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22.06.2008 | 週日閑情

今日算係過得幾悠閑, 瞓到十點幾起身, 燙完下星期要著嘅返工衫之後就出發去gym.. 今日約咗個朋友JY督促我, 所以算係操得比較有效率, 因為太耐冇認真workout所以今日覺得有啲攰添, 不過係好事嚟嘅.. gym完之後就去tea嘆吓下午茶, 之後就喺個商場入邊逛, 大概逛完整座商場之後就去dinner.. 韓國嘢, 叫咗個石頭飯, 不過不失囉, 但係比起上星期食嗰間Seoul Korea就梗係爭幾條街咁遠啦.. 食完晚餐時候尚早, 於是就去咗剛才發現間稍為靜局嘅星巴克, 叫咗杯嘢飲, 坐喺張梳發上, 邊飲嘢邊欣賞窗外雨中夜景.. 好relax嘅一個星期日, 不過依家一諗起聽日又係星期一, 就霎時覺得好納悶喇.. 嗯~~
was quite a relaxing sunday today, woke up around 10am, did ironing and then headed straight to the gym.. had a buddy JY to motivate me, so i shall call the workout today more effective, have not been seriously working out for some time, feel a bit tired, but i think it's a good sign.. went afternoon tea after gym to get something light to bite, and then shop in the mall.. almost been to every corner of the mall and it was time for dinner.. had korean tonight, ordered a "dol sot bee bim bap" (rice served in hot-grilled stone bowl), not bad but of course not as good as the one at Seoul Korea last week.. was kind of early after dinner, so decided to go to a quiet Starbucks inside a bookshop, ordered drinks and enjoying the night scene in the rain from the window, was feeling cosy on the sofa with the drinks and the view.. a very nice sunday, but now i realised it's monday again tomorrow, kind of getting blue instead.. hmmm~~


  1. your sunday is more happening than mine mah ... watching the rain outside is so relaxing horr ... we just did some house work and i redecorated the feature wall of the living room on sunday :) nothing much ...

  2. that is something nice to do also maa.. decorating your house, and then sit on your cosy sofa to enjoy the result of your hardwork..

  3. 好熟噃間嘢個名﹐喺邊架??

  4. 呢一日食嘅係喺MV戲院對面間樓上韓國餐廳, Seoul Korea咪就係DV帶我哋去嗰間囉..
