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13.12.2008 | 雷霆戰狗

最近一連睇咗三齣動畫片, 繼早前嘅《馬達加斯加2》同埋《多啦A夢》之後, 今日行行吓街好即興咁就去咗睇呢齣《雷霆戰狗》(立體版).. 忽然間覺得自己多咗兩錢童真, 隻狗仔真係好得意囉, 呵呵..

我覺得呢個動畫故事都寫得十分唔錯, 係有度過橋畀心機去寫架, 有別與我哋所熟悉迪士尼一般嘅動畫片.. 如果三片作比較, 我會覺得呢一齣最好睇, 係鬼咁enjoy喎.. 雖然立體效果做得非常普通(其實我認為可以只睇普通版), 不過CG係做得非常之出色囉.. 畫得好真實好逼真, 角色表情舉動全部都拿捏得當, 三片中要數佢第一喇.. 本人誠意推薦, 如果想要令到自己開心嘅話, 就不妨去睇《雷霆戰狗》啦..

watched three animation movies consecutively recently.. after "Madagascar 2" and "Doraemon" weeks ago, went for "Bolt" (3D version) today rather impromptu while doing shopping in pavilion.. suddenly feel myself getting more kiddish because of watching all these movies, but that dog is really cute, hehe..

i personally think that the storyline of this animation is very good indeed, can see that it's actually well planned and wittily written, unlike the common Walt Disney animation we have always been watching.. compared to the former two, i would say this one is the best, i really enjoyed the movie very much.. little imperfection is that the 3D effect was not impressive (i think it will be absolutely fine to watch only the normal 2D version), but i would admit that the CG is indeed jaw-dropping gorgeous, accurate and precise drawing, every character is presented with absolute lively expressions and movements.. i would happily recommend this movie, if you want to make yourself happy, then just go and watch "Bolt"...[故事大綱]
一開始Bolt就係一隻超級無敵保鏢狗, 可以能人所不能, 撼低所有壞人保護主人.. 後來故事漸漸發展落去, 原來佢不過係某電視台真人show嘅主角, 以各種特技去捧佢上天.. 同時間亦都將Bolt矇騙在內, 等佢仲以為自己真係隻超級狗, 完全喪失真正狗性.. 後來陰差陽錯之下離開咗電視城, 終於見識外邊真正嘅世界, 後來遇上Mittens貓同埋Rhino葵鼠, 令佢終於醒覺自己其實只不過係隻普通狗.. 當然最後三位好朋友渡過重重難關一齊返回電視城, Bolt最後一擊, 憑其本能智慧同勇敢, 於火海中救出主人, 大團圓結局..

Bolt is "programmed" to be a super-dog capable of all stunts that human kind are unable to do, being the bodyguard of his master, he has never failed to defeat all dangers in order to save his master.. however, never would one know that this is just the gimmick of a television reality show, where the stunts effects are all pre-planned and pre-designed to market Bolt as the super-dog.. at the same time, Bolt has been deceived and brought up to think that he is really a super-dog and hence lost all his genuine characteristics a dog should have.. one day Bolt left the studio by accident, only to see the real world outside, and there he met Mittens the jaded housecat and Rhino the tv-obsessed hamster, whom helped him to realise his true inner-self.. of course, the three good friends, after overcoming all obstacles, finally got back to the studio, where Bolt finally show off his instinct wisdom and courage to save his master from fire.. and since then they all lived happily ever after..


  1. i saw alr...bolt really cute lo..."覺得自己多咗兩錢童真"...dun't think so much la...haha!!

  2. i'm looking forward to see these movies as well

  3. 三部都还未看呢

  4. 看来要去看一看了

  5. my favorite animation for the year so far is still ~ Wall-E.
    can't imagine how come i was crying watching it...
    bought the dvd but dare not watch.. scared cry again....

  6. squall:
    yeah, i really like Bolt he is cute.. and also Rhino for being so crazy, Mitttens for being witty as well.. well who cares about the 兩錢童真 i have?? hahaha :D

    Johnny Ong:
    yeah, Bolt is really worth a watch.. get your butt in and get out happy, haha :p

    真的很不錯咧, 沒有騙你.. 應該去看的, 看了之後開開心心出來, 感覺多好..

    帶你檳城的朋友去看吧, 大家樂也融融看電影~~ :)

    i didn't watch Wall-E though, it is a sad movie why are you crying for that?? oooh, then go watch Bolt to make yourself laugh, hehe :p

  7. good lah, i haven't got time to watch all 3 of these animation movies :(

  8. I agree that CGs these days are damn good. We hire CG designers often to fix the clients' renderings and they charge big bomb fees! So lucrative business.

  9. Wall - E is a very MEANINGFUL animation, not sad.. its just me.. shallow eyes ;p

  10. i juz see madagascar 2 only....ll see doremon n bolt...

  11. pooityng:
    you have too much time spent in weddings, parties and food, but no time for movies?? sigh..

    welcome and thanks for dropping by, do come and leave comments again.. :)

    Twilight Zone:
    well, perhaps CGs are more to precision and detailed work, it's never easy.. perhaps you can learn this, and use CG to produce your very own "Journey to the Center of the Hell", haha!!

    there must be something that makes you cry.. it's either the story, or something that you have came across being presented in the movie.. :)

    believe me, Bolt is better than Madagascar 2.. you can actually find a similarity between them - the penguins in Madagascar and the pigeons in Bolt, take note when you watch it later, hehe..

  12. I watched Bolt with my kids and their girl friends (yes.... Ben and I brought 5 kids to watch movie, OMG!). and we enjoyed this movie a lot!

  13. The graphics are great and storyline is lovely. It's about love and trust. Kinda touching. :)

  14. bolt is interesting, but 3D effect is not really good, the effect of "journey to the centre of earth" is better... anyhow, i still miss the Imax "The Polar Express", that was really great!

  15. 慧沁:
    haha, so young already have girlfriends?? but only 5 kids meh?? who among the 3 is still single?? haha.. :p

    hey dude, do you know if McDonald's have the Bolt toys?? i think i would be interested to buy, hehe :p

    oh yeah i totally agree with you, the 3D effect for TJTTCOTE is much better.. but i enjoyed Bolt a lot more actually.. didn't watch "Polar Express" though..

  16. same here, Bolt tells a better story than TJTTCOTE, somemore i am a dog lover, so Bolt is 100% one of my favourite movie.

  17. i was surprised about the storyline actually, have been thinking that Bolt is just a superdog like most animation will plot.. yes, i love this movie~~
