- 一覺醒來就已經忘記得一乾二淨嘅夢.. 所以唔覺有發過夢, 我覺得我有八成以上嘅夢係屬於呢一類, 哈哈!!
- 見到未來生活畫面嘅夢.. 唔係咩預知未來超能力, 而係某些夢裡flash過嘅情景會好巧合咁幾日後發生喺現實生活上..
- 日有所思夜有所夢嘅夢.. 我覺得尤其係工作壓力同埋囉囉攣未做晒嘅嘢, 去到夢境嘅次數會大啲.. 其他事就好似冇乜印象..
- 全程參與嘅夢.. 譬如話夢見自己由某高處跌落地, 會自動感覺到身體往下沉, 跟住就眨醒..
- 其他.. 甜夢, 冇印象.. 噩夢, 冇印象.. 夢係得咁少, 真係諗唔到噃..
其實可以冇夢發, 一覺瞓到天光係件唔係見好事呢?? 應該係, 因為發噩夢會心神恍惚, 發美夢醒後卻德一場空.. 記得有位朋友話成日發夢, 搞到佢每朝醒來都覺得身心疲倦, 我諗佢應該好羨慕我啩?? 死喇, 畀佢見到呢個entry, 實又話我喺度晒命添架.. 所以選擇週末寫呢個entry, 因為我知佢應該冇機會睇到, 嘿嘿嘿~~
Am i the one u r referring to?? yes... i always envy ppl who can get quality sleep, unlike me! insonmia 3-4 nites in a week. Even when i sleep, always got alot of dream, end up when i woke up, still feels very tired. sigh....
ReplyDeletethe way i wrote was very obvious already right?? hehehe.. but i really wonder what happen to you leh, it's something quite serious actually.. wish u have more good sleep and less dreams laa, pal..
ReplyDelete傑士.. 我不明白!!!!
ReplyDeleteHowever, normal people like us has to rely on the dream to "travel" to unattainable places and contexts in our reality.
This is the fun and joy of dream !
wow, actually both you and 傑士 are similarly deep loh.. hahaha!! anyway, like you said, enjoy the fun of dreaming, hehe :p