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10.10.2012 | 左右為難

[Volume 7 Issue 10, #1563]
家下所有電話都幾乎清一色係touchscreen, 鍵盤全部轉為touchpad, 我諗大家對於呢個"自動更正"功能應該係恨之入骨?? 其實我對佢係又愛又很, 搞到自己都唔知道應該繼續用佢定係封殺佢好.. 係咁, 我啲手指肥, 鍵盤又咁細, 好多時候都按錯隔離個鍵, 所以係好需要"自動更正"幫我更正串字錯誤, 呢個情況底下佢真係冇得彈.. 之不過, 更多時候我係用馬來西亞特有嘅風味英語同朋友溝通, 個"自動更正"就叻唔切咁將啲字轉晒我未見過嘅高深字眼, 將整個句子原有意思徹底顛倒.. 我諗大家都聽過好多關於"自動更正"所引起嘅誤會同笑話啦, 我都無謂話我啲瘀事大家知, 呵呵.. 點呢?? 有冇人可以話我知應該如何決定呢?? 用定唔用?? 需知我部電話係冇Siri幫手喎~~ :p
with all the touchscreen keypad on mobile phones nowadays, i think everyone hates that notorious "auto-correction" feature very much right?? i actually have a predicament of whether to leave it on or to switch it off.. you see, i have fat fingers and those keypads on my phone are so small, most of the time i would have mis-pressed the key next to the one i intended to press, that is why i need the "auto-correction" to help me with the typo which is very useful in this situation.. but on the other hand, the "auto-correction" can be a total idiotic nuisance, most of the times i am typing some very malaysian style broken english, but it is too smart to change those words into really bombastic words that sounds so wrong in the whole context of the sentence.. guess you have always heard about hilarious jokes created by this "auto-correction" feature, i'm not going to tell you mine, haha!! so tell me, how should i decide with this?? i don't have Siri to help me with this~~ :p


  1. Good morning SK and everyone. Who is the getting the first sip today? Anyway Happy Wednesday.

    1. Yeah! I got first sip. Muack Muack, love you SK.

      Oops! Guni wrapped and C4

    2. *gives Yan the cold shoulder* Muahahahaha!!!

    3. Morning! Morning! Morning!

      Mid week already!

      Congrats to Yan for getting the first sip, despite putting on late night leopard and tiger show last night! wakaka

    4. Good morning, everyone~~

      So glad to see that the first comment is no longer hogged by the very same person. Everyone is playing nice and takes turn~ *thumbs up*

      Hey, when is it my turn? It's been several days I got the first sip. I know, I know, I should have check in early and refresh the page numerous times until my index finger gets shorter.

    5. Now it's the survival of the fittest - they all fighting tooth and claw to get first sip. You will have to join in the fight, I'm afraid. Hey! Wait a minute!!! I have not seen you in my blog either... Humph!!! *gives Yvonne the cold shoulder too* Muahahahahaha!!!!!

    6. SK0617 is the first place I drop in every morning while having a cup of black coffee. The rest have to wait for their turn, pending to my availability, nyek nyek nyek~~

      See, I sayang SK so much I give him top priority ♥

      Opps~ I spotted guni and C4 nearby already ~~:p

    7. You won prize before, right? Top 3...now tenggelam already lah? Have to work harder then. Hehehehehe!!!! If only smartphones can auto-comment...wah!!! Programme to make a comment every minute - 1440 comments a day, sure NO. 1 like that.

    8. Good morning SK,Yannie, Yvonne, Lina, STP and others. Where is your girlfriend STP?? I miss your early morning flirts with ahem ahem....

    9. I still prefer my own spelling than the auto-correct. It's a nuisance when I have to recorrect it to my actually intended words. That's why sometimes we get messages from other smart phones that have lots of spelling errors or other incorrect words. Anyway, we as human are also smart enough to predict what the incorrect words actually meant.

    10. Morning! Wah SK, so many people sayang you lo... ;)

    11. Got people sayang him? Who? Muahahahaha!!!!

    12. My girlfriend? I think if somebody already has first sip, she does not bother anymore... May come later, may not come at all. You noticed or not?

    13. She will read your comments silently behind the shower curtains and giggle softly like small girls. Try to whisper her name and coo her to come out lah!!! I bet one coffee with you that if you do that, she will appear before 4pm!!!!

    14. Let us wait and see...and let her reply to you herself. I dunno what she does behind curtains. LOL!!!

    15. Mak Yan still wearing her leopard skin inside because last night grrr till too late, this morning overslept so just put on her uniform without changing~~

      yvonne.. oh, now i know why human beings 100 years later will have short fingers but long hands.. wakakakaka!! the contribution of SK0617?? :D

      hahahahaha!! who is STP's girlfriend?? fast fast show us, don't lock her behind the shower curtains~~

    16. Good day everyone :)

      Fuiyo...Ynannie not scared of C4 and guni bag ka? dont simply muack leh . I very scred.

      how u know Yannie wearing the leopard skin ah, SK? you mengintip ka or curi curi take video ...fingers o fat cannot press the screen properly till the video tak jadi is it?

