[Volume 7 Issue 10, #1584] |
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在大多數華人嘅世界裡面, 尤其係信奉道教(其實我覺得現時好多人都已經將道教同佛教當作同一們宗教)嘅, 天上甚至地獄都存在著眾多神明, 可以用滿天皆神佛嚟形容.. 我雖然唔係好虔誠, 但係見到神像我通常都會拜一拜, 尤其家裡供奉觀音同祖先, 每日出門前都會燒柱香拜一拜.. 拜得神多自有神庇祐, 不過有時候我會諗, 我好似咩神佛都會拜, 其實會唔會有衝突㗎呢?? 曾經就聽人開玩笑講過, 某人同時祈求如來佛祖同觀音娘娘庇祐, 結果搞到佢哋為咗爭住庇祐同一人而發生衝突!! 哈哈, 好無聊, 不過就當作係個笑話囉, 其實我相信就算滿天神佛都可以做到和睦相處嘅.. 祝各位讀者萬聖節快樂!! :) ■ [聲明] ■ |
in the world of most of the chinese, especially those who are followers of taoism (but i rather find nowadays many people tend to see taoism and buddhism as one religion already), there are a lot of gods and goddesses who exist in the heaven as well as in the hell, simply this is a world full of deities.. although i am not a devoted one, but when i see altar of any deities i will show my respect, especially we have a place for the goddess of mercy and the ancestors at home, before going out i will offer incense to them.. they say the more you pray the more blessings you will get, but i sometimes think since i pray to any of them, would that actually cause conflicts?? i once heard somebody jokingly said, the buddha and goddess of mercy were in conflict because they are trying to protect the same person who has asked for blessings from both of them!! haha, it's quite a nonsense but just treat this as a joke, as i think most probably it's that they all can stay in harmony.. HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all readers!! :) ■ [disclaimer] ■ |
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31.10.2012 | 滿天神佛
30.10.2012 | 小時了了
29.10.2012 | 非飯之輩
28.10.2012 | 大頭馬騮
27.10.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 10, #1580] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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又係一個long weekend, 最近啲公共假期好似好鐘意接住週末咁喎.. 雖然對我冇咩特別影響, 不過每次有long weekend, 好多人都趁機會離開呢個城市, 所以我都間接受惠, 就係享受呢個城市難得嘅安寧, 哈哈!! 又係時候揭曉本週金榜喇, 仍然係「年輕俊男」繼續蟬聯, 不過「小野貓」只以微差屈居亞軍, 睇嚟佢嘅全新策略似乎奏效喎!! 呢個星期喜見有三位朋友擠進十大, 熱烈歡迎呀!! 多謝大家多多捧場, 恭喜所有榜上題名嘅朋友, 希望大家有個開心嘅長週末!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
it's another long weekend again, seems like the public holidays love to fall just before or after the weekend recently huh?? though nothing impacts me, but since people tend to take the opportunity of the long weekend to leave the city, i guess i indirectly have the benefits of enjoying the rare peace of this often bustling city, haha!! time to reveal the weekly chart again, yet we still have the "handsome young man" topping the chart, but "pussy meow" is just closely behind with a small gap, i guess her new strategy kind of work huh?? and we have also got three new friends who got into the top 10, welcome all!! thank you whoever that has dropped by to comment, congratulations to all who have made it to the chart, lastly wishing everyone a happy and enjoyable long weekend!! :) |
26.10.2012 | 星星閃閃
[Volume 7 Issue 10, #1579] |
『一閃一閃亮晶晶, 滿天都是小星星, 掛在天上放光明, 好像許多小眼睛..』 大家有幾耐冇再唱過呢首童謠呀?? 應該係咸豐年前, 我哋大家所學識唱嘅最早幾首歌, 其中一首吧?? 其實呢個印度傳統歌謠版本, 好耐以前我就已經聽過喇, 不過隔咗咁耐再聽返, 我仍然覺得佢係非常之搞笑!! 今日(又)係公共假期喎, 所以我都唔咁長篇大論喇, 大家慢慢品嘗呢首篇曲堪稱一絕嘅星星閃閃啦, 呵呵!! :) |
twinkle twinkle little star, how i wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky.. how long have you not sing this song?? i guess this must be one of the very first songs that we learned to sing gazillion of years ago right?? well, i came across this "indian desi style" some time ago, and i still find it awesomely hilarious listening for the n-th time!! it's public holiday (again) today, not going to be long-winded, hope you'll enjoy listening to this "geniously arranged" lullaby, haha!! :) |
25.10.2012 | 遠道而來
[Volume 7 Issue 10, #1578] |
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最近睇過好多博客互相送禮嘅貼, 原來呢個送禮熱潮持續燃燒哦.. 雖然唔係乜乜贊助商送嘅貴重大禮, 不過都趁機喺度晒下命先, 哈哈!! 我都收到兩份遠道而來嘅禮物, 唔輸蝕呀.. 多謝晒以下送禮俾我嘅朋友..
read quite some posts about bloggers giving presents to each other recently, i think this trend is still widespread within the blogsphere huh?? albeit not expensive merchandise from huge sponsors, but i still want to show-off a bit, haha!! so it happened that i received two parcels from far, not bad at all.. thank you so much to the senders below..
