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16.11.2008 | 雨過天晴

有位朋友早前好迷失好失落, 導致態度有點惡劣, 結果搞到我哋之間發生咗一啲誤會.. 後來知道佢因為陷入人生一個低潮, 又好似刻意封閉自己咁樣, 所以都覺得唔開心.. 自己能力範圍內幫唔到佢啲乜嘢, 唯有發啲短訊, 用輕鬆但係不失勉勵嘅口吻嚟鼓勵佢囉..

今日終於約到佢出來見面, 喺個僻靜嘅咖啡廳同佢攤開心扉傾咗一個小時, 知道佢呢段時間內諗通咗好多嘢, 已經接受目前環境所發生嘅事實, 知道自己下一步應該點樣行.. 都有提到我哋之間嘅誤會, 大家好平靜咁拋開成見講出心底話, 其實個心覺係得好舒服, 好似甩開千斤重嘅負擔, 好似解開纏繞嘅心鎖..

其實係約埋佢睇戲架, 不過因為大塞車搞到佢遲晒大道.. 今日雖然錯過咗場戲睇唔成, 係有點可惜, 不過我覺可以將一個朋友拉返嚟, 唔係應該更加難能可貴嗎?? 係度誠心祝福呢位朋友..a friend of mine has been very lost and down for a past moment, causing him to be quite fussy and frown of anything, and that also somehow created some misunderstandings between us both.. soon later i found out that he has been going through a big turmoil in his life, and kind of locking things to himself, i started to feel unhappy for him.. really there isn't much in my ability i can do to help, so what i did was to send him sms, trying to use relaxed yet motivating tone to give him mental support..

finally able to meet him up today, and we have spent a good hour in a quiet cafe to talk.. he told me he has used the past week to think about things, thoroughly, and has now accepted the fact that the current situation has brought to him.. we did talked about the misunderstandings we have had too, being opened and from the bottom of our hearts we talked, i just feel very relieved, as if shredded off tons of burden, as if untied thousands of strangling knots..

actually we were supposed to watch a movie, but due to the massive traffic jam, he was very late for the movie.. though we have missed the movie (and that was quite a waste), i would say nothing is more precious that gaining a friend back to your life, agree?? sincerely wishing him all the best..


  1. Dude, glad to hear that u have your friends back with a good talk... :-) I'm not sure what had happened but i bet you are looking forward for this day to be happened...

  2. great to hear that, and i think friendships is a rather important elements in our life, do appreciate that.. :)

  3. 一切由溝通開始。。。

    happy for you .. so now u r a lil bit lighter liao, rite??

  4. Friends are plenty but good ones are few. So acceptance and tolerance are essential.

  5. TZ:
    thanks, dude.. well i am actually somebody who treasure friendship a lot.. that's why was really happy yesterday :)

    absolutely agree with you.. frienship indeed mean a lot to me, and yeah i always appreciate my friends.. :)

    溝下溝下咪通囉, 哈哈!! i'm feeling lighter in my heart, my body still very heavy with FATS leh, how ah?? hahaha :p

    Twilight Zone:
    yeah, friends are like autumn leaves you can find anywhere, but true friends are like diamonds, rare and precious~~

  6. hahha.... i feel the same.... -> jojo

  7. chris:
    哈哈, 係啊係啊!! 等你台北返嚟請我食飯啊細佬~~ :p

    hehe, am glad to hear that too!! give me five..

  8. hmm... whatever it is bothering your friend, he is lucky to have you to be his friend :)

  9. 傑士:
    haha, was that an intentionally indirect way to say that i'm good?? :p

    yeah!! i give you 5+5..