      Me lah one of those who 100% hate the auto correct function. I want to be fast it makes me slow down .

      Hated when i type bahasa malaysia words and the screen auto corrent it to duno what english spelling. That one i always kena kao kao

    17. You know, terbalik if using the old old not smart phone i can type very accurate and without even needing to look at the screen. The sentence comes out right and even the speed also faster

      But using so call smart phone my speed become slow. Wanna wait for it to change screen like crawling aje.

      Hmm...could be due to my ciplak phone la. Maybe iPhone and those samsung will be better la.

      I wanna look for anything in this phone also like kena dig all over baru can find. Maybe due to too many choices

    18. Told you, smartphone not so smart...so kay po and will mess up everything. Sometimes, the simpler the better.

    19. Good afternoon, everyone! It's now past 4pm. Somebody buying somebody kopi?

      Wei Sui Tua Pui, who is your girlfriend ah?

    20. Ya lah, the auto-correct feature is frustrating but works for some people though.

    21. Dunno lah...all those people, dunno what they are going on and on and on about...

    22. STP,
      You shoulder must have been very icy. Dunno how many cold shoulder you gave today! wakaka

      wei... get smartphone. Join HHB. Then cannot pretend who we are talking about? Right HHBC Members? kekeke

    23. LOL... Lina pandai cakap now. Last time SK and Yvonne had to pester and pressure you to get the phone. It is useful and we only live once lah...just enjoy it.

    24. I think I said this somewhere - my birthday is in December and Christmas is around the corner. Come, come...pass the hat around. LOL!!!

    25. STP, smartphones is smart but user aje not really smart.

      But have to slowly get use to smart phone lo. You see Lina. Now she also like smartphone already

      Pass the hat around for what? wait ah...i go toy r us see got smart phone for you or not? :p

  2. Morning, morning! Wah!!! Early, early already so many people here... No new post, went and commented in the previous one. This is like some kind of drug - must come and have the daily fix!

    1. Morning STP. I still haven't read the post. I go and read now. Wait for me.

    2. Go first... Morning, later. LOL!!!

    3. Me also not yet what nonsense SK put up today.

      Must spam first before time's up and go to work!


    4. STP is addicted to SK's drug? Hehehe~

      I got addicted long ago and I must come here everyday. Better still if I can come in early because when in the afternoon, the comments are already overflown and I really have no idea to reply others or to put a new one.

      So, STP, looks like there are more addicted here beside you and me :)

    5. Yalor, Yan and Lina early-early already here - and since they were too early, they went to comment in the previous post to pass the time while waiting. Hehehehehehe!!!!!

    6. STP you are addicted to so many things! Better start to detox yourself quickly. You miss your girlfriend and blame addiction.

    7. I'm not addicted lah... I will go all over, comment in everybody's blogs, reply to comments in my own, go Facebook buat sibuk there...and then only I will come here to comment... Where got addicted? Not like some, waiting and waiting here like puppy dogs, tongues hanging out, saliva dripping...don't get to see them in my blog till much later, if at all. Muahahahahaha!!!!

    8. You yourself said it is like a drug and need to get daily fix!!! Your addiction is so serious that you have to go into so many blogs like trying various drugs!!! Normally drug addicts are thin and frail but look at you!!!!!!! So hale and hearty, will burst into fireworks anytime.

    9. That means I'm not addicted lor...not to SK's blog, that's for sure. I do this to pass the time...nothing else better to do. Keeps me mentally active as have to think of how to comment and how to reply everybody mah. That way, will not become senile so soon. Hehehehehe!!!!

    10. addicted to this blog is something good, because early morning you are thinking of what to comment and what to reply to the comments.. using every drop of the brain juice of each of your brain cells, like that can avoid Alzheimer when you get old mah, hahahaha!! :D

    11. Yaya, overused the brain juice in the morning session, cannot think further during working hours and when get home, need to contribute more juice!

      I won't get Alzheimer for sure, but I'll be drained by the time I reach 40 years old.

    12. Good day everyone, Am surprise...2pm already 120 comments here. Me so slow la

      Going to Ipoh soon. 3pm. while waiting, i spam here first la. Must at least get one point la else this saturday slide out of the charge

      anyway, it's very hard to spam la even with smart phone. I spam also always typo error and kena Cikgu kns leh. hahahaha...maaf ya cikgu . Phone is smart but user is not smart.

