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29.04.2012 | 記淨選盟
28.04.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 4, #1398] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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其實每次去到星期六, 我都有一種期待.. 期待見到本週嘅排行榜, 睇下邊幾位讀者(雖然都心中無數)可以金榜題名, 仲有更加有趣嘅係位置嘅調動.. 除咗有兩位讀者激升入三甲之外, 本週似乎有好多下跌情況喎, 要加油喇.. 恭喜各位金榜題名嘅讀者, 希望大家週末愉快~~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
come every saturday i have something to look forward to, that is looking forward to see the weekly comment charts, to know who (though quite predictable) has made it to the chart and also the changes in the ranking position.. besides two readers who leap huge into the top 3, it seems like there are many who dropped in this week, gotta work harder lah.. congratulations to all who made it in the chart, wishing everyone a happy weekend~~ :) |
27.04.2012 | 電話鈴聲
[Volume 7 Issue 4, #1397] |
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除咗電話牆紙之外, 電話鈴聲我都係自己一手一腳包辦㗎(從來未下載過).. 自己做嘅好處係可以好個性化, 唔怕一出街聽到某個鈴聲, 就有99個人同時以為自己個電話響啦, 哈哈!! 剛剛下載咗呢個免費軟件, 可以將電腦/YouTube/CD里面自己喜歡嘅歌直接轉換成長達30秒嘅鈴聲.. 本人覺得簡單又實用, 介紹俾有興趣自制鈴聲嘅讀者們.. 我咪就係用呢首超正歌曲整咗我個鈴聲囉, 嘩, 型爆到哩~~ |
besides phone wallpapers, i DIY all my own ringtones (never downloaded any before).. the good thing about DIY ringtone is that you can really personalise it, so that when you heard a common ringtone you won't be one of the 99 people who are there searching for their phones, haha!! i just downloaded this free software, able to convert directly your favorite songs from PC/YouTube/CD into ringtones of up to 30-second long.. i think it's simple yet handy, recommend to readers who are interested to DIY their own ringtones.. guess what?? i just used it to make my ringtone from this nice song, oh gosh, it is so cool~~ |
26.04.2012 | 超級漢堡
25.04.2012 | 沙爹魚片
24.04.2012 | 今時唔同
23.04.2012 | 超級戰艦
22.04.2012 | 甚麼道理
21.04.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 4, #1391] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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恭喜本週榜上有名嘅讀者, 呢個星期果然又係女士們三甲鼎天下嘅局面!! 男士們, 你哋去晒邊樹呀??!! 本週排名參差, 有大躍進由第18位飛降第8位, 亦都有人掉出榜外.. 下週大家再次努力喇, 祝各位有個愉快嘅週末~~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
congratulations to those who made it to the chart this week, again the ladies grabbed the top positions this week!! where have all the gentlemen gone??!! it's a mixture of rise and fall for this week's chart, there's one big leap from 18th landing at 8th, as well as some falling out of the top 10.. anyway, let's work harder next week, have an enjoyable weekend everyone~~ :) |
20.04.2012 | 打字效果
19.04.2012 | 手機游戲
18.04.2012 | 奶茶危機
17.04.2012 | 飛甲傳說
16.04.2012 | 週末廚房
15.04.2012 | 好熟咁噃
14.04.2012 | 本週金榜
[Volume 7 Issue 4, #1384] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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恭喜本週榜上有名嘅讀者, 呢個星期女士們霸氣!! 似乎有好多變動, 有人大躍近9個位置亦有人大跌7個位置喎.. 有讀者問, 如果呢個星期嘅留言係公佈週榜之後, 分數點計算?? 其實週榜都係俾大家知道戰況啫, 只要同一個月份內有留言, 到時月榜一定唔會少.. :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
congratulations to those who made it to the chart this week, the ladies rule this week!! seems we have quite some movements, there's an 9-rank improvement as well as 7-rank drop.. some readers ask how is the points calculated if their comments are left after the weekly chart is announce?? no worries, the weekly chart is just to reveal the current standing, as long as you comment within the same month, you will still earn points for the monthly chart.. :) |
13.04.2012 | 快餐大戰
