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16.10.2012 | 大地之母

[Volume 7 Issue 10, #1569]
我以前買好多音樂CD(重申重點, 我係支持正版嘅!!), 不過今時今日隨著科技同埋網路分享嘅發達, CD我就買少好多喇, 轉做下載MP3多.. 我知, 咁樣下載音樂係間接摧毀音樂工業, 但係大家又唔可以否定呢個趨向喎, 其實如果我覺得啲歌好聽, 我會有所行動去買正版CD支持一下㗎.. 週末就買咗以上呢一張CD, 發覺原來聽CD係比聽mp3來得更加震撼, 音樂畫面更加真實.. 哈哈, 唔好意思我唔係咩碟評家, 唔係好識得點樣解釋呢一種感覺, 總之好開心買咗呢張CD啦.. 如果你係認識呢位歌手, 聲明呢一張唱片唔係佢一貫嘅商業情歌專輯, 而係好破格好後搖滾同另類, 探討環保課題嘅一張專輯, 專輯名稱「蓋亞」在希臘文表示大地之母.. 啱晒我口味, 因為我發覺自己開始覺得啲甜到漏或者喊苦喊忽嘅情歌, 其實有啲悶呀~~ :p
i used to buy a lot of music CDs (to stress, i support ORIGINAL CDs) but with the more "advanced" technology and of social sharing, i seldom buy CDs anymore but more often download MP3 from the internet.. i know i know, by downloading music i am indirectly contributing to the fall of the music industry, but then one cannot deny the trend, afterall if i find the songs are great, i will make that into real action to buy the CDs as additions to my collection.. got the above during the weekend, and i was rather impressed because i finally realized listening to CDs is so much more overwhelming than listening to MP3, the sound quality is more surrounding and the picture the song can bring you is more realistic.. haha, sorry i am not any music critic, really do not how to explain this feeling, but am happy i got this awesome CD.. just in case you know who this singer is, this is not her normal commercial ballads album, but rather post-rock and alternative that centers around environmental issues, the album title "Gaia" means mother of earth in greek.. just right to suit my taste, as i started to find those lovey dovey ballads getting very boring~~ :p


[NOTE] This post has more than 200 comments, if you thought some comments are missing, please click "Load more.." at the bottom of the comment threads to show all at once. Blogger hides them, NO COMMENT IS DELETED!! :)
  1. Replies
    1. happy morning everyone..
      Today is Tuesday and it is important day for me.. kekekekeke

    2. Good morning STP and SP. today is Starfish day for SP.

    3. Oh? So he has his tentacles full...no time to hop by and comment lah?

      P.S. You half asleep kah? You mean STP and SK? Or you simply can't get SP out of your head? Wink! Wink! LOL!!!!

    4. Only SP and you are here so I greet la. SK is not here....probably downloading free songs somewhere like a pirate!

    5. SK was in my blog - he will always drop by every day to comment one - what a good friend he is! Not like some people. Humphhhh!!!! That SP...will only see him once in a blue moon - hit and run type of comment, dunno if he even read the post or not.

    6. Good morning to all uncles.

      21 comments are all from uncles.

      Mak Yannie reports herself here finally.

      Happy Birthday to SP's fui fui. Woots! Woots! iPhone5 as her present. This is the price to pay for everynight star fish.

    7. Morning, Yan... Ya, I wonder if there will be a post on her birthday celebration or not. The hairy crabs already digested long ago, still no new post yet. Would have reached China already if they had gone crawling back....

    8. hahaha... tonight have to eat dinner with her..
      yesterday i bought her a RT Pastry black forest cake and we eat half of it.. it is really good..

    9. Good morning SK, STP, SP and Yannie!

    10. No photo, SP? No post? What's RT? I only know SR...

      Morning, Hayley.

    11. Good afternoon, everyone! All the uncles are so energetic today~~ Reported earlier than the ladies.

      Please pass my birthday wish to Fui Fui, SP. May she has a blessed one! You already lick half the cake in the midnight using the sushi table? Steam la! Whole night havoc~ :p

    12. STP, I also don't know what is RT. RT? Rotten tomatoes? I only know if the bakery is selling nice cheap cake, then I'm on! Again, I'm so shamelessly admit I'm cheapskate~

    13. Hallo everyone!!!

      Eaten lunch yet? :)

      Again, lambat... dunno how many comments have to read through before can add my comments here. @.@

    14. i think all my regulars are already here huh?? but where is HS?? went to gold already or sulk because STP got her first sip of the day??