    13. You haven't left yet? Still in KL... Send my regards to Claire there. Hope my poslaju sampai liao... Let me track again - ok, "attempting delivery". Should have arrived then, these people very slow in updating one. Malaysia boleh...we all know lah!

    14. Meow,
      Stop typing with your tail! Then, maybe not so many wrong spelling! wakaka

      I bet Sir Arthur kena sakit mata already with all our typo error due to auto-correct here.

      Eih, SK... maybe you can advise me.
      Why now I suddenly cannot reply here with my phone ah? Sakit hati wor can only read comment but cannot chime in with my nonsense. :(

    15. Yeah la, this meow typed horrendous grammars so many times until anay punya mata squinted. Kakakakakakaka

    16. See, mama pussy! I am not the only one complaining... My coz just posted something on Facebook - "lemak" corrected became "leak". Made me think of going to have a leak... LOL!!!

    17. Memang SK blog is addictive la. Think someone will have to open a detox centre to detox SK blog spammer

      Eh, SYTP, you got go other blogs to comments but you comment here the most wor. So kira as addicted la.

      TM, this blog will make STP expand side ways one coz keep him sitting down in front of PC. No exercise

      Your Poslaju sampai liao , Arthur. I saw it on her house table.

      Meow tarak go school one mah. So grammar and spelling all go to longkang one. That's why my smart phone also pening at me already. Maybe that is why it refused to cooperate with me lo. Kept hang when am halfway typing and on off by itself...sign....

  3. Morning, Lina... You've left already? Thought you were here earlier? Well, you're the only one who has been to my blog today so I'm saying a special good morning to you lor. Hehehehehehe!!!

    1. Oppa Arthur, only to lina. Unfair, i am jealous. I will go to your blog later. I must be here for the first sip.

    2. Of course lah!!! Lina, early early already went to comment in my blog. She got first sip there... Congrats, Lina! There, here...all the same kan? Hehehehehehe!!!!

    3. Yan,
      Of course lah...

      I call him Oppa mah! LOL

      I very manja with him.

      Oopps... but I think cannot manja too much, later ada org marah. *wink wink*

    4. LOL, Lina, beware of the guni-wrapped and C4.

      Go manja with annay TM. He gets jealous easily when no one asks about him. And he gets super duper green with envy, when Mak Yan sayang SP.

    5. No worries, ada org not bothered to read blogs, mine or anybody else. Very safe here. Hehehehehehe!!!!

    6. STP, you sure itu orang tak baca blogs, I scare guni wrapped me and put C4 in my mouth. Later I am killed like the mongolian model. Scary lo!

      If you sure, then I start manja you like lina.

    7. Sure, sure... That org has a lot of other things to do - watch TV - Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, Hongkong, Singapore...all watch! Don't worry! Selamat!!! LOL!!!

    8. STP, itu orang in your house so sibuk one kah? lol! What about itu orang not in your house one? Got ah? I have to make sure la! I got only 1 life.

    9. Cheh!!! I don't need people to manja me.....please don't!!!!! SP loves hugs and attention, go give him one!

    10. The org in the house already pening kepala, you expect me to have org outside the house? That will be suicide... LOL!!!

    11. you all manja here manja there, later kena disease lah, eih, must keep my blog clean and hygiene okay?? or else kena guni and C4 like what the "Screw Horse" did to the Mongolian model..:D

    12. Your blog is still clean and disease-free, no direct contact like annay TM hold hand with Starfish SP. Then exchange saliva, yieeerrr, stop me, don't let me continue. Geli~~

      I ask Mak Yan to manja with you ;)

    13. aya jangan marah ya...will go all of your blogs tomorrow.

      Today take sempat Kaldip and the parents waiting liao.

      See if i can sempat to spam in the car or not la. But the hard to type in the car. thedamn road very bumpy. Hard to type.

      Okie Cios!!! See you all again tomorrow

    14. Bye bye!!! Have a safe and delightful trip... If I knew you were going, I would have hopped over...tumpang go to Ipoh. Go here, there, everywhere...never let people know one. Scared I want to follow. is it?

    15. Meow,
      Sampai safely already I hope?

      Ini kucing really one busy kucing lah. Always on the move. Always go jalan-jalan. SOme more always go makan-makan. Haish... So nice life. Kalah itu persian cat. xD

    16. Dunno why this Ah Hua always want SP and me to hold hands pula. I think she wants SP to hold her.... I will ask that Chow Hai Mou to climb onto her. Kakakakakakaka

    17. She knows you two very much into bromance mah... Dunno what you tell her via whatsapp!

    18. This one is shortb trip la. send parent-in-law to Ipoh . They going to relatives house and from they they go to Penang catch flight go from China Dolls.

      Go there pun only sempat dinner with claire then cabut lari home.

      My smartphone batt also kaputing very fast. So cannot comment here lo. Got car charger but it so slow to charge.

