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25.06.2008 | 難拒誘惑

今日放工如常去gym, 通常gym完之後就拖住飢餓嘅身軀, 直接返屋企等待享用住家晚餐.. 如常乘搭輕鐵返屋企, 途中一站上落乘客之後, 開始隱約聞到陣陣誘人嘅KFC香味.. 你老闆吖, 我已經好餓架喇, 唔知邊位仁兄咁大整蠱, 喺呢個時候竟拎住KFC外賣, 仲要同埋我一個車廂.. 當時頗多乘客, 我係咁跟住陣味想要搵出元凶, 不過始終未能發現係邊個.. 我係一個KFC迷(雖然未去到超級嗰個level), 此時此景, 竟然用此等誘惑嚟「騷擾」我, 你知否這是何等殘忍的對待嗎?? 我諗聽日lunch可能會食KFC, 雖然成日都口口聲聲話減要緊肥, 哈哈!!

went to gym as usual after work just now.. normally will be dragging my starving body home after the workout, looking forward to savour my parent's homecook dinner.. as usual took the train home, and after alighting and boarding passengers at one of the enroute stop, i started to realise some holy KFC smell from within the train.. d*mn it, i was starving myself then, and yet the god-know-who was having his KFC take-away home, and more irritatingly in the same coach as me!! i was trying to eye that god-know-who by following the holy smell, but was quite packed in the train and hence mission unsuccessful.. i admit i am quite a KFC fan (though not to that super level), so under such circumstances and i was being "molest" by such a temptation - can you imagine how cruel it was to me?? i reckon i shall be having KFC for lunch tomorrow, albeit perpetually shouting that myself on diet, hahaha!!!


  1. hahaha ... tahan tahan tahan! i bet you will have KFC for lunch tomorrow!!

  2. once a while have KFC is ok, but not everyday or every weekend. On diet? i think u better safe it! for those ppl who enjoy eating and like to eat, on diet has never come true in their life! a good example is MYSELF!!! ha ha ha!

  3. Uncle﹐忍一時風平浪靜呀﹐要減肥就要做忍者架啦。。不過都知你實受唔住誘惑架囉。。哈哈

  4. choonsie:
    hehe!! you are wrong!! i didn't even go out for lunch today, just had cereal drink and a packet of biscuits nia.. hohoho!! drop specs la you..

    i know u never like fast food laa, so you'll not know how we sometimes crave for KFC :) well, if i'm really determined, i can do it one woh.. you on diet also meh??

    係!! 我忍忍忍!! 不過我今日冇食KFC喎, 係唔係跌到成地眼鏡碎啊咁?? uncle有時係鬆懈啲, 不過都有堅決嘅時候架~~