[Volume 7 Issue 4, #1383] |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 無可奉告.. 因為Kay-F-Cee鐘意幾個小時之後就撤消優惠, 而且我擔心自身安危, 都好耐冇幫襯啦~~ :D information unavailable.. because Kay-F-Cee always like to withdraw promotions within hours, and for my very own personal safety, i've not been there for a very long time~~ :D |
McDonald's Burger King Wendy's Popeye's Kay-F-Cee |
最近各快餐店各司其法, 不斷推出超值套餐(請按上面option button查看), 有啲真係平到難以置信.. 不過都好嘅, 佢哋咁樣競爭法, 最終得益都係我哋消費者, 繼續啦咁, 哈哈!! 其實寫呢篇貼, 係要示範如何用option buttons寫個互動貼文嘅.. 有興趣嘅讀者, 可以去呢度閱覽教材.. :) |
recently fast food chains are competing to attract more customers by slashing price (click on the option buttons above to view), and some value meals are so cheap till it's quite unbelievable.. anyway if they continue to compete then i guess consumers are most beneficial, so just keep it up, haha!! actually the reason for this post is also to demonstrate how to use option buttons in an interactive post.. if you are interested, you can view the steps here.. |
12.04.2012 | 美食與我
[Volume 7 Issue 4, #1382] |
三年前攝于巴塞隆納某pintxos餐廳... www.bilbaoberria.com taken at a pintxos restaurant in barcelona 3 years ago... www.bilbaoberria.com |
我曾經相當沉醉于為自己眼前嘅食物影相, 唔理醜有影錯冇放過!! 不過依家過咗呢個level, 只會有興趣影低特色美食.. 不過我仍然一貫作風, 貼上blog嘅, 我從來都唔會扮晒專家評論食物味道, 反而喜歡敘述因為美食而聯想到關於自己嘅故事.. 所以大家偶而會喺我呢個blog見到美食, 但係就唔會知道到底有幾好味, 反而會由食物故事中更加了解我本人.. 仲有, 可以知道邊啲留言係齋睇相唔睇文字嘅!! 哈哈~~ :D |
there was once i was so into taking photos of just any food that appear in front of me, no matter how nice or common they are.. but i guess i'm over this level and only interested to snap photos of food that are special to me.. still my style have not changed, for food photos posted on my blog, i never critique the food itself but instead i only like to bring out stories that i relate to these food.. that's why you sometimes see nice food on my blog, but rarely know how they taste, instead understand me more from the "food story" itself.. and yes, can also know which comments are placed by only looking at photos without reading the contents!! haha~~ :D |
11.04.2012 | 草莓麵包
[Volume 7 Issue 4, #1381] |
雖然我甚少入廚房亦都唔識煮嘢食, 不過我其實都幾喜歡睇啲烹飪節目㗎.. 今日同大家分享一個非常簡單又得意嘅士多啤梨夾心朱古力麵包.. 各位家長, 聽朝花點心思整俾你哋嘅仔仔囡囡帶去學校, 肯定惹來不少羨慕目光呀.. 返到屋企, 實要求再一個安歌!! :p |
although i rarely goes into the kitchen and do not really know how to cook, i do love to watch culinary show or programmes.. saw this simple yet cute way of preparing chocolate bread with strawberry filling from youtube and thought of sharing with everyone.. especially to daddies and mommies, spend an extra 3 minutes to make this for your kids to bring to school tomorrow, and i'm sure they are going to grab the limelight of the day.. reaching home later and ask for encore!! :p |
10.04.2012 | 報夢請教
[Volume 7 Issue 4, #1380] |
幾日前見到呢個報導, 「祭祖燒紙iPhone, 祖父托蒙不會用」, 青年因為咁樣嚇親而病咗兩日.. 我覺得果真係奇聞一宗, 前所未聞囉, 玩嘢到連國外報章都要報導一番.. 家下紙紮行業都與時趨進, 最新科技產品應有盡有, 或者應該考慮附送使用手冊或光碟先得喇.. 不過都有人開玩笑話, 燒部電話俾祖先, 唔怕佢哋夜晚喺陰間打電話上嚟搵人?? :p |
saw this in the newspaper the other day.. the title says "offered iPhone to ancestors, grandpa appeared in dream saying he doesn't know how to use" [note], a guy hence freaked out and fell sick for two days.. i think this is a rather rare news until it was reported in some foreign papers.. traditional chinese paper offerings industry has been coping so well with technology, they have all the latest gadgets available, maybe it's time for them to consider attaching the user manual or visual aids with the products.. but there were also jokes saying if ancestors are offered mobile phones, are they going to call up at night from "down there"?? :p [note] according to the chinese tradition, particularly for the taoism religion, descendents will pay respect to their ancestors by praying and burning offerings made of paper (symbolizes sending them to ancestors "down there") at grave sites.. this is the qingming festival which usually happens around 5th april every year.. [close] |
