼擘大嘴嚇到傻晒嘅事件.. 成班同學霎時間進入兵荒馬亂嘅困境, 真係醜死怪喇!!

哇哈哈哈哈~~ 係唔係好核突, 好搞笑咧??i still remember i was such a shy boy in elementary school, that i didn't dare to ask teachers questions on any uncertainties, nor i dare to ask teachers for a toilet break.. and hence i remember some incidents happened during my first year in school, real embarrassing incident i would never forget for my entire life.. thinking about them back then, i can only have myself a good laugh though, and now i don't care my image but just like to share with everyone.. if you are eating, i advise not to continue reading, as i am now really care free on telling how the whole incident has gone..

it was a fine day when i suddenly feel uncomfortable with my stomach during class, but just too freak to interrupt the teacher to allow me a toilet break.. trying to hold as much as i could till end of the class, but i just couldn't manage, and hence out of a sudden all things burst out from inside my tummy (well, you know what..), and quite some load i remember that it filled up the whole chair and dripped down to the floor!! not until my dear neighbour realised some stinkish smell and try to look around, and shocked to find me sitting still on a pool of creamy poo poo (oh, i just love the way i described, creamy poo poo, hahaha!!).. i guess the teacher was stunned with what she saw, and since then the whole class was in a mess.. that was really embarrasing of me!!

and so, what do you think?? kind of disgusting but hilarious right?? hahaha~~


  1. Muahahahahah! Wakakakaka! (Twilight rolling & laughing on the floor!) After reading, I glanced at the 2 animal pixs and that made me burst out laughing. So clever lah you! If I ever meet you, I also won't forget SK - The Poo Poo King.

  2. hahahahaha! ... I really bursted into laughter ... very descriptive indeed!

  3. ^v^ Oh dear. Sometimes being too considerate to others can backfire. Excusable 'cos unintentional maa. What grade were you in? Did the teacher help clean up the mess? Guess you went "undie-less" for the rest of the day, right? Actually, it's kinda cool to feel "liberated" once in a while ;) . Ha,ha,ha!

  4. it happens in most of the primary school, just that that time u were the STAR...
    did u enjoy YOUR MOMENT? lol

  5. can't believe that happened to u, wahaha... why dun u use a bottle? :D

  6. Hahah the classmate sitting next to you who shouted to the teacher: 'Teacher KKT Lao Sai!' mai jao hai your friend for over 20 years now! :)
    You know the other day I was chatting with PMH, I mentioned this incident, we both couldn't stop laughing!

  7. 那的确会构成童年阴影!!!以后换上“荷SI唔出综合症”!!


  8. wow. you're BRAVE!!! :P

    i never can imagine myself doing that. hahaha

    although i had one pretty similar experience. hmmm should i blog about it and give everyone a good laugh hmmm? LOL

  9. Who cleaned up the mess for you? Was it Encik ABu Bakar?

  10. Twilight Zone:
    eih, come on laa, that was like 25 years ago leh, i'm sure you had the same experience too, perhaps you just have no guts to admit, hahahaha!!

    yeah, that was very hilarious indeed.. Glad that i gave you a great laugh, hehe :p

    well i was sick and of course i am excusable for that.. a poor little boy being sick and it's just acceptable that he can't control right?? hmmm, that was grade 1, and don't think i started to wear undies then.. haha!!

    well, at least THAT VERY MOMENT i feel released and relieved, hahaha!! but not before and after lor.. :p

    Pooi Tyng:
    alamak, just tell me how to use a bottle to do that?? that's impossible right??

  11. csws:
    yeee, and you guys still remember that damn thing even after 25 years now!! so terribly embarrassing!! and you both just make a good laugh behind me huh?? so bad..

    天啊!! 我那時是小學一年班, 可以原諒啦.. 不過你到中學都還是這樣?? 哇哈哈哈哈!! 天大奇聞囉, 那你的花名是不是叫"癩屎江", 哈哈..

    yeah, why not?? i'm carefree by the time i wrote that.. if that is something interesting to share, i'm sure your fans are more than happy to read the entry.. hahaha!!

    MH Poon:
    no no no, Encik Abu Bakar is not the cleaner, he look after the stationery store remember?? if not mistaken i think it was the indian lady.. so sorry to her.. hahaha!!

  12. hehe.
    its really...funny.

    nice to meet you.

  13. oh gosh~ disgusting !!!

  14. during my primary school, i heard there was a student did his "biz" in the class too, next to my class..... haha.... can't believe you are one of them too..... hahaha.... who help you to wash up your biz? and who wash up the output in the class? poor teacher.... got this kind of student....

  15. Ermm to be precise, I was the one who remembers the incident because I sat next to you!! So I mentioned this to PMH in our chat of the old times, I think PMH didnt have any impression of this incident at all, but it's really funny and it was really SMELLY too :) hahaha ...

  16. willdavid:
    nice to meet you too.. it's funny to read, but the victims didn't think it's funny at all.. haha!!

    hahaaha, hope you were not eating while reading..

    Grace Lee:
    eih, i didn't purposely and not intentionally doing that ok?? i was not feeling well maa.. basically i think the toilet cleaner did the cleaning up.. haha!! well, this is something that teachers might expect though..

    hahaha, actually what was your reaction then jek?? shocked and running away?? of course smelly laa, you've smell any fragrant shit meh?? hahaha :p
