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09.11.2008 | 週日一K

今日約咗五位舊同事(JM, SG, SP, ST, WL)一齊去唱K, 為咗遷就大家嘅時間, 其實個幾月前已經約實晒架喇(我哋睇落個個都好似大忙人呀呵??).. 都有一排冇去唱K, 今日竟然畀咗間O晒嘴咁大嘅房我哋, 保守估計有三百呎, 六個人坐咁大間房真係瞓住唱都綽綽有餘囉.. 不過講到個lunch buffet, 真係要大吐苦水, 好冇誠意囉, 冇乜嘢食之余, 千辛萬苦揾到樣稍為OK嘅, 結果一啖落口水準係差到~~連我都冇心情將佢哋影低.. 結果食得唔滿足, 搞到唔夠中氣唱歌, 呵呵(賴地硬)!! 不過最後送咗舊幾唔錯嘅2009月曆, 入邊有優惠券, 算係識得買顧客心啦, 哈哈..

除咗同ST仲係同事之外, 大家分道揚鑣之後都有段時間冇見喇, 今日有五美相伴唱K, 五星伴月, 確實係榮幸喎!! 哈哈.. 大家都冇乜點變啦, 依然係老樣子.. 今日專注唱歌都冇乜點傾倒偈, 下次去SP新居時再把握時間傾多啲啦..went karaoke with ex-colleagues (JM, SG, SP, ST, WL) this afternoon, actually we have planned for this event for more than a month ago just to make sure everyone can make it (we do seem busy right?? haha).. it's been some time i've not been to karaoke, today we were given a huge room, estimated at least a good 300 square feet, it's just too big for 6 of us in there, i can say there's more than enough room for us to lie down to sing, haha!! but the lunch buffet was a total disappointment, not sincere and not many choices, not easy to be able to hook down on something that looked quite OK, the taste was just so low standard, i didn't even have the mood to take photo of them.. and as a result of unsatisfying food, i didn't get enough energy to sing well, hehehe (a good excuse eh?).. anyway, it ended well because we were given a nice 2009 calendar with vouchers in it, not a bad marketing service though..

other than ST who is still a colleague of mine, we don't really see each other as frequent after we left the previous company.. today i had 5 gorgeous ladies to sing with me, that's considered a great honour right?? haha.. anyway, didn't see much changes on them, everyone seems to look quite the same (of course better in career i would say).. didn't have the chance to chat much as the focus was singing today, perhaps next time when we pay visit to SP's new house we can chat a little bit more..


  1. when was the last time i go K ya? can;t remember... means very long time ago... i miss K....

    btw, can u email me ur contact ?
    got thing to ask..tq ( if u dun mind la )

  2. 5 Ladies & 1 guy!!! How lucky! I heard too that their food has jatuh standard. In my blog I mentioned Neway in Puchong where the buffet was damn very good! But the bloody ass there forbade me to snap photos.

    Hey, I must say thanks for your trouble to post bilingual for bananas like me to read! :)

  3. Dude, u have to sing all the duet song since you are the only guy :-p

  4. Danny:
    in that case, let's go K together next time!! i sing, and you dance!! hahaha :p

    yes la, uncle goes to karaoke la, pai seh~~ hehe!!

    Twilight Zone:
    yes i gotta say the food is always good in Neway, but because we wanted to have a longer time for lunch that's why we chosed Redbox.. haha!! i think my bilingual blog actually caters for more groups of reader eh??

    haha, believe me.. those ladies can go as crazy as singing the whole song all by themselves (even it's a duet!!) haha..

  5. K still is fun... in shanghai, nothing much to do except window shopping, meal (lunch+dinner) and k...

  6. 我都想去 K 呢。。。

  7. 傑士:
    well, there's nothing much we can do in KL too.. other than window shopping and a nice meal, K is actually something exciting lor, haha!! how pathetic~~

    auntie, 我哋都好耐冇一齊去場K囉, 搞搞佢啦不如..