09.04.2012 | 花名相稱
08.04.2012 | 香餅狂魔
07.04.2012 | 本週金榜
06.04.2012 | 容易瞌着
[Volume 7 Issue 4, #1376] |
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有感最近好容易坐坐下就瞌着, 尤其中午同夜晚食咗飯之後, 坐低對住部電腦或電視, 不知不覺竟然瞌着咗!! 唔知係飯氣攻心吖, 定係開始年老嘅先兆, 定係最近又肥咗??!! 剛才**就係昏昏欲睡, 所以即刻搵啲嘢嚟做, 提一提神, 就誕生咗呢個貼文喇, 呵呵!! ** 註: 呢篇貼係預先寫好嘅, 所以當時覺得昏昏欲睡係噚日食咗晏之後.. :D |
i realised i can easily doze off recently, especially during afternoon and late evening after meals, i can just doze off while sitting on the chair watching my computer or tv.. hmmm, i wonder if that's sugar rush, signs of getting old, or maybe i gained weight again??!! was feeling so sleepy just now** and hence must find something to engage myself to keep me awake, hence the birth of this post, haha!! **note: this is a scheduled post, hence the then-time when i felt sleepy was after lunch yesterday.. :D |
05.04.2012 | 廿五年來
[Volume 7 Issue 4, #1375] |
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同友人閑談之際, 提到我哋以前幫襯開嘅一檔板麵, 不過小學畢業之後就冇再食喇.. 其實係以為隔咗咁多年, 有可能結業或搬遷.. 週末心血來潮突然想食, 於是戰戰兢兢故地重游, 見到竟然仲喺度賣喎, 真係喜出望外!! 嚟碗大嘅, 果然同25年前一樣咁好味, 好懷念呀~~ [註] 呢個板麵同普通板麵唔同, 唔用肉碎用肉片, 唔用江魚仔用炸乾蔥, 湯係漿漿地, 成碗鋪滿冬菇片準備嚇親你~~ :) |
was chatting with a friend and mentioned about a ban mien stall we used to go, but have not been there since we graduated from primary school.. we thought after so many years, it may have ended business or moved to another place.. felt like having it during the weekend, i travelled to this old place with uncertainty, and was so thrilled they are still there!! ordered a large one to savor, and it tastes just as yummy as it was 25 years ago, oh sweet memories~~ [note] this ban mien is a little different from the normal ones, no minced meat but lean meat slice, no anchovies but browned shallots, soup is little starchy, and the whole bowl topped fully with mushroom slices may give you a shock~~ :) |
04.04.2012 | 首季排行
[Volume 7 Issue 4, #1374] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
今日公佈第一季留言成績, 總結一二三月嘅所有留言, 正式喺度恭喜晒yvonne成為第一季嘅鑽石博客!! 以上係本人贈予佢嘅一份小小心意, 好鬼cheap嘅禮物但心意十足㗎, 呵呵~~ 多謝各位嘅鼎力支持, 大家再接再勵, 你哋全部都好勁!! 加油, 睇下邊為能夠成為下一季嘅鑽石博客?? :) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
i am announcing the results for the first quarter, concluding all comments from january to march, i hereby congratulate yvonne for being the diamond blogger of quarter one!! a little appreciation from me in the photo above for her, very cheap prize but then with full sincerity, hehe~~ thank you everyone for your continual support, you all are super!! let's give more power and we shall see who is gonna be the diamond blogger for the next quarter!! :) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
03.04.2012 | 三月排行
[Volume 7 Issue 4, #1373] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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二月過得好快, 三月都係多嗰兩日啫, 唔知點解感覺上過得特別慢?? 點都好啦, 三月結束嘅同時都係第一季嘅結束, 所以跟住落嚟仲會有一兩個排行榜等住揭曉㗎!! 恭喜晒三月份嘅霸主.. 敬請密切留意, 好精彩㗎~~ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
february ended rather quickly, while march has only two more extra days but why did i feel like it takes ages to end?? anyway, the end of march marks the end of the first quarter and coming up we will have a couple more charts to announce the winning commenters!! congratulations to the kings and queens for march.. stay tune and it will be very exciting~~ :) |
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