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19.06.2008 | 語言選擇

我呢個blog一路以來都係用廣東話去寫.. 最近有個朋友話我知, 佢都不時有睇我個blog架, 不過我知佢係唔識睇中文噃, 咁就好奇佢睇啲咩啊究竟?? 結果佢話, 睇圖片囉.. 諗諗吓, 廣東話始終都唔係大路語言, 就算身邊識睇中文嘅朋友, 都曾經話我知開始係有啲難度, 好多字唔明, 不過睇得多就習慣, 可以慢慢咁理解其意..

有時我又自己喺度諗, 既然開始有咁多朋友留意自己個blog, 咁我係唔係應該用英文寫呢?? 用英文寫話晒都係國際語言, 啲朋友實會睇得明啦.. 不過又覺得用英文寫好似爭咁啲親切感.. 又或者至少都用返正統中文嚟寫呢?? 但係正統中文同廣東話都唔係差好遠, 習慣咗就識架啦..

[粵] 大家其實中意我用咩話嚟寫呢個blog啊??
[京] 大家喜歡我用什麼語言來編寫這部落格呢??
[GB] What language would you like to see in this blog??


  1. 随心所欲。想用什么就用什么。

  2. uncle﹐保持自己嘅風格囉我覺得。。

  3. uncle﹐保持自己嘅風格囉我覺得。。

  4. aiyooo..double entry liao..sorry

  5. dreamer:
    哈哈, 對啊, 我就是每次都很隨心所欲, 結果每次都是用廣東話囉..

    係啊, 都仍然保持自我風格囉.. 詢例問吓大家有咩意見啫.. double-entry唔緊要, 我其實會做clean-up嘅, 不過今次既然你自己發現, 我就由佢喇..

  6. 是咯!用自己觉得舒服的语言就可以咯!

  7. 係嘅, 我諗都會繼續用返廣東話, 因為呢個image已經established咗喇..

  8. Frankly, I have diffculty to understand the Cantonese Language .
    This is my problem

  9. hehe, no sweat from now onwards, as i will try my best to write in both cantonese and english.. with this dual language entries, i'm sure you will find your way, hehe!!

  10. Greetings SK/0617,

    I greatly admire and respect your style of blog posting where you write bilingually in Cantonese and English. To be able to do it consistently since 20.06.2008 takes a lot of discipline and commitment. I wish I could write that way too, but I tend to stick to English because my writing speed in Chinese is slow and my English vocabulary is much wider.

    Your posts provide a helpful resource for language learning since I enjoy reading written Cantonese to improve my Chinese reading skills. Weird as it may sound to some, I remember Chinese characters easier in Cantonese compared to Mandarin (I didn't go to Chinese school, I picked up whatever little I know through self-study and asking people). It's not common to find written Cantonese in vernacular spoken language style compared to written Chinese that follows the Mandarin style of grammar and vocabulary.

    It will definitely take some time to go through 100% of your posts, but I'm sure it will be fun reading them. Keep it up!

    (I also noted that posts since 23.06.2011 have a # number, is it for tracking purposes? Just curious.)

    Best wishes and regards,

    U Joe
