印象中同事SG平時懶得出去食晏, 但係每次摟佢去食KFC嘅話, 實受唔住誘惑, 誓死相隨, 哈哈.. 跟住落嚟就梗係不得不提好朋友小春啦, 呢位簡直就係KFC一等fans, 記得佢以前有個每星期六都食KFC嘅記錄, 佩服佩服!! 不過可惜吖, 佢而家身在英國, 嗰邊KFC味道實在難以媲美.. 下次返嚟, 我哋齊齊去食KFC為你解解癮啦, 好唔好??
喂喂喂, 咪住咪住.. 呢幅相係KFC?? 乜KFC有飯食咩?? 唔錯, 就係KFC最近新推出嘅雞飯喇, 哈哈!! 雖然唔似海南雞飯咁正宗, 不過覺得都OK架, 至少有啲唔同, 唔駛每次都薯蓉+沙律.. 況且飯比較起薯蓉+沙律, 個熱量同卡路裡係低啲架.. 仲有仲有, 我每次都一定指明淨係要雞胸+雞背, 因為冇咁肥膩.. 呢一點好重要, 驚肥但係又中意食, 呵呵~~
KFC 嘅鸡饭确实不错。但是我刚好与你相反。我净食 "鸡尾" "鸡俾" 唔要 "胸" 㗎!
ReplyDelete對, 而且我只是吃original的.. 很好, 我們都喜歡吃不同的parts, 以後不怕爭吃了..
ReplyDeletesorry ah, 你应该是同我一起吃BURGER喀...要你啃KFC,有少少内疚...
ReplyDeletehaha uncle .. you clearly mistook me for someone else la .. kfc every sat? since when a?? not in SG and definitely not in KL nor China nor UK la .. haha if i really love something to the extend it would be CKHM :), ngam or not? i do like KFC every now and then geh but not to that extend la .. but i do remember we ate KFC once on a Saturday at the Bukit Bintang branch worr :) Come to think of it, i havent had KFC this year at all ... i didnt even have it in KL when i was back ... something's definitely missing!!
ReplyDelete點解say sorry啊??? KFC都好好味噃, 我都不知幾enjoy, 哈哈.. 不過好彩都冇約你, 如果唔係你就錯失咗個睇戲食飯約會啦, 呵呵~~
aiyoh, you forgotten your temp job in HSBC 10+ years ago meh?? you were having KFC for lunch after work every saturday with FN ma, you can't recall?? and of course i remember our KFC lunch in BB, haha, and we used up almost 1 hour to clean every bits of the rib bones, remember?? hahaha.. come, when u back next time, we go KFC laa, 一於咁話!!!
hmmm, 真係好有興趣知道究竟L係何方神聖.. 大家朋友, 見你咁閉翳, 今晚就等你MSN, 開解開解你啦..
ReplyDelete哎呀!为什么你吃的和我一样的?我也是鸡胸肉的fans leh!
ReplyDelete真的嗎?? 以後我們一齊去, 把他們的雞胸肉都吃完!! hmmm, 你是因為要以形補形嗎?? 我是~~哇哈哈哈哈..
ReplyDeleteaiyor of course i remember my HSBC stint la but never every Sat KFC la ... but did meet up almost every Sat but we had different target ga .. like beef ball noodles near medan pasar, sang kei waad gai juk lerr ... but KFC definitely more frequent i think! those were the days!
ReplyDeletehaha, ok ok.. maybe i mistaken you had KFC every week with FN that time.. true also, there are many more nice food within that vicinity heh?? oooh, i miss the beef ball noodles and steam chicken congee..
ReplyDelete對對對.. 其實也完全沒有補到!!! auntie可說是思想前衛的大都會現代少婦, 不受這一套理論喔, 呵呵~~
ReplyDelete我以前生日必食架。。因為金寶淨係得 KFC 。。哈哈
ReplyDelete係囉係囉, 以前KFC好似係大日子先有得食啊呵?? 依家就唔同啦, 平時都已經見到一班學生放學自己去食喇..