  4. No smartphone, no touchscreen, no siri...this old man, too poor to indulge in such things. Only have a handphone for calls and messages...and reminders & alarm. Sobssssss!!!!!

    1. You are missing a lot.

      You should nbuy one (hahaha now I'm a smartphone advocate pulak) and join us in HHB Club and talk hamsap without restriction there! LOL

    2. That certainly is one good reason why I should NOT get one! Muahahahahaha!!!

    3. STP, now you are saying LOUDLY that you should not get one. That statement was once spoken by Lina. And you see, in the end, her itchy hands finally got the smartphone after numerous temptation by SK and gang. Muahahaha~

      I'll be welcoming you as another smartphoner in future :D

    4. She, not the same. I cannot afford to have one, poor old pensioner...have to get my priorities right - spend on my needs, not my wants...so don't count on it!

    5. STP why wallow in self pity and keep harping that you are poor pensioner? Go out and get part time job lah! You are still sexy and young in heart, clever to flirt with gals. Maybe SP can get your part time gigolo jobs for those ladies who like matured men...I think Taiping got market lah.

      BTW I plan to work till 70 years old. I will bake cakes and fry burgers at SP's stall.

    6. Got people want old man kah? True kah? Hmmm...maybe I should move to KL - that will be fun!

      Me, I tell you...so kesian...I walk along Bukit Bintang, no pimp, nobody would bother to make an offer - no indecent proposal. Then one day, one asked me, "Ah Hia(Older brother)! You want China girl?"

      When I went back to the course/seminar venue, I told my friends - they all laughed and said, "Oh dear! Times must be hard! They're getting desperate!!!" See!!! Even they look down on me one... Now, you think I will not wallow in self-pity or not like that? LOL!!!!

    7. Young or old does not matter and size also does not count. Your wallet ada, China dolls mari ramai ramai.

      Why won't you move to KL? SP will take you jogging every week and pump irons. in 2 weeks, you will get slimmer and tougher than him. All for good health's sake lah...

    8. They see me no money mah...which in fact is very true. These people are like hawks - they see you they know already whether you are rich or not, a good prey or not. I always dress up so terrible one...one look they know already, no need to waste their time.

      SK wants me to go pumping with him kah? No lah! I'm sure he has his young and vety fit kakis...will be an insult for him to be seen with this fat old man. Hehehehehe!!!!

    9. I said SP lah!!! Open your sesame eyes!!! LOL

      If SK ajak you go pump irons, you will get bigger size 1000X !! He eats so much after that plus desserts!

    10. yalah, sooner or later he will be using smart-phone while we all are using smarter-phone already.. that's the trend lah, his old fashion phone sure won't last too long one.. furthermore if we all psycho him and persuade and bombard him everyday in his blog to get a smartphone, sure he is another Lina already~~ :D

    11. Ummmm...my birthday is in December and besides, Christmas is round the corner too. Hint! Hint!

      That reminds me! Last time, my blog - so many people visited every day to comment...so enjoyable...but one thing, they all complained about my photos - small and blur. I used my cold phone camera mah. Then somebody suggested all chipping in to buy me a nice camera so everyone could get to see nicer photos, terus senyap... No more sound from everybody!!! Certainly says a lot about people, doesn't it? Can criticise and condemn but when asked to do something about it, all disappear!

    12. STP,
      hint to other people lah! Hint to us for smarphone for what?

      I also kena psycho to buy smartphone by these people, mana ada they all chip in for my phone one? Air liur saja. wakaka

      Eih, if got government money give to orang tua before election, use it to buy smartphone la! ;p

    13. You people making noise, pestering me to get smartphone mah...and you people young, can get RM200 rebate some more. My old handphone...I bought last time RM200, the whole thing - the rebate alone already enough.

    14. Wei...let's go SPAM STP blog ask him to get smart phone just like the time spamming Lina's blog

      Betul what TM said. Dont wallow in self pity. 60 is still young. Go get part time job teaching tuition or what la. At least not sit in the house looking at four wall. Brain also will active more

      Maybe open a tour agency? You good at taking people around mah

      Then get a smart phone and post up all the good food photos immediately la

      Who compaint you photo small and blur? Blur meh? Not really ah? I see okay also

      But the handphone even if smartphone snap photo will also have limit capability

      RM200 ah? u pelahan lahan wait...Maybe Ah Jib Kor will re-consider and give RM200 allowances for those senior citizen to buy smartphone leh

  5. Hey!!! That score tally reliable or not? SP already MIA for so long, still No. 6 for the month of October...doing better than regulars like HS or MeCoy! Now, I'm suspicious... Can do vote-rigging also one kah?

