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18.12.2008 | 晶高啤路

晶高啤路, 晶高啤路, 晶高柯德惠.. 又快到聖誕喇, 一早吩咐所有同事事先買份禮物擺喺(由KL全權負責設計嘅)棵聖誕樹下, 今日集齊人馬(獨欠尚喺新加坡為公司仆心仆命嘅MO)搞搞交換禮物..

年年例牌一人抽一個冧把, 對號換禮物, 為咗唔抽到自己, 所以大家一共抽咗四輪, 前後抽中靚冧把都一一錯失咗.. 最後兩次同樣抽中7號, 果然係命中註定, 上天仿彿已經安排我抽中我至least preferred嘅7號--朱古力曲奇餅一包(都應該多謝LF買呢份禮物嘅)!! 最後開封, 與眾多同事一齊分享, 開心好運通通食晒落肚, 一世跟住我哋.. :)

睇吓大家都有份禮物, 個個都笑得幾開心啊.. 聖誕快樂~~jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle all the way.. it's christmas time and today we (except poor MO who is still stranded in SG) had the gift exchange in office.. got everyone to buy a present beforehand and secretly place them under the christmas tree (decorated by dear KL), looking forward this evening for a surprise of what we are going to get..

as usual we have to draw a number each and match with the number on the present, in order not to get back the number representing our own present, we had in total re-drawn four times.. kept missing out nice numbers (i mean attractive looking present) and at last i got number 7, for the last two consecutive times, really predestined for that number i guess.. as if god has already arranged me to draw that number, the number i least preferred, that lead me to a pack of chocolate cookies (still thanks to LF who bought it anyway)!! had the cookies shared with everyone in the office anyway, all the happiness and good luck gone into our stomach, and be with us forever.. :)

look at everyone smiling happily with a nice present each.. merry christmas to all~~


  1. you know what, i seriously don't get it - why Xmas becomes so popular in Malaysia. when i was back last year, i saw huge Xmas trees, and lots of Xmas accessories in shopping centre. the atmosphere there is not much less than in Canada. i feel so strange ! 圣诞关我屁事!;) i mean, we are Chinese, living in Islamic country, right? i totally understand Xmas celebration in Oz and Canada, it is like their Chinese new year. how come Xmas has become such big deal in Malaysia !

    it is all about the commercials, i believe. and all the money we spend go to the businessmen's pockets !

  2. 还ok啦,抽到7号。7号是Lucky Number嘛!

  3. merry christmas.. kinda agree with wut shirls said.. however.. i believe it is also good to make it such a big event... nowadays people needs to find reason to be happy.. christmas does make lots of ppl happy.. especially the businessman. haha

  4. shirls:
    don't be surprise, christmas is getting more and more celebrated now.. maybe we are just getting another reason to be happy and to celebrate?? there is actually no harm at all i think, and especially the younger generations being more and more influenced by the western culture, you can quite see why.. anyway merry christmas and happy new year!!

    唉, 問題就是這個不是jackpot啊.. 如果是jackpot我應該中大獎了, 因為連續兩次抽中~~

    i totally agree with you, just another reason to celebrate and to be happy.. well, come to think of it, this thing actually applies to all festive seasons right?? hahaha.. :)

  5. wow! you have bunch of fun colleague who enjoy the festive season :)

    Merry Xmas... did Santa send you your present yet?

  6. X'mas has become a festival to give and receive presents from others in Malaysia, to have party and be happy but the original meaning is totally different from what most ppl are doing now. All thanks to commercials......in fact, mother's day, father's day, Valentine's day....all have been affected by commercials and it has become a "Tradition" to spend money during these days....我们不应该盲目追随,忘记这些节日的根本意义是很重要的。

  7. TZ:
    hehe, i know you are missing your colleagues already.. hmmm, santa hasn't sent me my christmas wish yet, at least the cookies i got was not what i've wished for.. :p

    i somehow totally agree with what you have mentioned.. all the festive seasons seems to have lost the root meaning, but just merely celebration and spending of money.. anyway, sometimes it's not easy not to 盲目跟隨, but we are just 身不由己.. :)

  8. Yengga Porreng Ngeh Sk Thamby deh... You sure had lotsa fun deh. How come the tree so short one? Need to siram water & put fertilizer to grow taller. My office X'mas party will be inside Red Box Pavilion this Saturday night. I have decided to take taxi home instead coz I will be the target to get drunk for being a big bully. Help!

  9. haha, i totally understand how you feel to find out the present is just a pack of cookies.. let me guess, Famous Amos?? hahaha!! LOL~~

  10. wah
    ur office so happening one. :P

  11. 真热闹,还是年轻朝气的公司最好

  12. Twilight Zone:
    no need to have such a big xmas tree laa, it's just a symbolic decoration maa.. so going to sing and dance bollywood tonight at redbox huh?? hmmm, i think that's the reason why your colleagues want to make you drunk.. so that their ears and eyes can be peaceful, hehehe :p

    hey hey, you are great man!! how did you know it's famous amos?? is it that famous afterall?? :p

    hehe, nice leh?? wanna come and work with us?? :p

    哈哈, 當然啦, 大家年輕人玩在一齊, 多開心啊~~

  13. 嘻嘻﹐下年 Uncle 都係唔好講出口﹐話唔想收到啲咩禮物啦﹐呢度講嗰度中呀。。哈哈

  14. i still insist that you are the oldest among your colleagues :P

  15. mynicole:
    唉, 算啦, 人哋都係一份心意, 又唔好搞到面黑黑咁樣囉.. 大家交換禮物但求開心啫~~

    hmmm, you are still holding up with your own perception.. nvm laa, whatever you think laa :p

  16. Your gift exchange is like so early wor.... we'll only be exchanging it tomoro 24/12. Hope i'll get nice presents....

  17. because people are taking leave for the festive, so we gotta arrange it earlier so that everyone can make it lor.. haha, hope you won't get cookies for your presents :p
