作者Paulo Coelho係根據一名妓女嘅真實故事而編寫嘅呢本書, 講述女主角瑪利亞點樣由一個巴西小鎮村姑, 渴望到大城市見識世界賺錢養家, 結果漂洋過海到咗瑞士從事賣身事業, 看盡天下男人世態炎涼, 最後(經過多次情傷)終於覓到真愛, 而家係細兩個小朋友嘅媽咪喇.. 幾鐘意作者嘅文筆同寫作手法, 用詞簡單直接又真實, 所以我睇得毫無壓力, 而且都相當enjoy.. 故事裡頭當然走唔甩需要描寫到性愛情慾, 不過我覺得作者呢點處理得很好, 真係劇情需要而且一啲都唔低俗..
點解點題叫做十一分鐘呢?? 因為以一個妓女嘅經驗, 佢發覺平均每個顧客都係用咗十一分鐘就完事, 由尋求快感到達到目的, 前序裡頭有一段專門解釋.. 呢本書我覺得唔錯, 大家不妨睇睇架..

the author Paulo Coelho has written the book based on the true story of a prostitute named Maria, on how the little girl from a small town in Brazil, dreaming of going to big cities to see the world and to earn more money to help the family, but ended up as a prostitute in Switzerland, having seen all kinds of men and all kinds of things, anyway lucky enough to find her true love (after being hurt so many times) and now a mum of two lovely children.. i do like the way the author wrote the book, he did not use pompous words but indeed used simple words and straight forward approach and honest way to tell the story, hence i actually find it effortless and really enjoyed the reading.. and inevitably there are love and sexual scenes he described in the story, but i really didn't find them disgusting or low class as i think he handled this quite well..
you might ask why "Eleven Minutes" then?? it is explained in the forewords that, from the observation of a prostitute, her customers in average spent only 11 minutes to get things done from the search of excitement to the fulfillment of their excitement.. i would think this is quite a nice book to read on, perhaps you can have a go on it..
not a book fan as well...
ReplyDeletehow i wish can burn the book n just drink it ( like what yi told me ;p )
ReplyDeletebut i lied about reading as well. :P
i love books written by Paulo and my next purchase should be The Zahir.
ReplyDeleteyee .. didnt know you were reading PC's books, been reading his book for about 10 yrs now when The Alchemist first came out and now I have 6 of his titles and finished the last one 'The Zahir' during my last job haha so u know it's been a while la .. so is this a good read? I am thinking of getting his latest - The Winner Stands Alone worr ...
ReplyDeletehaha, dancing you can laa maybe not reading lor.. burn books?? siao laa, you think burn talisma to drink meh?? hahaha!!
how come suddenly change identity?? haha, that was just a beautiful lie we have made, agree??
oooh, i just got this book from a friend that he strongly recommend, maybe if he has bought more then i should borrow from him..
這本書其實都蠻不錯的.. 什麼題材我是沒有所謂的喇, 只要寫得精彩不沉悶我就OK囉..
because pek recommended this book, so just read it lor, afterall this is not those thick thick book so i didn't resist it at all.. looks like PC is liked by lots of people boh, maybe let me check if pek has got other of his books then i can borrow from him, hehe :p
ReplyDeleteYou guys can borrow from me, I think I have the entire collection, that was transalated in English, at my Malaysian home.
ReplyDeleteI read all of them, used up one to two weeks per book. Very easy to read and understand.
SK. you should read Alchemist next. And then follow by Veronica decide To Die. Veronica is hilarious leh...
ReplyDelete哈哈, 不用客氣, 好東西一齊分享嘛..
oh, i thot u only have "11 Minutes".. yes sure i would love to, next time we meet please bring me a couple laa, i think i'd finish them faster this time, maybe two months instead of four?? hehe :p