    15. I think she was at my blog today...

    16. Wah!!! Yvonee and Lina, the sun already setting baru drop by... So late. LOL!!!

    17. good day everyone. Yay finally stopped raining here.

      Starfish day? Today baru Tuesday wor...not even thursday yet.

      today talking about hat? yesterday about hamsap books now hamsap cd Ka/

    18. What hamsap cd? Nobody's talking about that leh? What lah...this mama pussy? Mind only one one thing kah? Muahahahaha!!!!

    19. ada cerita about hamsap book ke? What book? What book? How come I miss the train on this one??????

      Got cerita about hamsap CD also? Apa cerita. That MAS punya lagi ke? ;p

    20. Don't ask me. I don't know all these things... *blinks innocently*!!! LOL!!!

  2. You're early today... No sign of HS yet!
    And a very good morning to you, HS...when you drop by later and to everybody else!!!! Sipppppp!!!!! LOL!!!

    1. You sipppppppp? You so Hamsap!

    2. Jealousssssss!!!! Na na na na na...!!!! LOL!!!

    3. You don't even know who you sip? Could be a cow or man! Muahahahaha

    4. Eeeee...you call the ladies a cow kah? "...a cow or a man," you said. Aiyorrrr!!!! All the ladies will be very angry with you for this! You so MCP one kah? LOL!!!

    5. suck a man? kakaka..
      then the thing naik and white thing come out le.. kakakakakaa

    6. Ask TM. Obviously he's an expert at that. Muahahahahaha!!!!

    7. STP you are so naive.. Believe any photos you see. Were you born yesterday?

    8. "...a cow or a man," obviously annay TM wasn't refering to me, nyek nyek!! I'm not a man nor a cow, so no worries, I'm not angry, kekeke!

      I don't get the first sip nowadays~

    9. TM Anay not referring to me too! So no offense from me! Bwahaha!!!

      Suck from cow, got white thing.
      Suck from man, also got white thing.
      Which one you prefer? kekeke

    10. haiyoyo, second thread of comments already got hamsap things already!! die lah, i am sending this post to Blogger to review some issues i encountered with their API, later they see all the hamsap comments then block me~~ :D

    11. If they say it's hamsap stuff, tell them this is not hamsap or XXXX-rated in Malaysia. Normal talk for us! LOL

    12. Sure you will be blocked, SK... Those people, so terrible hor? Not like me...always say nice, clean things one. I read their comments, also my face will turn beetroot red one! Hehehehehe!!!!

    13. Cow or man? what cow or man? Dont simply sip leh STP...laer suddenly get STD :p

      Habis la SK...your bog will be classified as adult contents la.

      Hopefully wont kena block la....Later we all have to sing Jackie Cheung song Fun sau Joi Yui Tin,.

    14. Yalor...but if nobody complains, I think nothing will happen. Only when somebody lodges a report... Not those of us, the usual suspects, I'm sure...

  3. Dunno this singer... I'm more into slow romantic love songs, the sadder the better. I'm such a sentimental old fool, I know...

    1. STP, no worry, me being a very updated person also don't know this fella that SK likes.

      I tell ya! SK has a very unique taste in music. He listens and likes those musics and songs that not many know it.

      He is very "deep" one.

    2. Yes, SK is very much into the arts, very cultured. This is Chinese some more - I don't listen to anything but English...usually.

    3. I know this old wolf...
      always take girl listen to sad sentimental songs so that all the ladies sad and this fatty can take advantage of them .. tsk tsk tsk ..
      now we know your secret..

    4. What? What? Who's the old wolf and who's the fatty? No head, no tail one... You drank too much last night kah... People say sip, not drink...and now you are speaking incoherently.

    5. Kakakaka! Sekejap old wolf, sekejap fatty~

      Never mind, I combine for you, SP. Old fatty wolf, how's that? No need to thank me for defending you, you know what to do if you win Mak Yan's giveaway contest ;) You scratch my bag, I scratch yours.... this, I learned from the old fatty wolf. LOL!

    6. aiyah, you can earn all sorts of nicknames from this blog one.. one day your nickname can be ABC, the next day your nickname can be XYZ lah.. but we always know who the nickname refers to, because the nicknames are also so accurately given!! hahaha~~

    7. I dunno whether SP's nickname for me is accurate wor... Me, pirate? o.O

    8. ...and me old fatty wolf? Where got? Simply say only, that SP! Tsk! Tsk! Only the old fatty bit is correct...

