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14.04.2008 | 新血來朝

上幾個星期忙於請人, 見完一個又一個, 今日終於有兩位新同事返工報到.. 好似都有一排冇新同事喇, 今日終於有兩滴「新血來朝」, 下個月仲會有另外一位新同事返工.. 頭先成班同事一齊去食晏歡迎新同事, 一共12位坐滿一張大檯, 好耐都未試過咁多人噃.. 真係人多好辦事, 忽然間覺得好興奮囉, 因為公司啲空位就快可以填滿晒喇..

見到新同事, 諗返起自己八/九年前啱啱踏足社會嘅時候, 真係好青澀, 一股熱誠滿腔, 初出茅廬嘅熱血青年.. 不過可以講嘅係, 而家心態唔一樣喇, 唔會好似以前咁樣搏晒老命, 覺得工作同生活應該需要一個平衡點.. 工作只不過係生命中嘅一部份, 工作之余尚有好多嘢等緊我哋去爭取, 唔好因為工作而忽略了其他嘢囉.. [致各位新人: 雖然話係咁話, 不過現實啲, 工作仍然係重要, 而且仲要做得妥妥當當噃, 咁先有個理由去爭取其他嘢吖嘛, 哈哈..]

當然, 呢種諗法係好個人嘅.. 我係覺得人喺唔同階段係追求唔同嘅目標, 冇話錯或對嘅.. 只要對得住自己, 係望大家都可以順順利利達到理想目標啦~~


  1. 最近啱啱踏足社會 觉得所有一切都好陌生
    可能係同事地眼中 我就好似你所谓o既热血青年咯...

    多谢你D提点,我会试着平衡一下工作同埋我 o既生活咯...你啊,记住多D教下你公司D新人啊,唔好搞到佢o地觉得好闷,想闪人啊


    你係KL 多多保重啦 得闲我上去或者你落来揾我啦~!

  2. hey sonny, sure you will feel a bit uneasy to stepping into a new chapter of your life.. no sweat, as this is a path each of us has to gone through, and it's just happening at the beginning.. you are still young, don't be too concerned about gain and loss.. what's more important is to choose the right path you want, and from there strive to achieve your goals!!

    as for being a newcomer, don't expect you will get 200% care from your colleagues.. instead, be more proactive and take intiative to learn by yourself and from others.. it is not uncommon that your seniors have no time to guide you, but trust me, they will always be willing to help when u approach them humbly.. afterall, it's your attitude that counts, and allows you to survive in this real world..

    don't think too much, take it easy, and as i said always get a balance between work and life, this is important.. you can always talk to your friends or your "mother", or even me whenever you feel needed..

    you take care over there too.. do keep in touch often.. all the best!! :p

  3. These 2 days are feeling better, at least than the 1st 3 days when i got into my company.
    I've got some jobs to do and finally got cleared with my job scope and daily/weekly/monthly jobs routine.

    The biggest obstacle would be my language problem. All my team members are Malay, and my BM sux!
    It might not clear for me to listen what are they talking about, but if i ask the same question again, i afraid that they might feel im so annoying, and of course i askthem humbly.

    I always want to find someone to talk, but its difficult for me to release all my feeling by word. Anyway, im feeling better and comfort with staying there, so will learn as much as i can to cope up with them.

    Thanks a lot for ur support and i like ur blogging style, its funny.
    Keep in touch, next time i go KL 'melawat engkau'..!

    By da way, add me into ur msn list.

  4. just gotta know it's always tougher in the beginning.. anyway, feel great to hear that you are leading a better way now..
    believe me, if there is a will there is always a way~~

    "sudi menanti kelawatan anda di sini, harap dapat jumpa lagi".. hahaha~~

  5. Mesti jumpa lagi lah...bang !!!

  6. aduhai, bagus bagus!! tidak terhenti-henti menanti kedatagan anda..
