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20.04.2008 | 宜家餐廳
唔好怪我又去食嘢, 因為唔係我話啦, 有時週末真係好無聊, 唔知道做咩好.. 噚日衰衰哋都叫做有齣戲睇, 今日就冇節目, 如常去gym操一操, 過後就殺咗個朋友邀請, 同佢去宜家(Ikea)行行.. 呢個我生活咗成30年嘅地方, 難道真係咁悶?? 其實言談間友人都有同感, 不過我其實都冇乜所謂, 橫掂有人接送而且自己都好耐冇去過..
今日都唔係too bad嘅查實, 因為畀我發現新大陸, 就係原來呢間宜家入邊竟然有間我完全唔知道存在嘅餐廳(canteen式餐廳).. 其實應該係話uncle我孤陋寡聞, 因為友人確實係regular噃, 而且canteen真係人山人海喎.. 啲嘢真係唔錯囉, 食得好滋味, sweedish meatball簡直係本土豬肉丸嘅好兄弟, 隻雞肶個汁唔錯啦(見到有啲好似rosemary嘅嘢).. 最中意就係甜品, 唔知道咩名堂, 但係好鬼好食囉, 一啖食落口即溶嘅感覺真係非常之幸福(食到有朱古力, 芝士, 蛋糕, 餅干碎, honeycomb碎), 不過勁肥囉.. 到而家都仲好掛住舊甜品添, 美味しね~~
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I like the peanut butter crust cake like dessert.
ReplyDeleteReally yummy. In Singapore it SD3.5 per pc.. a bit ex.. Malaysia is cheaper.
Most of the time I eat the meat balls 15pcs for SD8. I cut them into little pcs and enjoy bite per bite. The meat balls in SG is better taste as they use pork and beef instead of just beef in MaL.
hmmm, i really have no idea what is that piece of dessert, but don't think i could taste peanut butter in it leh.. anyway no doubt that was SINFULLY delicious loh, hahaha!!
ReplyDeletethe meatballs were nice, i think it's just RM12.90 for 15 pcs, a lot cheaper than in SG eih??
嘩。。Uncle﹐你仲 out 過我﹐ Ikea 入邊有個 canteen 你都唔知。。我唔怪你﹐你有幾何去行 Ikea 喎。。哈哈
ReplyDeleteVery soon, I will have Ikea Restaurant new my area too. hehe
ReplyDeletewalao...i really should not read this blog at night time.
ReplyDeleteFeel sinful even im just reading and thinking to try in future.
But anyway, don't feel any regretful of tasting such delicous food, it is lucky and happiness to have it.
Bring me there next time ya, hehe
ReplyDelete唉呀, uncle係地道KL人, 梗係少去PJ玩啦.. 不過講出嚟都真係羞家囉, uncle淨係知道樓下間賣熱狗咖喱角嘅cafe咋囉.. 不過uncle活到老學到老, 呵呵呵~~
edward tay:
oh, really?? they are opening one over there soon?? great!! we can go and try it next time possible, hehe..
haha, so you better BEWARE!! i do post nice food onto my blog often, hehe!! anyway, sometimes we just live to eat good food right?? it's oh-so-unregrettable when you taste something sinfully delicious, don't you think so??
Chocolate count as one. :)
ReplyDeletei don't think i get your message leh, chocolate man -_-"
ReplyDeletesinfully delicious lor.!
ReplyDeleteoic.. there are so many things out there that are so sinfully delicious!! the more sinful, the more delicious :p