    9. This singer you dont know? very famous leh. Also sing slow romantic song too.

      me puzzle liao...SK not talking about Sandy Lam meh?

      what old wolf, fat wolf...color wolf ah? Me know know Big Bad Wolf LOL...

      sei...am lost...i see SK talking about Sandy lam but then why everyone like tak kenal sandy lam geh? Pulling legs or what.

      But then really la, SK, I like her old songs better. This Gaia is too deep for me to understand

    10. Of course I know Sandy Lam...but I can't say I like any of her songs. LOL!!!

  4. But I do listen to the latest hits, just to keep up with the times. This morning, I shared Bruno Mars' latest official video clip "Locked out of Heaven" on Facebook... Catchy number though it sounds a bit here and there like some other songs that I know e.g. Someone that I used to know.

    1. i also cannot cope with all the latest hits already, see how many new songs a day coming out and how many newcomers in a month especially the pop scene, not forgetting all the boy-band from Korea~~ i also stick to those i've been listening so far lah..

    2. You are very "IN", too, SK. You know this contemporary song from Sandy. Or should I say, you know all Sandy's songs :D

      STP, I love that song, "Someone that I used to know", and also not forgetting the catchy one, "Call me maybe"~~ I basically love all pop / R&B songs.

    3. Ya...Yvonne keeps up with the times, just like me! "We are young...!!!!" Hehehehehe!!!! Eyewwwww!!!! K-pop, SK? No, thank you. Canto-pop is bad enough... LOL!!!!

    4. Guess all songs copied abit here and there lor, STP. Even for books, Sometimes i read and read it feels like one athor copied another one.

      But all these new song the words ah...like no meaning one...even have meaning is like hamsap meaning one. Not like the old song about life punya.

      Senang jadi singer leh...just reka one song and repeat the catchy lyrics....if lucky get spotted then suddenly fammous.

    5. These days, they can get them electronically enhanced some more...and sing in bits and pieces and then sambung...not like singers in the old days...Had to sing the song perfect, no mistakes one go...to cut the master for printing the vinyl records.

  5. I don't buy cds so much anymore...but I listen to the radio all the time now. Here, we only get Traxx (RTM), none of those private stations. They can get them in Kuching though...not Sibu and those near Brunei can listen to the UK stations via Brunei. We are so deprived!!!

    1. I don't buy CD looooonng ago. I am waiting for SK's self burn CD for me.

      I listen to music too, especially those piano version one.

      Musics that I like especially is Love Story.

      TM and STP, you heard Love Story before? It is your gen one.

    2. You mean the Taylor Swift or Andy Williams one? I guess it's the latter! Muahahahaha!!!! You're ancient! Never mind, when your anak gets to their teenage years, you will be very up to date - will listen to the same songs they listen to.

    3. Love story that star by Ryan O'Neal. Yes, I am pretty ancient one.

      Oldies are always better then new age songs.

    4. Ummmm...it depends. Hehehehehe!!!!

    5. I know that movie. I watched it at a cinema here - I think I was still in school. The reviews all over the world said soooo good, must bring box of tissue. Where got? Not even sad...nothing like our old Shaw Brothers Hongkong movies - could cry till eyeballs drop out one!

    6. That time I was still in kindergarten. I followed my big sister, she was at her teen to watch that movie. She said this movie very very nice, and the actor very very handsome. That make me still like this song until now.

    7. Those days, I used to buy cassette tapes and I'm still keeping them. As for cds, I just have a few nice ones. My hubby will keep his cds in the car and he will listen to it over and over again. I still prefer to listen to the radio when I'm driving.

    8. I bought ori CD when I was in my teens. Didn't earn a cent but spent on original ones. Spoilt brat, I was! Young and stupid then. But my collection was less than 5 CD ler.

      Now I no longer buy any CD, download from Internet illegally, opps!

    9. i actually don't listen much to radio, sometimes cannot stand those DJ keep on talking craps.. rather listen to my own music following my own mood.. i have more than 150 CDs i think, hahaha, now calculate each piece of CD average RM40, wow, i have spent RM6000 on them!!

    10. Wahhhhh!!!! So rich! I can't afford so I sto spending on such things lor. Just stick to the bare necessities. Want to listen, I turn on the radio...or go youtube.

