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10.04.2008 | Google名字搜索

頭先無無聊聊咁, 喺google個search bar入邊打咗自己個名, 跟住一click個search button, 即刻搜索到137個結果(個名要用" "包住, 咁搜索出嚟先算準確).. 嘩, 原來我個名係如此普通不過架?? 等我仲以為好獨一無二添, 哈哈..

好奇心驅使之下, 我差唔多每個link都click落去睇睇, 真係好想知道究竟係邊位仁兄與我同名.. 冇花冇假噃, 當中真係有幾個同我完全冇關係嘅人, 都幾有趣囉.. 而其中小部份確實係與本人有關嘅(譬如friendster啦, blogger啦, 友人blog鏈接啦)..

各位與我同名同姓而又素未謀面嘅朋友, 能夠同名同姓確實係一種緣, 喺度同大家打個招呼先..


  1. You are really free and really really 'mou liu'. Anyway the feeling is really unique that you know there is someone out there carrying the same name but living a different life style... But if it is a christian name, the feeling wouldn't not be that special, coz definately there will be thousand of same name.

  2. it's not really really 無聊 actually.. i was kind of exploring this big world maa.. -_-"

    well, i used my christian name to search, 137 results.. i used my actual name to search, only 2 results..

  3. so dun put any christian name,shouldn't be many ppl having same name as your orginal name.....forgot to tell you, I pass by your primary school during my marathon journey leh.九不搭八

  4. Good idea....

    Base on ur idea... I also do a search on my actual name.... u know what... 37 results.... but none of the link related to me...

  5. 慧沁:
    so have you tried yours?? hehe.. how many results returned?? oooh, u bypass my primary school from the other side of the river is it?? that is not a surprise then.. :)

    i also tried with my actual name.. 2 results, 1 is really me and the other one is somebody else.. but i know there are a lot of people with the same name as me, saw that from the Income Tax roadshow last time.. hahaha!!
