噚日友人約咗我食lunch, 朝早起身後就等佢電話, 大概11:45接到佢來電話12:30喺市區某處等候.. 於是就一支箭咁去赴約, 一心興致勃勃去見呢位好耐冇見嘅朋友.. 不過點幾鐘就搞掂咗個飯局, 友人有其他節目無遐應酬我, 於是就散band喇.. 見到面傾唔到兩句眨吓眼就講拜拜, 其實覺得好冇癮囉.. 奈何??
飯局之後, 就咁全日一支公渡過, 去gym, 然後去window shopping消磨時間, 然後獨自dinner, 然後歸家.. 好鬼孤獨囉覺得自己, 一個美好嘅禮拜六就咁樣獨自終結, 認真悲涼啊~~
今朝起身, 天氣十分之好, 不過一覺醒來, 屋企冇晒人, 成間屋靜嚶嚶咁.. 我唔係個會呆喺屋企成日嘅人, 因為喺屋企真係好悶, 我情願自己一個人在外溜遢..拎起電話, 發覺其實自己真係唔多朋友喎(而且朋友大多有自己節目, 咁就不便騷擾人啦), 於是又重複噚日獨自一人嘅「節目安排」.. 一個美好嘅週末就咁樣孤獨終結, 認真坎坷啊~~
其實一路以嚟我都習慣獨來獨往, 有時仲會好享受獨自在外溜遢, 但係唔知點解呢兩日竟然會覺得空虛起嚟?? 呢一突如其來嘅空虛感突襲, 真係殺個我措手不及.. 係唔係年紀大咗, 就驚寂寞呢? 定係因為某種莫名原因導致?? 呢一刻突然間諗起林小姐早年前嘅一首作品, 「我空虛, 我寂寞, 我凍~~」, 救命!!
你空虚有我相伴,你寂寞有我解闷,你冻?就穿多两件衣啦大佬。 :)
fookong :
ReplyDelete直头俾你嘅如来神掌打到我疸疸腰喇. 家下仲痛啊
edward 仔:
ReplyDelete哈哈, 多謝你嘅關懷囉, 朋友.. 我會著多兩件衫架喇你放心.. 你到時去到英國, 都要記住著多兩件衫啊~~
同是天涯淪落人, 相逢何必曾相識, 也許不必知道我是誰, 無謂令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令..你~~~~
ReplyDeletesorry啊uncle, 我唱的是比較年輕的版本, 是古巨基的《勁歌金曲》, 哈哈哈哈!!
:) dont worry, i believe it is a very very normal for everyone to feel like that sometimes. it is what we call (i guess) sudden impact hahaha... well, even when i was in high school, that hits me sometimes. but frankly, everyone is an individual in this world, no one could understand another totally, and that's the beauty my friend :)
ReplyDeletewhat about organizing some event?? like weekend short trip for makan, for sigh seeing....then you will have a chance to pass your time and at the same time have a chance to meet up with your friends.
ReplyDelete一個人過週末幾好架。。想做乜就做乜。。唔駛就其他人。。冇諗得咁悲﹐OK 。。
ReplyDelete嘔咗咁多血, 係時候應該去補返喇, 如果唔係多幾日你點樣去相睇啊??
oh?? you had that kind of feelings even during high school?? maybe that was kind of 失落感+空虛感?? you are so true, nobody could totally understand anybody in real.. but whether this is a kind of beauty of life?? who knows?? what is more important is - love yourself and your life.. hehe!!
ReplyDeleteyeah perhaps that is useful.. maybe i feel too left out and that's why suddenly feeling so empty.. and i can tell you, that kind of feelings is really not good at all..
咁你又講得冇錯嘅, 搵返個伴可能會好啲, 不過緣份嘅嘢唔可以強求.. 可能有時真係要學習享受孤獨, 不過唔可以永遠都係咁吖嘛.. 我真係唔想孤獨終老啊, 哈哈~~
3rd of May our friend Debra's B'day leh, want to get out for Karaoke= Ironman Movie = Dinner to celebrate????
ReplyDeleteoh yeah, sure no problem!! you let me know the plan later~~
ReplyDeletecheck around, there are a lot of activities that you can do besides shopping and watch movie. there is an exhibition at KLCC convetion centre from 1 may to 4 may - Homedec, may be you can go and get some idea of new home deco idea.....useful when you plan to buy new house.
ReplyDeleteok ok, thanks for the suggestion laa.. but i think it's normal to have that kind of feelings sometimes.. we are human, and sure we have feelings~~ so you going to that exhibition too??
ReplyDeleteMay be going on Saturday. to support our company mah. (now you know the main purpose behind....)