    11. I thought you listen through Youtube, STP. Always see you post song in FB leh

      "I don't buy CD looooonng ago. I am waiting for SK's self burn CD for me. "- I SOKONG with both hands up!!!

      Hint hint...i like those lengchai song...leon lai , jackie cheung, wang lee homm.......hint hint

      Wow...buy original only ah...very good wor, SK. hahaha....not bad lah coz original can last long.

      Hmm...i still remember last time when buy cassette they will give poster. That time was so happy get posters of those lengchai singers

    12. Ya...I listen and watch on youtube - new songs, all songs...that's why my bandwidth, so fast used up. I like Lee Hom, Jackie Cheung also ok...and Jay Chou but Sandy Lam, not really. LOL!!! Ah! I like Andy Lau too! Love you 10.000 years...so nice!

    13. Andy Lau's LOVE YOU 10,000 YEARS was the song of my wedding. My groom sang for me that time. Awwww! Sweet!

  6. Huh??? Where's everybody? Half an hour already and still no comments! See, SK!!! See who is your staunch supporter? Always here once there is a new post. Not like the rest, fair-weathered friends. Muahahahahahaha!!!!!

    1. Half of them hiding behind shower curtains watching you. We are not always so free like you. Go plant some flowers and exercise friend.....sitting here all day makes you introvert and fatter. I am not kidding.

    2. No worries! I have lots and lots of friends... One is coming over tomorrow so I will be very busy in the next few days. Maybe will not be able to drop by till next week. Friend come, must entertain mah! Take around, jalan2 cari makan...eat the best in town!

    3. I see you spamming so kencang, terus my semangat all hilang.

      You sure you tomorrow onwards not free. YOu don't be like meow, always cheat us.

    4. True! True! Early morning, have to go to the airport already...

    5. all went to celebrate Mrs Simple Person's birthday already ah?? hahahaha.. but i think usually only Wednesday all people turn up to spam here in full force, that is what i've observed so far..

    6. Monday is the busiest day of the week.

      Tuesday is the continual of Monday.

      Wednesday is the day when all things are almost completed.

      Thursday is 2 days from weekend.

      Friday.... need I say anymore? It's TGIF!!

    7. All days are the same for me...but my friend coming tomorrow so will be busy for the rest of the week. All of you, be good when I'm not around, ya? Don't gatal too much...

    8. we dare not come in early la...later kena wallop by you leh :p

      joking la...busy in the morning la..

      where got cheat you jek Yan *giving innocent face*

      Betul tu...I see the same trend too. Wednesday most people will spam. Even individual blog have more readers But if friday comes will slow liao.

      However, saturday, SK blog will still busy one hahaha

    9. My blog, more or less the same very day. Sometimes a bit slow on weekends...but will catch up eventually...so all my posts more or less the same number of comments. Some will come late and read 10-20 posts one go and comment. Sigh!!!! Quite tedious, have to reply one by one. Old posts, nobody's going to read the comments anymore anyway.

  7. Replies
    1. Where got? TM also around...and caught a glimpse of SP just now...and you! Yan was at my blog commenting just minutes ago - so sweet of her too. Thank you, Yan! I guess she will drop by later when she has the time.

    2. STP's sambal belacan make me drool. I love to eat sambal belacan with just anything, but i never make my own sambal belacan before.

      I especially like sambal belacan petai.

    3. Oooo...I love petai too. Yum! Yum! We certainly share the same taste, Yan! SK has class...will never touch belacan - only eats high society stuff...things I cannot afford. Sobssss!!!!!

    4. STP, you put sambal belacan to marinate the patty, then make hamburger for SK, he sure likes one.

    5. No lah! To each his own... One man's meat is another man's poison so up to him, what he likes lor... Cannot force people one. LOL!!!

    6. Everything has the limit, so is the sky. When you spam too much and too often, you will get fed up very fast and evaporate.

    7. yalah, my good friend STP is now like the co-owner of this blog of mine.. he is helping me to reply all the comments over here, so touched lah, hahahaha!! :D

      errr, don't put sambal belacan lah, i don't really fancy that.. put lots of pork in the burger then i like lah~~ :D

    8. Like SP, you mean, TM? And like you also, so very slow now.

      Not me lah!!! I will certainly drop by as long as I can to give my dear SK my fullest support. That's what friends are for mah...and he will surely drop by my blog too to drop a comment or two.

      Don't think I saw you there today, TM?