    1. SP got a lot of nonsense that SK likes kot, that's why still so high! xD

    2. No comment = no score mah!!! Sepetember or previous months, got carry forward one kah? I don't think so. Let me go and check...all the posts since 1st October, see how many. I'm so kay po!!! Hehehehehe!!!!

    3. OK, counted all of SP's comments for the month!
      1st October: 9 comments
      2nd October: 16 comments
      3rd October: 12 comments
      4th October: 3 comments
      TOTAL: 40 comments
      Current standing for the month: 6th position.

      I think no need to get first sip, say all that good morning, have a nice day those kinds of comments - all will get one's marks scores perhaps. All irrelevant to the subject of the post.

      Now, to make this comment relevant - in case it gets the penalty as well, I wonder if there are any applications in a smartphone that can help count the number of comments a person makes in each post or not? Hehehehehehe!!!!

    4. LOL.... You might as well count for everyone and post their totals here so that no vote rigging as you believed so. You can wear yellow T shirt and march around Sibu and scream BERSIH!! BERSIH!!!! BERSIH!!!!

    5. Hahahahaha!!! I'm certainly starting to sound like one of them, don't I? RTOFL!!!!

    6. STP, please count for me too~ I wanted to know how's my score before the actual chart comes out.

      Last time SK used to have daily chart and it drove all the top commenters up the wall. Every morning logged into SK0617 while bitting fingernails as breakfast! LOL~~ Am sure Lina and TM remember those days.

    7. No, thank you... I was just wondering MeCoy is here everyday, several comments one shot...but he is at a lower position than SP. Maybe all his comments wishing SK a nice day and all that - not counted. Potong markah some more. That's why...with people like SK, no need to be too nice, no need to be too polite. Hehehehehhehe!!!!!

    8. STP, i feel so hurt everytime you say i one eye big and one eye small, never trust me at all.. so sad lah, in fact i like you the most among all but you treated me like that.. feel so disrespected, i go to one corner and sulk then don't want to play this game already lah~~ :(

      old man, where did you see the latest score as at current time and that "SP still No. 6 for the month of October"??? i don't do daily updates anymore.. in case you looked at the one from last saturday, sorry leh mata rabun, you cannot see "Score accumulated up to: 02:30AM 06.10.2012"??? can't understand English?? that was before he went missing, you most probably will see his name out of the chart coming saturday, which is what you really wish for right?? so bad, wish people to jatuh longkang, kakaka~~ :D

      you so free to calculate comments one by one?? hey, then can calculate for everyone also and send me a report.. i can then use that to tally with what GOOGLE has reported to me and i can feedback them of any discrepancy.. if you are not happy, i can't help, this is my game like it or not.. neh neh neh neh neh~~ :D

    9. Niak! Niak! Niak! SK sudah marah and hurt. I come put kerosene and kipas the api! Whoot! Whoot! Blow! Blow!

      STP you have been hired! You found a job at last!!! Go count the comments daily and send to SK. He might pay you with a bottle of his RLP perfumes!

    10. Oh no! Oh no!!! I am soooooooo sorry!!! My bad! The standing was up till 6th October,2012 only, did not see that. So sorry, a thousand apologies, SK. This old man too cranky, so suspicious of everybody and everything.

      Ok, ok...your eyes not one big one small...both of them small...so never see fault sin others, will always forgive one. You say you forgive me, ok?

      Ummm...why not put the accumulative standings for the month every day leh? More exciting that way - people will all fight tooth and claw to topple one another. I like!!! That will be so enjoyable. Come...come!!!!

    11. "...in fact i like you the most among all..." Ooooo....I feel so warm and fuzzy inside. Me too, SK! Me too!!! Th erest of you, go eat your hearts out!!! "THE MOST", he said... Hehehehehehe!!!!!

    12. no lah, SK not so petty, you think i am that someone who easily gets mad?? i know everyone tries to joke and i don't take things seriously, so do i hope everyone isn't taking things too seriously too because we all just come here to chat for fun.. :D

      hey, that's a good idea!! STP becomes the comment keeper!! can suggest to other bloggers lah, anybody needs someone to calculate comments please hire STP with two bottles of GUESS perfumes for each month~~ :D

      i did the daily updates before, but everyone's complaining they got heavy tension and heart attack, hahaha!! better not do that, and i think weekly is good enough, don't want to create pressure here mah, everyone comes here to comment and have fun.. :)

    13. Two bottles of GUESS??? Oooo...that will be some RM500-600... Ok, who wants me to count? Let me know, quick! Can throw in a deodorant stick also or not? Branded one wor...not those cheap Watsons or Guardian ones - those, I don't want. Allergic...armpits all red, painful some more.LOL!!!!

    14. I protest, SK. You like STP the most, you burn him a CD of all his favorite songs. How can? Do you know someone like you more than STP ? Do you know someone favorite songs? Do you intend to burn someone a CD too?

