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26.04.2008 | 一頭霧水

Together with my colleagues today Fanggong Qudi show Shifan, a total of 11 people who are Fanggong-6:00 bell, the cinema to see mighty Link Ganqu 7:00 of the market .. really into greenhouses were LA, I remember that more than 10 years ago of the SIN When students money will be Han Duoren Xianzhi together, the two qualifying Pa drying cinemas, are really in Haonai Mao tried La,. He ~ ~ play ( "The Street King") Wuxi my cup of tea, so no speakers La, on a dinner theater speakers Diwan..

係唔係睇到你一頭霧水啊?? 之前有個朋友話唔識中文, 所以睇唔明我個blog寫啲咩, 咁我就建議佢用Google Translate 嚟翻譯.. 結果自己走去玩吓呢個翻譯工具, 是但copy & paste我其中一個post, 得出嚟嘅結果簡直係超低能囉!! 如果任何人睇得明以上嗰篇譯文嘅話, 我係會服得佢五體投地囉.. 其實唔關個翻譯事, 因為我係用廣東話當正統中文翻譯成英文吖嘛, 梗係譯出事啦實情.. 覺得幾好玩囉, 再下一城譯多段文字.. 誓要你拗爆個頭啊, 哈哈!!

Zo to a cinema near the inter-Vietnamese restaurant CôDô (meaning of the ancient capital), the new money should be opened (because auntie MY did not even visited) .. and a total of 11 people Story of the act, but fortunately Diwan drama has been Zo peak periods, so can Good to be a smooth ride into the low-called Ye .. Up to the fresh, Zhang Zuo several Taiwan-White, heart Shen: "uproar, a good save Bo, and even a logo printed buried buried save money," Mao few results Resistance there was a waiter hands of the Miss India Zha a live, on the White Link Bei printed off a few "rich" and "auspicious" good words .. I think in particular La, but Wuxi Vietnamese restaurant Mie »Why Link Chinese culture money »»

想知道原文究竟係講乜?? 請按此鏈接自有分曉..


  1. 吓的我啊,以为你的english 几时变得咁屎。原来是translated 的。 冇事冇事

  2. 惨咯,我的英文就是甘样写法,原来真是"块"屎!

  3. edward:
    不好被嚇到, 哈哈!! 以我的英語水準真的是寫不出這種經典傑作囉..

    oh?? 是嗎?? 那找一天真的需要領教領教你的「屎」囉.. 哈哈!!

  4. 我D"屎"唔是甘容易俾你领教咔,皆因我好低调!

  5. that's why i seldom use google translator hahahaha :D but... it is fun to see how machine is translating stuff...

  6. fookong:
    哎呀, 真係咁低調?? 咁唯有嘆息一聲無緣接招囉.. 哈哈!!

    well, i think it is quite accurate.. just that what i tried to translate was not proper chinese.. hahaha!! anyway, that was the fun part indeed..

  7. 孕妇小孩不看为妙! became = Pregnant women for the kids to see Miao!

    zhun or not zhun, what say you?

  8. 準的是: 笑話一則!! 哈哈~~

  9. 嘩哈哈哈哈

    唔掂呀。。差啲笑暴肚。。好心冇用咯﹐唔啱 key 呀。。

  10. 真係好搞笑喎, 你唔覺得咩?? 我都唔知佢係點譯嘅??
