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18.04.2008 | 有免費雞柳包食~~
呢幾日麥噹噹喺全國各地, 指定分店同買輕鐵站大鑼大鼓派送換取免費雞柳包固本, 高調宣傳佢哋引以為榮嘅雞柳包.. 一共有一百萬隻美味雞柳包咁多等住各位去試食.. 咁大手筆?? 其實以麥噹噹今時今日嘅地位, 再加上雞柳包又唔係咩新產品, 確實係唔需要搞啲咁嘅綽頭.. anyway, 對於一般如我嘅市井之民, 理得佢咩手法啦, 有免費雞柳包食喎, 咁益街坊兼造福人群, 又點會介意啊?? [更多詳情]
今朝就於返工途中, 喺輕鐵站垂手而得嚟兩張固本, 即刻行去對面間麥噹噹索取免費雞柳包貳隻.. 唔係講笑, 真係大排長龍嗰種囉, 我一見多人就頭暈架喇, 所以唔等喇返工算數.. 之不過十點幾嘅時候, 眼見兩張靚仔固本擺喺檯面, 心裡頭確實係好掛住兩隻包.. 於是把心一橫走去換取, 拎返公司當lunch.. 結果今日個lunch就係一口氣食咗兩隻[叮]雞柳包, 好滿足.. 真係要多謝麥噹噹賜我一個豐富午餐囉, 呵呵呵~~
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ReplyDeleteoh no.. the LRT stations give away only a small portion of the coupons.. you can still go to some selected McDonanld's all over the country, and they will give you a free coupon for every receipt purchased.. there are 1million for grabs, i'm sure you still have chance!!
ReplyDelete其實隻包係好細咋噃.. -_-"
ReplyDelete哈哈, uncle難得有餐飽晏食, 求其啦, 唔好嫌咁多咯~~