路人甲:「呢間商場個聖誕樹, 白曬曬成舊塗滿忌廉嘅大蛋糕咁, 都唔知邊鬼個設計嘅, 真係核鬼突!!」如果你係個設計師, 畀比你聽到有個路人咁樣嚟彈你件作品, 你會去即刻搵個窿捐, 定係直頭鬧佢唔認識欣賞件藝術品呢?? [注: 大家應該知道我講緊邊間商場啦呵?? 估中冇獎..]
咖啡室內顧客甲剛到步, 佢個朋友顧客乙未等佢坐低, 就先同佢握手大聲諷刺話:「好耐唔見噃, 喺MSN度delete咗我哩??」霎時間顧客甲所有朋友(包括乙自己)都已經笑到趴喺度, 唯獨顧客甲一臉錯愕兼尷尬地半企半坐姿勢維持數秒之久.. 呢個故事教訓我哋, 除非自莫為, 所以唔好隨便delete你仲有可能見面嘅朋友囉, 畀人問到口啞啞, 幾咁難堪呢?? 哈哈~~

[straight to the point 1]
shopper A: "i really have no idea who designed this christmas tree, all in white but just look like a big cake with cream all over, very ugly indeed lor" (not forgetting the very malaysian style closing word lor to emphasize) if you were the designer and you overheard that from a shopper, would you quickly find a hole to bury your face into the ground, or would you criticize him for not being artistic enough to accept this masterpiece of yours?? [note: guess you should know which shopping mall i'm refering to right?? no prize for the bingos though..]
[straing to the point 2]
in a cafe, patron A was fashionably late and before he could actually sit down, his friend patron B quickly shook hand with him and cynically say out loud: "long time no see, how's thing going? deleted me from MSN hor??" (not forgetting the very singaporean style closing word hor to emphasize).. all his friends (including patron B himself) suddenly burst out into laughters, poor patron A was so ashamed and guilty, until he kept still with his half-stood and half-seated pose for few seconds.. this taught us a good lesson, don't do it if you don't wish people to know, if you think you still have chance to meet up a friend, don't delete him/her off from MSN.. it just get so embarrassed when asked why they have been deleted.. haha!!
OMG! Are you sure that loud mouthed grandma wasn't Twilight? Next time better cover my big CB mouth when Sk is eaves dropping! LOL...
ReplyDeleteYay! I managed to comment first la... This weekend i will be off to my retreat and preparing for New Year blog. Want fart and shit, rite??
are you sure they talked that loud, or it's just you who stick your ears to their conversation?? haha :p
ReplyDeleteI heard that too.... hahahaha
ReplyDeletehaha, bt i want delete my msn contact...so tis problems wont happpend
真讓我orz啦~ :P
Twilight Zone:
ReplyDeletepretty sure that loud mouth wasn't Yende Twilight Bulana, cos they didn't speak Tamil!! haha.. and are you sure your's is a CB mouth and not a LJ or LP mouth?? muaahahaha!! wow, looks like you are working on something HUGE for the new year's blog.. hmmm, i shall wait and look forward to it :)
hehe, of course i'm not so "geh poh" to stick my years to other people's conversation.. perhaps they just purposely want other people to overhear?? :p
of course you heard that too.. hehehe!! :p
you don't have to delete MSN contacts, but mind you the maximum allowed in your list is 1500~~ :)
我全身都是油, 一點也不好吃喇, 呵呵!! 我不知道你的公司在哪裡, 不過你的blog有提到那個下金雪的地方, 就是那顆蛋糕聖誕樹囉, 我也明白各花入各眼, 不過還是入不到我眼內!! 別告訴我說你就是那設計師?? 哈哈~~ 四字箴言是我一向來的風格, 你也蠻observant的, 厲害.. :p
大佬: 好surprise嗰日见到你啰.
ReplyDeleteno idea which complex as i was back in m'sia just in time for christmas ...... no time for shoppin also
ReplyDelete哈哈, 真的不知你就在對面上班, 現在知道了, 每天看見白色蛋糕聖誕樹, 還好吧?? 呵呵~~ 不過我倒覺得MV的裝飾很好看, 可能他賺了我們很多血汗錢吧?? hmm, 直腸直肚, 是好是壞就要看情況了, 不過最好就是別得罪人, 無傷大雅那些就可以當笑話一談吧.. 你是懮柔寡斷的人嗎?? 其實有時面對選擇的時候, 我也會這樣, 人之常情啊..
係啊細佬, 我坐住喺度見到你, 即刻SMS你喇.. KL雖然唔係好大, 不過撞到都算我哋有緣.. :)
hmmm, ask around about the white christmas tree, i'm sure many people knows.. or just ask about the newest high-end shopping mall in town.. :)
sk and joseph: 你們倆我一樣看"重" ;p
ReplyDeleteSk: Pavilion 有一間名牌的display更難看
ReplyDelete你看"重"我和小崇些甚麼?? 體重?? OMG..
哪一間名牌?? Pavilion間間都是, 你隨便講開頭和結尾那兩個字母我就會話頭醒尾了..
當然是体重咯 哈哈.... 但是小崇好像slim了
ReplyDelete沒有錯, 我是體重超標之人!! 你笑人的~~
哦, 湯米?? 從來不欣賞他, 所以沒有去他的店, 所以就不知道他的display有幾難看~~
Tagnan: 看來要讓你失望了~我又胖回去了~所以呀..今天要去做運動!!呵呵