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29.12.2008 | 保羅史密

嗱嗱嗱, 睇真啲, 呢個「保羅史密夫」係唔係有啲怪怪地?? 我唔係名牌奴隸, 唔會崇尚名牌, 更加唔會捨得洗錢喺一身名牌上.. 各位眼見嘅係「保羅史密夫」嘅老翻細佬「保羅史密」, 哈哈..

今日去金河廣場, 無意中見到呢對鞋, 覺得幾唔錯, 而且折後只係69蚊, 好平喎都.. 我十幾年前做仔嘅時候, 都有喺呢間商場買嘢嘅, 不過之後漸漸同佢疏遠喇.. 呢度已經變成年輕[啦啦]嘅天堂, 我自覺自己嘅品味同佢差距甚遠, 加上見到週圍[海鮮]我就覺頭暈, 所以而家會去金河廣場都係止於裡頭一間唱片鋪..

今日難得買到呢對鞋, 都應該慶幸自己仲young啦, 不過畀錢嘅時候, 見到個售貨員拎出呢個「保羅史密」鞋盒.. 噢賣葛, 我竟然老貓燒鬚買老翻!! 不過踩喺腳下, 又冇大大隻字喺對鞋度話佢係保羅史密夫, 而且佢其實都幾靚仔吖, 應該唔算太差係嘛??

well well well, look carefully and have you noticed the "Paul Smith" is a little weird looking?? i'm not a branded slave, i won't purposely go for branded stuffs, and most importantly i won't be generous enough to spend on buying branded stuffs too.. what you saw is a fake "Paul Smith" actually, hahaha..

was hanging around in Sungei Wang Plaza this afternoon, where i accidentally bumped into this pair of shoes, quite nice looking and after discount it's just RM69, kind of cheap.. i remember the last time i have ever bought clothings from this mall was more than 10 years ago, but never since then.. this mall has been directed to become youngsters' paradise, well if you understand the slang la-la for them that actually describe precisely what i wanted to say.. just feel that my taste is actually very different from what the mall can provide, and furthermore i feel dizzy seeing seafood (that's pun and not really mean seafood, if you understand what la-la means) all around me..

surprisingly being able to get myself a pair of shoes from this mall, i should feel young again, haha.. but when i went to pay for the shoes, stunned to see the sales guy bringing out this "Paul Smith" box to pack the shoes for me.. urrggh, and i thought OMG, finally i am buying fake!! anyway, it's just a pair of shoes without any tell-people-i-am-paul-smith kind of flambuoyant design, somemore it actually look decent and good, not really that bad yeah??


  1. thank you for visit my blog
    and your blog better than me...


  2. I'm looking for a casual wear shoe as my current shoe is going to the trash... wore off :(

    The pair of shoe that you have shown is very nice for casual wear... hmmm...

  3. Paul Smith is just too expensive for me..... and my next shoe brand in my shopping list is Adidas...

  4. Nice pair of shoe. Brand is not a neccesity as quality and comfortability are more important.

  5. I have a Paul Smith sweater which I used during Beijing winter. It is a fake as well, only RM50.

  6. Whoa~ that shoe is gotgeous~!! i have similar looking shoe and it hates my feet!! only wore it 3 times i think coz it hurts~! The most important thing is not the brand lor, or the price. it's the comfort! love your feet! wakakakaka

  7. BlackLibra:
    thanks for dropping by too.. well, there's nothing like who's better than who.. we all blog with our own style.. :)

    hmmm, i guess you need a more sturdy pair of shoes for Uganda don't you?? i still do not know how good this pair of shoes is, but examining it in details last night, i think the craftmanship is quite lousy.. :(

    err, that is not Paul Smith, it's FAKE Paul Smith, muahaha!! yeah, i love adidas shoes also :)

  8. K|E|E|N|Y|E|E:
    i don't mind about brand actually, but this is so "original fake" of Paul Smith, hahaha!! you know, like getting a pair of Adidos or Niki or Rebook or Asicks shoes?? :p

    ooh, for sure there are loads of orignal fake in China, haha!! and what's more?? they have more creative and advanced designs that the original does not have.. :p

    fable frog:
    i kind of worry that this pair of shoes might "bite" me also, like most new shoes hates the new owner.. but mum taught me to bite them on the heel first before wearing, then they would be good.. :)

  9. Ooops!! Never heard of this brand!!! I must still be in the woods

  10. hmm... now i think my so-called paul smith jeans is also fake one hahahaha

  11. "我十幾年前做仔嘅時候" ~
    lolz...how old r u SK???

  12. 你的口味都几年轻一下嘛!

  13. iml:
    err, not really popular here i think, haha!! anyway, if you can get it in Sg Wang, perhaps you will be hearing about this brand soon.. hehe~~ :)

    hmmm, i think anything less than RM300 for a Paul Smith should be fake or rejected.. hahaha!! :p

    haiz, at least i am much much older than you lor, kid.. hehe :p

    err, 其實我沒有很老啦, 只不過是大你很多很多很多天罷了~~

  14. Yengga Poreng Ngeh, SK Thamby better wear Bata shoes like me. I wear black Bata shoes to office and no one knows leh. Of course, I walk in construction sites so my faked Ferragamo stays at home lah... Vanakam!

  15. Twilight Zone:
    Yende, you know what is Brought Already Throw Away?? muahahaa!! next time you will see me standing proudly with my Paul Smith, remember to wear your Ferragamo to match ok?? hehe :p

  16. when u come to visit me, i don't know when la ha .. i take you to Paul Smith factory outlet la ha ... shop till you drop haaa

  17. Wow, Paul Smith vs Ferragamo. I shall see this. :)

  18. 的確几低買, 我會支持有質地既老翻

  19. csws:
    aiyoh, i chin lei siu siu go visit you, you only bring me to PS factory outlet meh?? i want more more more.. hahahaha!! wah see wah, this PS shoes dim jek?? hehe~~

    hmm, want to join in the shoe war?? wear your Hugo Boss dude!! haha :p

    一分錢一分貨, 點都唔似得你對著咗超過10年仲上得戰場嘅舊鞋囉.. :)