    9. Bananaz...STP become "Chong Kar" . Berapa you wanna bet?

      Eh STP the sambal Belancan memang sedap leh. Squeeze with lime...can eat that with rice solely

      Why you dont like sambal belacan SK? Nice what. Sedap.

    10. He does not know what he is missing! So fragrant! So delicious! LOL!!!

    11. Bet with her, Bananaz. See how somebody is spamming in the old posts - play to win one lah!

      Small Kucing said on 15102012
      Harold Robbins? Manyak hamsap one wor the books kekekeke...Jackie Collins ah? I think i read one of...(more)
      Small Kucing said on 16102012
      Daniel Lee ah? what happen to him liao ah? No more sound.
      Small Kucing said on 16102012
      Argh...Celine Dion ah.....i lidten till vomit blood liao...every year company dinner, they will ask...(more)
      Small Kucing said on 16102012
      Your CD boxes got kalah Letchumi's 40 boxes of books or not, TM.Wei...SK...how many winners...(more)
      Small Kucing said on 16102012
      Paik..STP...potong markah coz say SK's idol mata sepet *jadi batu api*you know...the first time...(more)
      Small Kucing said on 16102012
      eh sure or not, SK? I thought the stuffs you give out will be different every month. Means this...(more)
      Small Kucing said on 16102012
      for me it depends on my mood...sometimes this and sometimes that
      Small Kucing said on 16102012
      That is a good idea. But you are still a student, right? Ya..TM's mushroom business. LOL Or...(more)
      Small Kucing said on 16102012
      STP, dont throw away your record, CD, DVD or what ever la...some can be collectors item. Can sell...(more)
      Small Kucing said on 16102012
      Mecoy, start collecting now. Maybe in 10 or 20 yrs time the movies and CD will be valuable. Saw...(more)
      Small Kucing said on 16102012
      I dare not download online coz saw many have virus and malware...me dumb dumb about PC one...if...(more)
      Small Kucing said on 15102012
      using torchlight read under blanket is not a new thing la LOL. Many does that. Especially when the...(more)

  8. Can't remember when was the last time Bananaz bought CD too longgggg haha.

    1. I don't usually buy cds. My kids like to buy them. As for me, I will usually listen from the radio or from you-tube. It's easily accessible.

    2. i only buy CDs once a while only.. usually buy the "greatest hits collection" and a couple of artist that i have been following their music..

    3. Ya, when I used to buy, I would buy the greatest hits also. Then will have the best all-in-one. Sometimes, one album only one or two nice songs only. So frustrating, like wasting money only.

    4. Loooong time ago I buy CD la but now no longer...no time to listen also. Too many distraction.

      Am getting old...missed all those songs from the 80s and 90s. New songs if you ask me the name and title gua really tarak tau.

      ya wor...what STP said its true...sometimes in an album only one or two songs are good or more like ngum our taste.

      sigh....i missed the most is the cantonese songs. Now mostly everywhere is Mandarin geh....or maybe not featured in radio much?

  9. Colour blind but not tone deaf, I'm sure. Knows all the old old songs.... Ah well! As they say, oldies but goodies. LOL!!!

    1. yeah, i remember having burnt a CD for Bananaz too, i mean last year when he still has not retired from spamming~~

    2. Ya...all the oldies, I guess. He old man... Muahahahahaha!!!!!

  10. I think downloading online is really convenient i actually never owned any origunal cd hahah but if I'll have the chance i would love to collect some

    1. Bad bad boy... How will they earn money then? Eventually, nobody wants to go into the music industry - no money there and you all will have no more nice songs to listen to.

    2. but i think nowadays this is the trend, music comes from the internet, it's another channel to distribute music.. anyway still there is way the records company earn their money to make new music..

    3. I dare not download online coz saw many have virus and malware...me dumb dumb about PC one...if kena virus then die liao

      How record company earn money of download online? Saw many people go search free download . If freedownload how the record company earn $$? I dont understand.

    4. I also do not understand. Nothing is free in this world...so if you are getting it free, you may be doing something wrong.

  11. hmm But perhaps If ever I were to collect I would want to have a collection of marvel movies all of it

    1. I've given up on collections - books, tapes, cds...movies... No point. Occupying space and in the end, will throw it all away.

    2. yeah, it's good that you can have a collection of something that you really like.. just like i collect the CDs of my favorite singers.. :)

    3. I also have - there in the box, never bother to take out and play anymore. LOL!!!

    4. Mecoy, start collecting now. Maybe in 10 or 20 yrs time the movies and CD will be valuable.

      Saw many CD, Cassette and even those old days black color records are being sold in Flea market at a very high price.