    15. with two bottles of perfume every month, the STP will have too many stocks till he can't finish using them.. keep them till expired and smell like stinky fish!! :D

      Mak Yan why protest?? i like STP the most but i LOVE Mak Yan the most mah.. of course i will burn you a CD later~~ *wink* :p

    16. I protest, double protest!! There's someone-else beside Mak Yan who like you, too! CD specially for Mak Yan? Where's the personalized CD with that someone-else's favourite songs?

      *That someone-else has gone to the corner to sulk*

    17. Oh! Sk, you melt my heart. For so long, jin jin didn't say this 3 little words to me. If he says that to me, he must be doing somthing wrong behind me. I can smell that.

      I will give you a website, most of my favorite songs are there. Thanks SK.

    18. Muahahahahahaha!!! You habis liao, SK...you know women! Kuat jealous one!!! You give one, all will want to have.

      Yan, have you checked out my post on the CD? Personalised one some more, SK made the jacket and also the CD cover...with my hoto on it as well. So pretty, so nice... Really special, means so much to me - still play it every night...but up to Track 6 only, after that...stuck liao. Hehehehehe!

    19. Ya la! Ya la! I know la! You have told so many times, I went and checked on the link already. I know how much you like all those songs that SK burned for you la! He likes you the most only, not love you the most.

    20. Hehehehehehe!!! Can't wait to see the one he will burn for you. Wonder what songs - "I don't like to sleep alone" kah? Hehehehehe!!!!

    21. SK, "that someone"? !! tsk tsk!

    22. So many "that someone" kah? LOL!!! SK, tell them that they must get into the Top 3 positions for the month first...otherwise no deal. Cannot lah, just give like that. They have to work very hard for it. Muahahahahaha!!!!!

    23. SK,
      You love here. You love there. Later people not happy then sulk for three months. How?

      Susah pulak kena send nice apology letter. wakaka

      You sayang Mak Yan and let Ah Hua sulk in corner in jealousy. How can you do that? tsk tsk

    24. I dunno who "that someone" you guys talking about. Got no photo one yet STP go miang miang every day. Who knows it is a gorilla blogging or a lonely grandfather?

    25. Got photo leh...can see everywhere. You google suituapui photos...or use my real name - all the photos will come out! SK doesn't want to use mah...better use kampua or ham - I also like like that!!! Delicious!!! Slurps!!! LOL!!!

    26. Fuiyo...first time see SK "hot" .

      STP, you really nothing to do and go count the comments ah? Me pengsan lor.

      Tak aci, SK! You sayang STP so much! give him persobalise CD la and then now give Guess perfume to him...tak aci betul ni.

      Hmmm I wont be surprised if STP will get a smartphone for his birthday cum christmas present this year from you know how...

  6. 其實你可以係設置-〉鍵盤-〉使用者字典裏面輸入自己常用嘅特別字句,當你每次打到嗰個英文字母,自動更正功能就會彈出你之前係字典裏面輸入嘅特別字句。


    1. Courtesy of Google Translate:

      Mirage 10/10/12 9:39 AM
      In fact, you can be tied to Settings -> Keyboard -> User dictionary typed your commonly used the generous special words, every time you hit Go English letters, AutoCorrect feature will pop-up dictionary system before you input generous special words inside.

      Example, enter code: liao, words: AutoCorrect "word appears.

    2. lol, STP, why you go and tranlate his words?

      Redundant comment will minus point.

      By the way, what if I enter "liao", I want it to autocorrect to "鸟" , don't know can or not?

    3. Never mind! I have lots of comments to spare, no worries... Still, No.1 for the month of October...so far! Hehehehehehe!!!!!

    4. I think if STP gets a smartphone you will be No 1 for whole year 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015!!!

    5. Yalor...nobody else will stand a chance, that's for sure! Lucky thing, I don;t have...so you all still have a bit of hope. LOL!!!

    6. TM,
      Provided his fingers can type on the screen and his eyes can see what he typed la! kekeke

      If he got wrong spelling, deduct his points! Sir Arthur must show good example to us "Oh My English" spammers here. kikiki

    7. You bet, he overlooked so many times and replied irrelevant comments! Wakakakaka

    8. STP need to comment correctly and learn from Yvonne lah.... He wrote so much and deducted so much!! Wasted his time typing craps and miang miang that someone only.

    9. Nahhhh!!! I always believe that if you throw one stone and you miss, habis liao! Throw many stones, sure some will hit one. So simply comment, lots and lots of comments...and if deduct a few, never mind...still got lots leftover. Hehehehehehe!!!

    10. RE: Yan, you can set your own word in your dictionary. type : liao then appear 鳥!

  7. haha mine was kinda fat as well im having a hard time too pressing haha well thats why i like my old model phone its easier to use

    1. Well, I only have an old mobile phone so I would not know the difference. They say that the touchscreen one, you cannot text when driving. True or not?