24.10.2012 | 清淡健康
23.10.2012 | 三十年前
22.10.2012 | 我的短髮
21.10.2012 | 扮嘢馬騮
[Volume 7 Issue 10, #1574] |
■ [註] 如見照片不停地閃, 此乃特技效果, 你對眼睛絕對正常!! ■ [NB] if you see blinking photo, this is just effects, your eyes are perfectly normal!! |
星期日喇, 大家好呀!! 咦, 今日fing-fing做乜事呢?? 係唔係跩跩俾爸爸鬧, 所以喺度扭計呀?? 趴住喺度扮鬼扮馬, 大家知唔知道究竟佢喺度搞乜鬼呢?? 撞鬼, 原來fing-fing喺度扮緊「午夜凶鈴」嘅貞子!! 大吉利事, 好學唔學, 走去學人扮貞子?? 梗係爸爸話佢聽, 14年前同一大班朋友一齊睇呢部超級經典嘅日本恐怖片嘅時候, 大家真係嚇倒鼻哥窿都冇肉.. 所以fing-fing喺度扮貞子, 梗係想嚇爸爸啦係唔係?? 真係跩跩~~ 話時話, 貞子由電視慢慢爬出嚟呢一幕, 確實係好經典, 14年後再出3D版, 都係以呢一幕做賣點添喎!! 大家當年有冇睇過呢齣戲咁呢?? |
it's sunday and greetings to everyone!! hmmm, what happened to fing-fing today?? scolded by daddy for being naughty and now sulking at a corner?? laying down there with his face downwards, what is fing-fing trying to do huh?? gosh, fing-fing is pretending to be Sadako from the classic japanese horror movie The Ring!! OMG, why is he doing that?? how disgusting!! must be daddy who told him that some 14 years ago, he was watching this movie together with a gang of classmates, lights off and everyone was so scared.. and now fing-fing must be pretending to be Sadako trying to make daddy scared again huh?? so naughty~~ actually this scene where Sadako slowly crawls out of the TV was so classic, that after 14 years it is still the selling point of the new 3D version!! have you watched The Ring back then?? |
20.10.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 10, #1573] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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各位朋友, 又係星期六喇, 週末有咩搞作先?? 冇嘅話唔緊要, 等我提醒大家, 下個星期又係long weekend呀, 到時大家可以盡興到阿媽都唔認得啦, 呵呵!! 講返個留言榜, 同上個星期大同小異咁, 都冇咩大起大落.. 個寶座仍然係「俊青年」與「小野貓」之爭啦, 最終都係「俊青年」以狂風掃落葉姿態勝出, 將其他讀者拋離九條街咁遠, 留返個季軍位置俾大家仲有機會爭個頭崩額裂, 都算係仁慈喇啩?? 哈哈.. 好喇好喇, 廢話就少說, 都係埋尾嗰幾句啦, 多謝各位朋友嘅鼎力支持, 恭喜所有榜上留名嘅朋友, 祝各位朋友有個開心愉快嘅週末!! 請呀~~ :p | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
hello folks, it's saturday again, and what have you planned for your weekends?? no worries if none, as i'm reminding everyone that next week is gonna be a long weekend again, so you can get wild till your mum couldn't recognize you then, hehe!! back to the chart, little changes compared to last week with no major rise and fall.. the throne is still the fight between the "handsome young man" and "sexy pussy meow", so they let out only the 3rd place for all other readers to fight for with their sweat and blood, consider them showing big mercy already?? hahaha.. this week we still have the "handsome young man" won by a huge gap leaving the other readers to collect dust as far as 9 streets away!! ok no more nonsense but still the same old ending, thank you all for the support, congratulations to those who made it to the chart, wishing everyone a happy and enjoyable weekend!! yeah, that's it~~ :p |
19.10.2012 | 自動相集
[Volume 7 Issue 10, #1572] |
1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 我的西歐之旅2009 | my eastern europe trip 2009 scripts for this interactive photo album is sponsored by [SK] @ http://sk0617.blogspot.com [LINK] |
絕對唔係你諗咁樣, 唔好睇到啲相就以為我去旅行得㗎, 邊有閑錢吖我?? 只不過係好懷念三年前嘅西歐之旅(而且當時又瘦啲又後生啲嘛), 好希望依家可以再次重臨舊地咁啫, 呵呵!! 其實亦都係因為好似好耐都冇搞搞新意思喇, 對上一次嘅互動相片簿都係三個月前啦.. 所以今日再次出擊, 玩下呢個自動相片簿, 有人話睇一張相要按一次button好麻煩, 所以呢個slide show形式應該啱晒啲懶人啩我諗?? 呵呵.. 只要按上面個"播放"button就將啲相一張一張慢慢顯示出嚟, 睇到一半如果屎急仲可以暫停後繼續播放添噃!! 係唔係好盞鬼呢?? 事不宜遲喇, 仲唔嗱嗱聲玩下?? 我保證好似數1-2-3咁簡單!! :) |
