今日冇乜事情發生, 所以真係冇乜嘢可以寫.. 日常生活其實都係千篇一律, 瞓醒擘大眼--返工--放工--返屋企--又瞓覺, 咁就係一日喇.. 有時真係覺得好枯燥乏味, 之不過又咪係咁樣過日子過咗咁多年??
見友人早前於佢個blog度寫咗個關於「生存」, 「生活」同「生命」呢三樣息息相關嘅探討, 覺得好有趣.. 何謂 「生存」, 「生活」,「生命」?? 其實因人而異, 每個人都有其獨特見解, 但係一般上嚟講, 就係對人生目標嘅一種理念上嘅晉昇.. 由最基本嘅生存開始, 得到生存之道就會進而追求生活燦爛, 然後再進而追求心靈上對於自己生命嘅意義.. 中文可能比較難理解, 因為三個詞差別唔大.. 如果用英文我會解做to stay alive, to have a life, to live a life, 咁樣應該會比較容易明白..
其實係頗帶禪意嘅一個課題, 我覺得自己而家係處於穩定生存, 從而追求自己一片色彩生活嘅階段.. 感覺上好抽象, 但係確實如此.. 咁你又處於邊一個階段呢??
Hey SK.... All of your stuffs are in chinese.. Too bad i can't read ur blog cos i cant read chinese.. Well it looks interesting on how u create ur blog... if hav chance must teach me how yah... Anyway i'm not moountain tortoise lo.. N why do u show ur back huh? Face cannot be seen meh?
ReplyDeletehey vel6068, so surprise to see your comments here!! too bad you can't read chinese, perhaps you can try "google translate" - i know it suxx, but at least you could roughly get the meaning there loh, haha!! you coming down to KL then we can meet up and teach you loh, hehehe :P
ReplyDeletemy mountain turtle face cannot show ppl one laa, if shown sure got no more supporters.. hahaha!!
ReplyDelete梗係可以啦, 唔好諗得咁深入﹔喇, 好多嘢如果可以簡簡單單, 可能仲會更加開心添!!