    5. STP, dont throw away your record, CD, DVD or what ever la...some can be collectors item. Can sell one leh. One mans rubbish is another man's treasure leh.

    6. My small house, no space to keep everything lah...so when I'm free, I will start digging out stuff and throwing them all away. I wish somebody would do the same with her things...then we would have more space in the house. Tsk! Tsk!

  12. but i guess before all this I should get my self a job first hahaha i bet i'll be a shopaholic if ever i get to have an income of my own haha

    1. Unemployed kah? Ask TM, the big boss...he may have a job for you but in Malaysia, I guess. I'm sure he had all the contacts in high places... LOL!!!

    2. errr, MEcoy is still a student lah, cannot considered as unemployed.. who knows, maybe that TM is going to diversify his business and expand to Philippines?? :p

    3. Ermmm.... STP & SK you guys farting and joking!!! I am a miserable wage earner and not boss la.

    4. Don't worry, TM. We will not ask money from you... You can tell everyone you're rich, no problem one. LOL!!!!

    5. Where I got tell everyone I am rich? In your dreams kah?

    6. I said you can tell...not that you already told. Can see lah...your lifestyle, people you associate with your family connections...memang all the rich and famous ones.... People like me will only know the commoners. Hehehehehe!!!!!

    7. That is a good idea. But you are still a student, right?

      Ya..TM's mushroom business. LOL Or maybe TM gonna open a recording company and do Oppa TM style :p

    8. He like you one...no need to work, money keeps raining down from the sky.

  13. I also love ballads but now im kinda into pop or rnb i just love how it sounds but I really don't care about the genre or something if the song itself was great it will surely be on ,my playlist

    1. I think we share the same music taste...

    2. i used to like ballads but now i think my taste slightly changed to something more rock and alternative..

    3. Wah!!! Growing younger by the day... LOL!!!

    4. for me it depends on my mood...sometimes this and sometimes that

    5. Ya...sometimes I would go for the fast stuff or even rock but most of the time, I'd go for the emo ones....

  14. have a great great day sk happy blogging to you my friend god bless you and your lovely son

    1. Same to you, MeCoy! See you tomorrow. Hehehehehehe!!!

    2. hahahaha!! my son is only appearing here every sunday.. you have a great day too Melvin!! :)

    3. Hah!!! Born out of wedlock! Your son's a monkey? Hmmmm...interesting! Muahahahaha!!!!

  15. That CD is waiting to be sent out? :) Happy Listening!

    1. Don't think so. But he can download your personal favourites onto a cd and personalises it and send to you... I have one. Very precious! Very nice....

    2. hahaha, definitely this CD belongs to me and no way to be sent out.. so you want a personalized CD from me?? then you must be more hardworking in leaving comments here~~ :p

    3. Yalor!!! Nothing comes easy. See how hard I work to get the prizes!!! Hehehehehe!!!!!

    4. STP you spam like cuckoo man! LOL

    5. eh sure or not, SK? I thought the stuffs you give out will be different every month. Means this year end the prize is personalised CD ka?

      Like that i had better no eat no sleep spamming lor....from Jan to jun me no spam leh....sure die la...you only give to top three right...sure moe ngor fun lo

    6. Don't worry lah...you have enough spam to edge out everyoidy else, mama pussy. Your one month is equal to everybody else's whole year. Muahahahaha!!!!

  16. 有人話嗰MV好似鬼上身,首歌變咗似南無佬念經打齋超度。

    1. 哈哈, 我就係鐘意咁樣好似鬼上身, 好似南無佬念經打齋超度嘅破格音樂.. playing safe is boring~~ :D

    2. 真係千奇百趣,就好似gannam style條友都可以紅到咁一樣!

    3. 又點可以將gangnam阿叔同憶蓮比呢?? 憶蓮高好多.. 聽聞gangnam阿叔係得呢首歌紅咋, 佢嘅專輯都只賣得萬幾張~~ :p

  17. Hmm, I have stopped buying CDs a long time ago!

    1. But I used to have alot of CDs especially during schooling time (Of course pirated ones.. :P)!

    2. Then I bought alot of CD racks and arrange the CDs nicely.. Even clean them on regular basis, LOL!

    3. Then I burn alot of CDs and put inside my car, I must listen to something when driving.. hehe..

    4. I still have a lot. Packed away in boxes. Want to throw away also sayang, want to leave there on display, it will only collect dust - extra chore, have to wipe regularly.

