好多時候我哋都會因為「火遮眼」, 而同身邊嘅人鬧得不愉快..
今日就係因為(唔知點解)無啦啦send咗個好倔嘅短訊畀一位朋友, 結果搞到雙方大動肝火展開短訊罵戰!! 不過事後發覺係自己未去理解對方嘅隱懮而枉下定論, 朋友梗係因此而覺得委屈, 所以都無名火起啦.. 冷靜咗落嚟之後, 主動撥個輪畀呢位朋友(多謝佢肯畀機會大家再傾吓), 大家心平氣和, 開心見成, 三口六面了解事態.. 我覺得自己未了解實情就發動攻勢, 而友人就覺得自己火氣過猛搞到要斷絕來往咁濟.. 不過事情係因我而起, 當友人陷于困難之時, 我卻未能夠幫佢一把, 反而仲火上添油, 我係應該責怪自己嘅..
傾過之後, 雖然話已經時過境遷, 不過仍然覺得自己太幼稚太敏感, 好後悔自己嘅所作所為.. 喺度誠心向呢為朋友講聲對唔住, 希望唔會影響到我哋之間嘅關係, 更希望因拗撬而互相了解, 使關係可以更進一步啦!! :)most of the time we ended up being unhappy with the people around us, just because of some silly deed due to the sudden fuss and out of anger..
today i (inexplicably) sent a very frowning sms to a friend, and that soon caused a series of unhappy arguments through sms.. after the sms war, i started to realise it was because i have been selfish and not standing in his shoes to judge, and for sure he felt accussed of something unreasonable and get fussy over the contempt.. after allowing ourselves to cool down, i took initiative to give him a call (and thanks him for giving a chance for us to talk), peacefully and calmly we tried to understand what had happened and why it had led to this uncouth situation.. i thought i've been childish, not being understanding and started the dreadful sms; he thought he threw too heavy a fuss on me and almost bring our friendship to the verge of breakage.. anyway everything was started by me, i was not right for not being able to be the pillar to a friend who is going through a difficult time..
after the talk we felt better and back to friends, but i still feel utterly bad for being so childish, really regretted for what i've done, i felt so wrong.. just want to sincerely apologize to this friend here, hope what happened today will not crater our relationship, and maybe after this incident we shall understand each other better, learnt from mistakes and perhaps get along closer!! :)
Dude, hopefully u and your frenz can forgive each other over this event.
ReplyDeleteAll the best eh!...
Don't worry I'm not angry with u
ReplyDeletethanks, i started off the thing, so i should asked for his forgiveness actually..
哈哈, 咁我又未試過你啲火喎.. 見你個人都幾溫順, 不過讀過你啲blog之後就覺得你都幾好火囉.. 哈哈!!
oh?? is that you??
maybe you are not angry, but i really wanted to apologise for making you upset..
ReplyDelete如果做錯事情讓身邊的人覺得不高興, 我覺得是有必要道歉的.. 我重視人與人之間的感情, 如果一個道歉可以化解問題, 那其實道歉也不算得上是什麼啊.. :)
ReplyDeleteauntie, 我已經吸取教訓喇, 會學乖喇..