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28.06.2008 | 曹之我格

銀行果然冇老點我, 頭先6:30pm準時出現體育館場外, 真係有個寫住我名字嘅大信封裝住兩張門票, 仲係RM158中價飛, 算係唔錯喎.. 拎咗飛後同友人JY匆匆去麥當當求其食個晚餐, 跟住又趕返場館入場喇.. 原本八點嘅show, 最後8:25pm正式開show, 都幾準時, 入座率都有超過八成..

開三面台, 中價飛坐喺舞台左側, 但係都可以清楚睇晒整個舞台.. 舞台設計應該係配合成個演唱會Broadway嘅主題, 兩層嘅舞台有三個昇降台, 仲有延伸搖滾區嘅舞台, 同埋一個投射影像嘅大熒幕.. 延伸舞台覺得似憶蓮2002演唱會, 不過人哋嘅靚好多.. 影像投射嘅idea抄足憶蓮2007演唱會, 不過人哋係高明好多囉, 如果比人哋9分, 呢個應該得2分..

曹生以佢嘅成名曲《Superwoman》, 高高企喺舞台中央昇降台上清唱開show, 盡顯佢對自己嘅信心.. 過後數首快歌medley搞熱氣氛, 不過除咗fans之外, 現場氣氛尚係未高漲, 呢個環節有兩大敗筆: (1) 音樂聲多時蓋過曹生把聲, (2) 曹生又跳又唱是乎中氣不足.. anyway, 快歌之後跟住落嚟全部都係佢拿手慢歌, 表現得算係中規中矩, gag反面都幾自然唔會造作.. 其實我一路以嚟都覺得曹生把聲其實可以好厚實, 佢呢仲man啲嘅唱腔其實我好buy, 不過偏偏佢就中意玩高音, 無奈.. 仲有一樣嘢我不得不彈, 就係曹生把頭髮, 真係唔知佢想點?? 如果大家有留意Astro有個廣告, 佢十足似裡頭賣翻版DVD嗰位男主角囉, 該猥~~

演唱會中段, 突然出現側田呢位演唱嘉賓, 可以講係全場至大驚喜(真係側田啊, 我對眼都擘大晒).. 二人合唱兩曲之後, 曹生換衫位羅生獨霸舞台, 全場大合唱《男人KTV》, 疑有喧賓奪主嘅味道, 哈哈, 羅生睇落果然比較受歡迎噃.. 演唱會仲有另外一個嘉賓, 就係同曹生合唱《梁山伯與朱麗葉》嘅台灣歌手卓文萱, 佢可以講真係串場嘉賓囉..

演唱會氣氛唔錯, 觀眾都頗熱情, 尖叫拍掌全不吝嗇.. 唔記得曹生唱幾首歌, 不過為時兩小時嘅show, 應該唱嘅都有唱, 較為我熟悉嘅有《背叛》《單數》《兩隻戀人》《3-7-20-1》《燭光晚餐》《無辜》等等.. 不過encore得一首《世界唯一的你》, 就結束是次演唱會, 唔夠喉噃.. 整體嚟講, 呢場係曹生人生第一場個人演唱會, 係有地方要改進, 不過都OK架喇, 覺得佢係掂架, 係屬於越唱會越好嗰啲囉.. 可以畀佢70分, 冇後悔睇呢場show(雖然點講都係免費, 呵呵)..
finally collected the REAL tickets on-the-spot at the venue and was there to watch the Gary Chaw concert tonight with buddy JY.. after a quick dinner at McD, rushed back to the stadium for entrance to the show, started at 8:25pm (not too late actually).. we got the RM158 mid-priced tickets, sitting on the left of the stage but managed to see clearly.. stage was designed to match the theme of the concert, and i supposed it was "Broadway" concept.. Gary started off singing his debut hit "Superwoman" (which is quite good), continued with dance medley session (sorry, but i gotta say Gary needs more improvement on this), followed by ballads sessions (well, Gary got more stable with singing ballads)..

greatest surprise for the night was the appearance of guest Justin Lo from HK, seems like he was more popular than Gary, haha!! well, i do admit Justin is *better* than Gary in a sense, no offence to the fans anyway.. can't remember how many songs were performed throughout the show, but it was a good (or norm) 2-hour show, with only a single 1-song encore though (a bit too little i think).. generally i think this show is good, songs were nice and performance was sincere, being Gary's first concert ever, i score him 70 for this, and supposed he can do much better in the coming ones with accumulating experience.. BTW, one piece of truthful advice: please change your hairstylist!!


  1. warrrrrrrr ......... so lucky!
    if only it's sandy's concert, but then again -- it's free! so you must have enjoyed yourself!

  2. oh... is the real ticket! how was the concert?? great??

  3. 哗! 你真系好运喎,咁都有免费飞执。。

  4. i guess 280608 is quite a good day, besides you, Ah leong and Nana also got free ticket to Joey's concert in Genting.

  5. csws:
    hehe, ok loh.. since it's free and somemore the show was actually not bad at all laa..

    yeah, it's real and i was there!! the concert was a bit out of my expectation, but really was not bad at all..

    hehe, 係囉!! 今次真係話得上係好運啊.. 不過我都打咗好多電話去求證喎..

    haha, really?? joey yung was in genting on the same day?? hmmm, good for us having the luck for free concert, hehehe!!

  6. 真是羡慕!看你还敢不敢讲自己的生活很平凡!我生平参加过不少比赛,都没有被得奖过哩!

  7. 似乎個 concert 幾唔錯噃。。uncle 一定好享受嘞。。

  8. 慧沁:
    唉呀, 羨慕什麼啦?? 你參加過很多比賽, 每次都有finisher medal不是嗎?? 哈哈..

    要話享受就未必稱得上, 不過都幾OK架, 如果有下次, 我會帶埋電動風扇一齊去囉..