    5. These days, I just listen to the radio, even in the car...or rather, I would keep the radio on - as long as there's music and songs instead of stone cold silence.

    6. Actually now also still got alot.. But just put them in a big CD album, then keep it in the store room, haha! I think also got spider web already... :P

    7. Now, with everything downloadable, store in thumbdrive, MP3 and all, I no longer listen to CD (very very rare)....

    8. Nowadays we hardly buy cds unless it's a very special one. Original cds cost a lot too. If pirated ones, the quality is not good at all.

    9. last time CD still are very common and popular, i have loads of them.. and i wonder where i've got my money to buy them.. nowadays with all the MP3 and youtube, can just get free music online even faster than buying CD.. that is why, i now cut down buying CD, only buy "greatest hits" and from those that i have been following their music..

    10. I don;t have MP3...but I frequent youtube. Can listen and can watch at the same time.

  18. Good day everyone...wah another post about Sandy Lam ah?

    Of course la Youtube cannot compared to CD...errr.provided original CD la. Those pirated ones in the pasar malam nowadays very poor quality. Hmmm but then nowdays CD is like a dying trend jor. More and more is moving to iPod, mp3 and what ever...coz can store more songs.

    okie dokie...gotta go now...will be back later

    1. Oh!!! That's Sandy Lam, is it? I'm illiterate...but google translate tells me the blog title means Mother Earth. Hahahahahaha!!!!!

    2. before i got this CD i downloaded from internet and listen to them in my iPod when working out in the gym.. got the CD already, and the quality is so much different!!!

      hahaha, STP cannot recognise that's Sandy Lam in the photo?? actually she's not the main point of this post also lah..

    3. Did not look properly...did not see her mata sepet... LOL!!!!

    4. Paik..STP...potong markah coz say SK's idol mata sepet *jadi batu api*

      you know...the first time i heard this world Gaia is from Isaac Asimov book. Sci fic. also about mother earth. About one consiousness.

      Saw there are some people who named their daughhter Gaia too

    5. Never heard before. Nice for a girl's name. How to pronounce? Like "gaya", is it? In Malay, it means style... But if name girl like that, later the silly people all around will call "Kaya...kaya...!!!" Spoil only! LOL!!!

  19. I bought many CDs....both originals and pirated ones. I just grab them when I see them and like it at that spur of the moment.

    I still love my Prize-CD which was made by SK. The songs melt my feelings and drain my stress away. Every song had its own sweet memories.

    1. wow, anay so rich lah, just see and like and then buy and pay.. so how many boxes of CDs do you have?? must be comparable to Letchumi's books lah..

      wow, looks like my personalized CD is very popular leh.. ok, back by popular demand, this year will also make the personalized CD for all winners lah!!

    2. Year kah? Not month of October kah? Like that, I don't think I stand a chance lor... Sobssss!!!!!

    3. Your CD boxes got kalah Letchumi's 40 boxes of books or not, TM.

      Wei...SK...how many winners will that be? Top 3 commenter or what?

    4. Wah!!!! Why so worried? You will be No. 1, never mind how many...sure you will get the prize one, mama pussy! Hehehehehe!!!

  20. I think the last CD I bought was Celine Dion's. Masa Titanic time.

    A whole looong loonng time ago. @.@

    Now, curi only. Download for free. So terrible. hu~

    1. Titanic time, that was 1998 lah, hahaha!! i also bought a few of Celine Dion's CD, she was so popular back then with all her ballads.. but then i must tell, i have not watched the movie Titanic actually, hahaha~~

    2. I never watched the movie too. See, SK! We are the same in many ways, aren't we? Wink! Wink! LOL!!!!

    3. Argh...Celine Dion ah.....i lidten till vomit blood liao...every year company dinner, they will ask the same girl sing that song....

      Dont watch that movie la SK. Reagret watch ing....so damn sad in the end.

    4. I also nebeer watch Titanic. Dunno la. No interest. Don't care la whether it was the biggest box office or what.

      But I love Celine Dion's song. But after hearing it for a million times, jelak la...

    5. Me too. It simply goes on...and on...and on...and on like it is never going to stop!

  21. i love collecting CDs before. but with the free downloads ;-) stopped it.

    just me,

    1. i still buy CD even with free downloads, there are still some music that i think i should own a CD as collection, haha~~ :)

    2. I don;t buy. Originals too expensive... Pirated ones, buy...will feel a bit guilty, so unless I really want it, then only I will buy...and then I hardly play, anyway. Can't remember the last one I bought....