nope it's not what you are thinking, don't mistaken i went travel like what you see from the photos, where got money woh?? i just miss this trip to europe three years ago (also i was slimmer and younger back then) and how i wish i could be there again now, hahaha!! actually it's also because it's been a while i've not had something new here, the last interactive photo album was already three months ago too.. hence the interactive post is back by popular demand, and we shall have slide show today!! some say having need to click a button each time viewing a photo is troublesome, i guess slide show pretty suits the needs of the lazy-bums right?? haha.. just click on the "Play" button above and the photos will automatically show by themselves one after another, if you are in urgent nature call, you can also pause it and come back to resume the show later!! don't you like this cool feature?? so what are you waiting for?? quickly and give it a try!! it's as simple as 1-2-3 i promise!! :) |
18.10.2012 | 電腦作畫
17.10.2012 | 我愛嗎咪
16.10.2012 | 大地之母
[Volume 7 Issue 10, #1569] |
我以前買好多音樂CD(重申重點, 我係支持正版嘅!!), 不過今時今日隨著科技同埋網路分享嘅發達, CD我就買少好多喇, 轉做下載MP3多.. 我知, 咁樣下載音樂係間接摧毀音樂工業, 但係大家又唔可以否定呢個趨向喎, 其實如果我覺得啲歌好聽, 我會有所行動去買正版CD支持一下㗎.. 週末就買咗以上呢一張CD, 發覺原來聽CD係比聽mp3來得更加震撼, 音樂畫面更加真實.. 哈哈, 唔好意思我唔係咩碟評家, 唔係好識得點樣解釋呢一種感覺, 總之好開心買咗呢張CD啦.. 如果你係認識呢位歌手, 聲明呢一張唱片唔係佢一貫嘅商業情歌專輯, 而係好破格好後搖滾同另類, 探討環保課題嘅一張專輯, 專輯名稱「蓋亞」在希臘文表示大地之母.. 啱晒我口味, 因為我發覺自己開始覺得啲甜到漏或者喊苦喊忽嘅情歌, 其實有啲悶呀~~ :p |
i used to buy a lot of music CDs (to stress, i support ORIGINAL CDs) but with the more "advanced" technology and of social sharing, i seldom buy CDs anymore but more often download MP3 from the internet.. i know i know, by downloading music i am indirectly contributing to the fall of the music industry, but then one cannot deny the trend, afterall if i find the songs are great, i will make that into real action to buy the CDs as additions to my collection.. got the above during the weekend, and i was rather impressed because i finally realized listening to CDs is so much more overwhelming than listening to MP3, the sound quality is more surrounding and the picture the song can bring you is more realistic.. haha, sorry i am not any music critic, really do not how to explain this feeling, but am happy i got this awesome CD.. just in case you know who this singer is, this is not her normal commercial ballads album, but rather post-rock and alternative that centers around environmental issues, the album title "Gaia" means mother of earth in greek.. just right to suit my taste, as i started to find those lovey dovey ballads getting very boring~~ :p |
15.10.2012 | 空中秘事
[Volume 7 Issue 10, #1568] |
呢本書絕對唔係我近期讀過嘅, 因為自從呢個MBA課程之後, 我所讀嘅就只有學術研究, 多納悶呀, 哈哈!! 我其實比較喜歡閱讀啲真實性嘅書(即係non-fiction), 尤其可以揭開一啲背後鮮為人知嘅故事, 就會更加吸引我, 難道係我嘅八卦天性?? 哈哈.. 噚晚喺櫃桶底摷到呢本睇過嘅書, 印象中我甚少寫同書本有關嘅貼(其實係自己少閱讀啦), 之前都係得呢一篇同呢一篇咁大把, 所以呢一本可以攝下貼位喎, 哈哈!! 呢本書其實係齊集一啲空務員嘅真實經驗, 一啲我哋身為乘客鮮為知道嘅事, 通通爆晒俾大家知道.. 呢啲平時衣著光鮮, 時常保持專業外表嘅空務員, 究竟背後收藏著咩密事係大家都唔知㗎呢?? 有震撼, 有驚訝, 有香艷, 有挑釁嘅告解同不可告知的秘密, 將呢班空務員嘅另外一面呈現讀者眼前, 真係睇得我欲罷不能~~ 呢個系列仲有其他嘅, 包括"酒店風雲".. :p |
this is definitely not a book i have read recently, in fact i have not read any books other than academic articles since i've taken my MBA course, how boring, haha!! i am actually more to reading non-fiction, those that can give me insider insights into things i am curious of are definitely my choice, maybe due to my gossipy nature?? hahaha.. saw this book while i was searching for something from my drawer, realized i rarely write about books (also because i rarely read) besides this and this, so maybe i can write about this book to fill up my post space, haha!! this is a book that gathers real experiences from air-stewards (of course collectively means all stewards and stewardesses), those we being the passengers do not usually know but all revealed in this book.. what are behind these always professional-looking air-stewards?? shocking, saucy, raunchy, scandalous confessions and behind-the-scene stories showing the other sides of these air-stewards that keep me reading~~ they have a few in this series, including "Hotel Babylon" too.. :p |
