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19.04.2008 | 功夫之王
唔好怪我又去睇戲, 因為發覺週末除咗去行街睇戲食飯之外, 一時三刻真係諗唔到煞時間可以做啲乜嘢.. 原本以為今日就係悶悶地咁過架喇, 點知同朋友MSN傾傾吓, 得知呢齣《功夫之王》剛剛上映, 所以好即興咁話不如一齊去睇囉.. 話口未完, 聰明的我覺得應該會有好多人睇呢齣戲, 所以即刻上網訂飛, 果然係hot selling囉.. 其實都係沖住成龍同李連傑兩位武打巨星首次合作, 希望睇吓佢哋究竟可以擦出咩火花..
果然不出所料, 好typical嘅成龍x荷里活電影囉, 我唔想多作解釋, 大家睇過後應該都會心有同感.. 故事係個鬼佬寫嘅, 以《西遊記》孫悟空作藍本所創作出嚟嘅故事, 其實都幾impressive嘅(作為一齣拍畀外國人睇嘅電影).. 戲中古代人講英文, 覺得超騎哩囉.. 再加上幾位主角十足背書嘅英文對白, 好生硬好唔自然, 覺得不如講返中文另配字幕啦(尤其成李兩人, 有時好難catch到佢哋講咩, 反而劉李兩位女角就一口流利美腔英文).. 講返武打場面, 其實都唔係想像中咁令人津津樂道囉, 可能個target依然係外國人, 所以CG比武打動作更加精彩囉.. 如果問我值唔值得睇?? 我覺得OK嘅, 不過唔好因為成龍碰著李連傑而期望過高囉, 當係another entertaining hollywood kungfu movie就好喇..
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nothing to do?? run with me lah? then you can have a good sleep for the whole day!
ReplyDeletehuh?? run with you?? then my body will be aching until i could not sleep at all!! haha..
ReplyDeleteactually i kinda looking forwards to this movie, and of course i would expect the story is silly no point and hmm... ridiculous, or maybe even stupid, but since i already expect that, i guess it wouldnt turn out worse than that, or would it?? :D
ReplyDeleteJackie always acted like a monkey jumping here and there with his typical over exaggerated facial expression. I don't like lor!
ReplyDeletewell, as i stated, this is not a kungfu-action movie for asians like us.. but the story line isn't silly and no point at all though, if you have no expectation at all but to meet both jackie chan and jet li at once, why not go for it.. haha!!
auntie, 我覺得你去睇"The Street King"應該會開心啲嘅.. 話晒呢齣戲對於我哋亞洲人嚟講, 點樣都係爭咁啲囉..
hahaha, as you have expected.. it's a very typical hollywood-cross-over-jackie-chan movie loh.. all i can say that is, don't have high expectations on this movie..
ReplyDeletethe movie is weird, all the ancient chinese speak fluent english. too much of unreasonable scene...the most exciting part would be Jet Li VS Jacky Chan in the old temple...that's it~!
yeah!! just wonder why the ancient chinese could speak fluent american english.. have they gone to such education?? hahaha.. i agree too, that JL vs JC part was the most exciting..