  22. nowadays people and artists trend iTUNES hahahah, so they can earn some from it also? true right?

    1. Good tea time anyways! (soon)

      not really a big fans of collect original CD ever since the price still maintain the same and it cost like a bomb :(

    2. last time I remember gov. promise the price of ori CD to be lowered down (for music album). RM 40++ CD until now still havent gone down yet . . . then I only give up collecting CD from that particular moment.

    3. the last album I bought is Jay Chou original CD zzz

      and I use to collect Linkinpark and more too XD

      now I lazy to download music, and I go youtube stream music when I go cyber cafe hahaha

    4. I think I posted wrong content on my latest blogpost, and I will still continue blog no matter what, is just that seldom online on blogger site.

      and I will do my best and drop by here and give a huge spam to u hahaha

    5. if I didnt stick with games , I might buy Big Bang Original CD ahahaha XD

    6. Eyewwwww!!!! K-pop! I hear on the news today, there's a new one coming up, other than iTunes and one other one, forgot liao. Going to rival those two.

    7. CDs now so expensive lor, at least RM45 for foreign artists.. hey, got lah, those Malaysian version ones are selling at RM29.90 only so below RM40.. but i never buy those lah, the packaging looks so cheap with the Malaysia flag printer!! yucks..

  23. Now, I prefer to download the songs that i like. Keep it in pendrive. Put into any USB port, can listen already. The last original album that I bought was Daniel Lee (local singer), 2nd Malaysian Idol.

    1. Now I remember, Daniel Lee wasn't the last one. When Michael Jackson passed away, I bought one original CD and one original DVD of him.

    2. Now i guess, i need to wait till those very popular singers die then only I will buy their original album. Me so bad, huh!

    3. Daniel Lee!!!! Sungai Petani boy!!! That was soooo long ago! LOL!!! Michael Jackson, okj lah. Some songs, I like...not really a fan. I prefer people like Whitney...

    4. Daniel Lee ah? what happen to him liao ah? No more sound.

    5. Dunno if he graduated from USM or not in the end.

    6. oh Daniel Lee, how come Mak Yan buy his album?? yierrr, Mak Yan likes young boys singing ke?? hehehe, i also got one of his CD but free one lah, promotional copy of just one of his song..

  24. Besides than Sandy Lam, do you support other singer ?

    1. Nowadays, I downloaded from the Internet too.... and I can choose what songs i want. I only listen to the songs i like...they makes me happy. If got songs i dislike, it makes me irritated. hahaha...

    2. Recently got 1 song in the radio station irks me... i quickly turned the channel away.... but I can't tell u who's song...coz later his fans will bash me up. haha he is very popular though.

    3. CDs can be good coz u can still listen to them 10 years later.....that's how I dug out my teenage time CDs......

    4. Ohh.....should be cassette...not CDs.... i never realized I bought so many cassette during schooling time. I have all the 4 heavenly kings. Not all albums la...only selected albums....

    5. Sandy's voice is very nice......and she still looks the same as 10 over years ago....i wonder how these artists keep themselves young!

    6. Botox! Plastic... Where there is a will (and money), there is a way.

    7. besides sandy lam, i also support eason chan, i think both of them are always looking of different ways to improve and advance themselves.. unlike many others, sing for 10 20 years still sing the same old melodies, which i think is very boring lah.. hahahahaha!! maybe the song that you heard from the radio that makes you switch channel is him?? wakakakaka~~

  25. At one glance, I didn't recognise it is Sandy Lam. Sorry! I thought it is new male singer that you suddenlly fall for.

    I am the one mata sepat.

    1. Yalah! I went back to look, can't see lah...not the whole face and can't see her eyes... Really can't blame those of us who cannot read, all illiterate.

    2. hahaha, the whole point of this post is not to let you all find out she is Sandy Lam lah.. no need to feel sorry about that, hahaha!! STP cannot read?? how can?? you are English teacher woh, how can you be illiterate??

  26. Yes listening to CD is better than MP3 : )

  27. You download MP3 from where? If still wanna support original, download from iTunes and pay for it : )

  28. But I have to say I also download MP3s nowadays haha!! Unless the CD has all very nice songs then I might go get that CD as a collection : )
