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14.11.2008 | 雙重誘惑

我唔係個特別鐘意或者特別抗拒快餐嘅人, 不過有時的確會畀快餐吸引, 跟住就好短暫嘅幾日愛上咗佢, 呵呵!! 噚日就見到麥當當順應《馬達加斯加2》而推出嘅雙層麥香雞同雞柳包, 係雙層啊冇錯.. 嘩, 當時口水即刻一吞, 好吸引囉.. 以前都試過推出雙層麥香雞, 雙層魚柳包同埋雙層巨無霸, 我都試過(歹勢喇!!), 兩塊肉餅一齊嚼, 我係個鐘意大啖大啖肉食嘅人, 所以真係好滿足囉!!

唔好意思都要話大家知喇, 其實我已經打算週末去滿足一下自己嘅食慾, 暫且放低減肥計劃兩日(至多跑多十分鐘跑步機囉), 當係獎勵吓自己呢五日辛勤工作啦.. 有冇人尚個面, 一齊去享受美食哩?? 哈哈..
i'm not particularly addicted to or particularly resisting fast food, but sometimes i do get attracted by them and would be craving for them for, maybe, a short temporary period.. and there goes yesterday when i saw the new promotion from McD in conjunction with Dreamwork's "Madagascar 2", double McChicken and double Sausage McMuffin, it's not one but two!! OMG and i was like totally drooling for a bite on them, that was really impressive for me i thought.. i remember they had similar promotions before this - double McChicken, double Filet-O-Fish and double Big Mac, i have tried them all (oops!!) and was really satisfied by the bite on two whole juicy meat patties, for i am really a classic carnivore you know that, hehe!!

just so sorry but i'm gonna tell all, that i've already decided to fulfill this desire of me during the weekends, let alone my diet plan for two days (maybe 10 more minutes on the threadmill, gee), perhaps take it as something to pamper myself for the five days hardwork.. anyone?? hahaha..


  1. hmmm, they really look delicious in the picture!! maybe we should go together and fulfill our desire, ha ha ha ha!!

  2. how bout the Wendy's burger.. triple quarte pound beef burger.. looks delicious, i would like to try tat..

  3. actually the headgear from Madagascar set attracted me more than the meals ..lol

  4. RM15 for a set of Madagascar, I tasted it 2 days ago.

    Fizzy lemonade with shreded pineapple, not bad :)

  5. Just be happy now and eat. Worry about fats later! I like the bread for McMuffin, kinda powdery type. I am a fast food addict bcos they look healthy to me.

  6. 我要去我要去!!不过,我不吃,看你吃!呵呵呵!

  7. 在纽西兰,快餐如McD,Burger King等,比一碗面来得便宜。在这是经济不景的当儿,快餐都门庭若市!

  8. if u belanja then i'll go...but i jst want the madagascar thing :P

  9. wesley:
    haha, totally agree with you how delicious they look in picture.. i'm going to EAT them soon, hahahaha!!

    hmmm, the Wendy's triple quater pounder is a bit too heavy for me.. maybe can share with another person, then should be fine..

    ok laa, then i buy the food you buy the headgear, then u camwhore a bit with the gear lorr.. hahaha :p

    but i think RM15 a set is a bit expensive.. anyway, once in a blue moon i think i'll give it a try lorr.. actually have been considering to order a normal meal, then add on another burger, it's slightly cheaper!! hehehe :p

  10. Twilight Zone:
    yes, i agree the breakfast muffin is really not bad at all.. i'm gonna try the double patties maybe during one of the weekdays before work.. :)

    怎麼啦?? 不敢吃嗎?? 是不是怕胖到連護士要在你手上找血管都找不到?? 呵呵~~

    這裡就相反, 快餐真的越來越貴吃.. 大概是普通一餐的兩倍價錢吧, 不過快餐店還是經常滿座!!

    hmmm, the madagascar headgears and toys are really that interesting?? maybe i shall have a look, hehehe..

  11. 贪吃但仍然要为自己找籍口!! haha...

  12. 很多東西都需要有一個【理由】去做啊, 不是嗎?? 不過週末沒有實現到.. :(