14.10.2012 | 搣面馬騮
13.10.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 10, #1566] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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又係星期六喇, 係唔係週末心情特別輕鬆愉快呢?? 其實噚日就已經有少少開心, 點解呢?? 因為份dissertation進展到某個令人滿意嘅階段, 總算可以稍為安心一啲.. 講返呢個星期嘅留言榜, 冠亞軍持續激烈競爭, 終於「肥龍擲死貓」, 繼續坐正盟主地位.. 不過呢個星期似乎係季軍位置更加戰況激烈喎, 第三四五名分數只係微微之差咋, 順帶都影響埋月榜添, 又係一番龍爭虎斗喇, 好戲在後頭!! 呵呵.. 恭喜晒所有榜上題名, 多謝晒所有有份留言嘅朋友, 感激所有到訪嘅朋友!! 祝大家有個愉快嘅週末~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
it's saturday again, are you feeling more relaxed and merrier during weekends?? actually i have started to feel slightly happy since yesterday, why?? because my dissertation has progressed well till a stage i am satisfied with, at least i don't have to be too stressed over it.. back to the weekly chart, the fight is still intense between the first two positions, finally the "handsome young man" beats the "pussy meow" again to secure his throne.. but it seems like the third position is even more thrilling for this week, seeing the small gap between the points for the third fourth and fifth positions.. naturally affected the monthly chart as well, seems like it's gonna be some good show this month, let's wait and see!! hehe.. congratulations to all who made it to the chart, thank you all who have left comments, appreciate everyone who has dropped by this blog!! wishing everyone a happy and joyous weekend~~ :) |
12.10.2012 | 他們最愛
[Volume 7 Issue 10, #1565] |
又係時候公佈送俾九月份留言榜三甲位置嘅小小(cheap)禮物喇, 而呢個月嘅主題係「我的最愛」.. 冠軍小野貓嘅最愛當然係佢個寶貝金菠蘿啦, 亞軍英俊年輕人嘅最愛當然係佢食極都唔厭嘅乾撈麵啦, 季軍燕媽媽嘅最愛當然係佢個白馬王子同兩位公主啦.. 以上各人嘅最愛, 係由佢哋個blog分析出嚟嘅結論, 寫得越多就當然越喜愛啦, 唔信你自己去睇下?? 哈哈哈哈!! 另外每人送上卡通車電話繩一個, 其實我送嘅禮物雖然係cheap, 之不過絕對係花心思, 儘量做到personalized㗎, 俾下面好喎大家~~ 呵呵!! 如果想得到我嘅心思禮物, 就記得要勤勤力力, 多多留言喇噃.. :D 之前同大家玩嘅猜獎游戲, 雖然得寥寥數位讀者參與(其實我啲讀者都唔多啦), 不過已經有結果喇, 究竟邊位幸運嘅讀者贏得大獎呢?? |
time to reveal the little (cheapskate) presents i am giving to the top three of september's comment chart, and the theme this month is "my most beloved".. for the champion pussy meow, of course her most beloved is her botak kitty son.. for the first runner-up the handsome young man, of course his most beloved is the kampua mee he is never sicked of.. for the second runner-up mak yannie, of course her most beloved is her white knight and two princesses.. their most beloved of course are the result from analyzing their blogs, the more they write the more they love right?? don't believe me?? go to their blogs and see yourself, hahaha!! besides, each is given a phone decorative strap, though my presents are always cheapo, i always try to put in effort to personalize them, must give me face leh everyone~~ hehe!! if you want something i personalized for you, then please never forget to put in more comments in my blog starting now.. :D remember the giveaway contest earlier?? though only pathetically few participated (i don't have a lot of readers anyway), the result is out anyway.. who is the lucky winner to bag the grand prize?? |
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