    2. Cannot text on touchscreen while driving? I saw many do that! Nowadays people can multitask in the car; eat and drive, drink and drive, sex and drive, text and drive.... whatever la. That's why so many accidents on the road.

    3. Cari jalan mati...all those people, so pathetic! Life, for them, is not worth living so they might as well go sooner...

    4. My wife lagi terror!!!! While driving she could use her phone and log into Maybank account to transfer money to someone!!!! Whooaaaaaa!!!! I screamed for my dear life! She told me to just "Shaddaaaappp!!!"...

    5. Aiyor!!! I told my daughter - these things, must be calm, composed, relaxed...not distractions and full concentration. Never multi-task! Mana tau, salah tekan extra two zeros...pay people RM10 becomes RM1,000!!! Die lor like that!

    6. DOing all that is so dangerous. One thing if do that and sendiri mati.

      Another if you cause accidents and death of others.

      We are not going to die if we do a transaction and reply to whatever our friends are whatsapping immediately.

      We die if we didn;t see the road properly and ram into lorries! @.@

    7. Yes! Yes! Sendiri die never mind...all the innocent victims yang kena later...and if die terus, also ok...not continue living like a vegetable. Must always think far and wide and consider the consequences. Don't play play with this kind of thing.

    8. Old mobile phone is easier to text lah, STP. No need see already know which button is for what alphabet.

      New smartphone the keyboard will "run" left and right then side ways. Manyak susah to txt.

      Maybe that is why the smartphone size is so big. Make four eyes people like me can text though with a lot of errors

      I duno how they text using smartphone when driving la. If black berry then i know la coz got button keyboard .

      I salute your wife la, TM. She really "lihai" Like that also an online ah?

      STP, I agree with us. I prefer to d it when have good internet connection and from PC. I feel unsecure if using smartphone to transfer money. Not only might extra 2 zero...my account dun have that much. But I worry if my phone dropped or kena curi...then they will have my account details and stuffs like that.

      Fully agree with STP's statement of " Sendiri die never mind"...let me add..."DONT DRAG others die with you."

  8. I ve heard about that auto correct feature well I ve seen it at ellen i laugh out loud because of its errors haha

    1. Can't you switch it off? Why mama pussy one, it never corrects leh? Or maybe it was correct when she typed and then the auto correct corrects it and it becomes wrong. Many people say these smart phones aren't really that smart actually...

    2. mine one have auto correct la but when I use bahasa malaysia words it become other english words. So the bahasa malaysia words wll auto add into the dictionary.

      so sometimes when i type a word, a few option words options will appear. When i select too fast it will be the wrong word.

  9. also siri was kinda popular too but i think theres still a lot to improve with that feature haha

    1. I know of someone (he shared it on Facebook) who spends so much time talking to Siri and at night, before going to sleep, he will say good night to Siri and Siri will reply good night. Really, that guy needs to go and get a life.

    2. what the heck is siri? I think i need to google it. I thought siri is just an operating systems. Looks like I am wrong

  10. maybe you should watch that ellen de generes show episodes where she featured this you'll really laugh

    1. Is it available on youtube? I saw the one on the Oppa Gangnam Style...with Simon Cowell and Britney Spears. Really hilarious.

  11. have a great day and happy bloggin my friend have a great day too god bless and take care alwAys

  12. You know lah I always Kena CB words appear unexpectedly too. My new Samsung Galaxy is too slippery for my fingers. I better wear rubber gloves.

    1. It is what you are...a true reflection!!! Technology never lies! Hahahahaha!!!!!

    2. Muahahahahahaha!!!!!! I am enjoying this...getting on TM's nerves!

    3. TM,
      Don;t simple KNN STP.

      Later ada orang marah you, I don;t know. hehehe

    4. I was right that STP always enjoyed seeing me fumed and scream. Horrors! It won't work okay cos I am cooler than cucumber.

    5. Good lah like that! Then I can go on insulting you kao-kao!!! Muahahahahaha!!!! Now I gang with SK...since he sent me prizes, don't want to insult him anymore...must be nice-nice to him all the time. Muahahahahaha!!!!

    6. TM

      hahaha...new phone is like that la. Slippery ah? maybe can buy a "casing" that is "kasar" one? My one the casing is kasar one. Said "Rock" so it's not smooth. Easier for me to hold it.

    7. Ahem...if t still "slipped off" maybe can donate it to SYP la. Sure STP going to be very happy to get a Samsung Galaxy....though it is a second hand smartphone

  13. Replies
    1. Hmm, I love and hate auto correction! But I think I hate it more, I always turn it off..

    2. I rather type everything one by one.. Cause you know la, we Malaysian have rojak languages, so the auto correction may not able to understand it...

