今日係雪蘭莪州屬假期, 之不過吉隆坡呢個位於雪州內嘅城市就冇份.. 所以今朝返工嘅時候, 眼見大半喺雪州返工嘅街坊, 唔駛返工喺度晨運嘆早茶, 認真羨慕佢哋星期一啱啱放完假, 今日又再有假放囉.. 其實只不過係幾米距離之差, 我要返工不過佢哋就唔駛~~
其實我覺得住喺邊界會更加有趣噃, 可唔可以話看風駛舵, 呢邊有著數就跟呢邊, 嗰邊有著數就跟嗰邊呢?? 咁州界唔會有太大差別嘅, 但係如果係國界嘅話, 一腳踏入隔離屋就好似變成出國探親咁, 我覺得好盞鬼囉.. 我又喺度諗呢, 會唔會真係有人正正住喺條國界上, 跟住同時間屬於兩國公民架?? 到時兩個國家一係就爭蹦頭, 一係就當波咁踢嚟踢去喎.. :)it's a state holiday for selangor today, but not for kuala lumpur although the city is contained within this state.. went to work as usual this morning, but saw almost half of the neighbourhood (they work in selangor instead of KL) enjoying their morning stroll and breakfast, really envious on that as they have a day off today soon after the public holiday on monday.. actually it's just few metres distance away, but i gotta work today while they don't have to~~
i am actually thinking it would be more interesting for those who stay near borders, will they be allowed to choose which to follow depending on the situation?? well, perhaps state borders does not make much difference, but what about country borders?? hopping over to visit your neighbour at their house would actually mean yourself "out of the country" already?? that's rather interesting i think.. and could there really be anybody that live exactly on the border, belong to both citizenships of two countries at the same time?? huh, i supposed either both countries will fight for them, or just merely push them away to each other.. :)
i thought today traffic will be smooth since only part of the start working. morning was fine. but after work, the traffic was terrible. i took 1.30hrs to get home from Damansara to Ampang.... really crazy.... no accident whatsoever. guess, ppl pack in KL and all the shopping complex doing their shoppping....
ReplyDeleteI went for shopping whole day ler, don't envy ok. Hehe. BTW, I think you can only find those custom workers at the border. :)
ReplyDeletehaiz...work in KL area one year only one day wilayah day...so sad...next time change a job that located at selangor area...
ReplyDeleteGrace Lee:
ReplyDeleteyeah i thot the train would be less packed, but then if it's not getting worse it's just as a normal day.. but i know definitely the shopping malls are packed as usual, we malaysians are not affected by the global economy turmoil i guess, hahaha!!
so nice can go shopping for the whole day.. i didn't envy you, cos i also worked for the whole day maa, hahaha :p
yes, you are right, first choice is to get a job in PJ.. anyway luckily your dear PM just recently declare the thaipusam holiday for KL, at least not that bad lor..
sometimes it's better to draw a line for something.....
ReplyDeleteeveryday is a holiday, if u know how to enjoy it :)
it's the same, when you have your wilayah day, we go to work as well.. it's just fair dude, hahaha!!
ReplyDeleteHey... I like your blogger template.. Where can i get it?
ReplyDeleteno, it's not the same and not fair also.. selangor always have one day extra holidays in total.. :(
errr, if not mistaken this is the "Minima" template from blogger itself.. i just mix and match my own color scheme.. :)
i think it was two days extra all the while, until our dear PM's "traffic-jam" declaration last year, KLites got thaipusam off!! since then it cuts down to one, hahaha :p
ReplyDeleteoh yeah, perhaps one day he thinks selangor has too many holidays, he cuts one day off.. that would make us equal, hahaha :p