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30.06.2008 | 一半一半

今日喺公司臨走前, 為檯上月曆揭開新嘅一頁, 六月去到今日嘅最後一日, 2008年已經過咗一半.. 一半, 呢個「一半」會帶畀你咩訊息呢?? 係一年過去咗一半, 定係一年尚存一半呢?? 我覺得九成人會即刻感覺到前者, 會回顧呢半年嚟, 自己做過乜, 得到乜.. 我就冇乜叻喇, 除咗返工放工, 偶然間同朋友行街食飯睇戲, 我諗最大成就咪就係每日一blog囉, 哈哈!! 視乎你點睇啫其實, 至少回望過去六個月, 好似都風平浪靜, 冇乜值得遺憾嘅大事, 我覺得係好事嚟嘅!! 就祈求咁樣繼續落去啦, 不過如果有其他喜興事件嘅話, 我係絕對唔介意嘅都~~

before leaving office today, i flipped a new page for the calendar on my desk.. today being the last day of the month june, indicating half of year 2008 has passed.. half, and what does this term mean to you?? half of the year has gone, or another half of the year awaiting?? to me, i supposed 90% of us shall feel the former - what have been done and what have been achieved for the past half year.. for me, nothing special, besides work and occasionally hangout out with friends, i supposed my greatest achievement is update this blog with a daily entry?? haha.. and that depends on how you view it, at least things have been smooth and nothing that i feel extremely upset for the past 6 months, which is something good!! so, i hope to just keep it up, anyway i don't mind a little joy to spice up my life though~~


  1. 我的2008年上半年最后一天,是吃粥水度过,阴公!

  2. 我只想到伍思凯的歌:一半。

  3. 係呀﹐話咁快又半年喇。。

  4. fookong:

    我比較記得他另外一首歌叫做《分享》的, 相當年hit到~~~啊...

    係啊, 不過林太你都趕得切2008上半年嫁人啦, 呵呵!!

  5. This was actually felt in last month end, so no feelng when proceeding to July.

    1st of July maybe 1 day which China had been waiting for in last decade.
    When I was driving to offce at this morning, I suddenly sense that we are approaching 2010 very soon !

  6. well, this entry was written on 30/6, that's why kind of "that" feeling.. but since it's the second half of the year as of today, it's kind of another feeling.. weird though, hehe!!

    oooh, don't mention about the years, please~~