    3. Luckily I don't have very fat fingers la, so typing one by one is not a problem for me.. :P

    4. Auto correct is an advantage when we don't know the correct spelling. But sometimes it's a disadvantage when we meant something else, our words were corrected and became something else. Therefore, I would prefer to type my own words and no auto correct at all. Furthermore, we usually use short forms too or bahasa words.

  14. The postman always rings twice? Hmmmm...not my postman!!! He blared his motorcycle horn so loudly and for so long till all the neighbours came out to see what was happening. I had to rush out quickly so that he would stop. So shy lah!!! Everyone was looking...

    Now what was the reason for all that commotion? It was a very special delivery - all the way from KL...from my very dear SK!!! Thank you, thank you so much for all the prizes - I really really love them so much!!!

    Hmmm...must work harder this month! Hope I will win top prize this time around. Step aside, the rest of you...here comes STP!!! LOL!!!

    1. oh you received already!! even earlier than Mak Yan?? good good, i was so anxious waiting for it to be delivered and kept on checking the status at POS Malaysia website, but KNN they didn't even update the status since the day i sent!! how efficient.. hehehehe, i know those are cheapskate things lah, at least keep them for one week before you throw away?? wakakakaka~~ :D

    2. Tonight STP please blog on these prizes you received. Give your food blogs a break pleaseeeeeeeeeeee!!!! TM Faints!

    3. Yup, SK... I sent poslaju yesterday - went tracking also no update. Went to their Facebook page, complained there already. Ahhhh!!! Now I have your address...wonder what I can send you? Wait ah!!! I go dig for something nice...to recycle. Me worse cheapo cheapskate than you...but it's the thought that counts mah! Hahahahaha!!!

    4. Ya lo! Mak Yan still hasn't received the prize. May be my prize kena guni wrapped by SK's stalker. Sobss.........I don't care, SK, if my prize goes missing, you send again.

    5. Anay you might be wrong, maybe the prize can be kampua related also, and this STP can even link to his kampua he had this morning, so that's still a food post!! TM double faints~~

      STP no need to send me anything, i didn't ask for return.. i willingly send the prize to my "most liked" after waiting for so long that he finally emerged as one of the winner.. wakakakakaka :D

      Mak Yan, maybe your Jin Jin jealous thought how come every month got one secret stalker sending you "expensive" gifts, so he confiscated that from you~~ :D

    6. I enjoy giving and sending things to people... It will be my pleasure but I always send by poslaju, so that is a pressure. Sent something worth RM5 yesterday...but the charges RM15!!! Makes it really not worth it to send...unless it is something light and yet valuable/expensive to offset those high charges.

    7. OMG! SK sent Kampua replica to him? Idiot la Thambee! Just send him a bottle of your fart smell and label it Polo Fart Lauren!

    8. Don't be jealous, TM!!! Try harder and you will get to win something soon... Hehehehehehe!!!!

  15. I hate to type the phone keyboard too.... I always press the wrong alphabets even i have thin fingers. hahha

    1. It always happen to me. When I wanted to press 'A', I will accidentally pressed 'S'. Very leceh.

    2. But i like auto correction functions. Next time, dun use too much rojak wording la...

    3. But comparing to phone and computer, i prefer computer more......

    4. smart phone is actually not so smart afterall......... haha.....

    5. Even on PC keyboard, also I will make mistakes...sometimes, fingers too fast for the mind. LOL!!!

  16. iPhone very hard ler... if you use Android phone, I'll recommend you Swype :p

  17. I have fat fingers too...always get typo mistakes... and thank goodness the correct words always appear on top and all I have to do is to tap the space bar... :)

  18. I hate auto-correct and I'll curse ppl who uses auto-correct!

  19. I review this post and find out that I didn't write anything relevant to the content.
    Ok, I am still very clumsy typing words using touch keypad. I hate the feature of switching between capital letters and small letters each time . I also can't find those symbols that I nead easily. I am not sure whether it is the problem of my Samsung Galaxy Tab. May be iPad is more user friendly. If my two girls do well in this final exam, I must really get them an iPad.

    1. Yan, I thought Samsung Galaxy is very user friendly. I was considering to get Samsung Galaxy note earlier this year but it was too bulky

  20. The auto correct function is quite annoying >.<

  21. I use to have this problem until now . . . and yah . . . wanted to type "U" then pressed "I", dam kao sien . . .

    1. and is I type "Ice", then ter-type "Uce", sometimes auto-correct helped me to correct it, sometimes don't >.> wew

    2. I think is time for u SK change to tablet with the "pen" LMAO

      so u can write whatever thing u "riked" LOL

    3. and ur "apple" phone autocorrect may lead u troublesome too, am I correct? XD or u used other kind of phone di . . .

  22. I also hate the auto correction feature.
