噚晚與同事(TL, ST)去
izzi食晚餐, 每次經過呢間嘢見到裡頭嘅裝璜都幾class, 餐牌上啲嘢又唔錯喎, 所以其實想試好耐, 再加上有個二五折優惠, 實在諗唔到有咩理由唔去食佢一餐囉.. 入到去冇咩人(可能係平日關係啦), 好快就有人serve, 任選座位坐低之後, 二五折優惠有指定邊幾樣, 不過選擇都算頗多.. 見到折後價錢, 完全冇後顧之懮, 三人盡情點菜.. 可能係行低價政策, 所以儘量避免不必要開銷, 於是問題就逐漸浮現喇..
注: 今日呢篇寫得奇特的長, 如冇耐性, 即可直跳總結部份.. :)
___[服務] ___
適應係社會新鮮人, 用英語問佢嘢佢竟然講不出口, 最後唯有用我半鹹淡馬來語交談, 不過十問九唔知, 最後都係要勞煩高級適應.. 唔識英文嘅新鮮人應該係平啲??
___[上菜] ___
竟然毫無次序地上菜, 面包 → pizza → 意粉→ 沙律→ 餐湯.. 而且係全部陸陸續續上菜, 搞到最後成檯都係嘢, 結果食完沙律, pizza意粉都涼晒, 頂.. 係唔係廚師人工依食物計, 而唔係時間計, 所以嗱嗱聲搞掂可以睇報紙啊??
___[食物] ___
點咗以下組圖嘅食物, 睇落幾正啊呵?? 面包還好, 沾蒜蓉牛油(唔係, 應該係廚師偷懶, 所以變蒜粒牛油)幾唔錯.. 過後沙律都尚好啦, 唔駛煮齋撈嘅嘢好難整得唔好食啩?? 之後pizza同意粉, pizza毫無味道, 餅皮稔糯, 芝士好似食緊麵粉團好無咬勁.. 我個海鮮意粉就最衰, 一陣青口腥味實在難以入口, 邊有人整海鮮意粉係用唔新鮮青口同意粉落埋一齊煮架?? 兩位同事試過我個意粉, 佢哋自己兜意粉, 原本淡淡無味都變成好味..
___[總結] ___
一肚苦水, 好彩埋單只係60大元!! 唯一可取嘅係環境真係好唔錯, 服務都過得去, 而且二五折優惠都仍然冇偷工減料(好唔好食係另一回事), 絕不欺場靚靚上座.. 不過至於話會唔會再幫襯?? 好坦白, 如果係好食幾貴都有人食, 如果唔好食就算去到一折都好難搵鬼喉囉..

went dinner with colleagues TL and ST at
izzi restaurant yesterday, wanted to try this for a long time, since everytime walking passed the restaurant, i saw cosy interior deco and decent menu, and furthermore there is a 75% discount promotion, so really there is no reason why we should not give it a try.. not many people last night (perhaps due to weekdays), served almost immediately and we were allowed to choose anywhere to sit.. only selected items are available under the promotion but there are quite a lot of choices actually and after seeing the price, we got carefree and just order whatever we would like to have.. maybe because of the low price strategy, and hence cut cost i would mostly supposed, problems started to surface..
note: surprisingly a long post today, if you're impatient to read on, just jump to the conclusion section will do.. :)___[service] ___
welcome freshie to serve us, but we had problem communicating in english as he just could not converse in his alien language.. so i had to communicate with him in malay (which is somehow ET to me), but came out he could not answer 9 of 10 questions we asked.. no choice but to get a more senior waiter to help serve us.. cost cutting rule #1: get labour with lower wages..
___[serve] ___
the food we ordered was served randomly without the normal course sequence but in this
bread → pizza → pasta→ salad → soup sequence, and they are served one after another till our table is full of food in the end.. before we could even finished our salad, the piping hot pizza and pasta have already turned cold.. cost cutting rule #2?? could the chef be employed based on number of dishes and not by hours?? he just had to rush everything and there he can enjoy his coffee break..
___[food] ___
we ordered the food shown in the picture above, look tasty yeah?? the doughball was not bad with the garlic butter spread on (maybe the chef wanted to save time, and it just turned out to be
butter garlic instead).. salad was quite good also, but i would say it’s more difficult to have salad that is not edible at all right?? and then the pizza, the dough was totally soggy and tasteless, the mozzarella cheese was not cheesy at all, i wonder if it was just flour dough with cheese flavouring.. finally the pasta, i would say my seafood marinara was the worst i have ever had, the whole thing was just full of the fishy smell from the unfresh mussels, how could a chef use unfresh mussels and cook it together with the pasta at the same time?? my two colleagues had some of mine, and their actually tasteless and oily pasta suddenly ended up not bad at all.. cost cutting rule #3: use third grade ingredients in cooking..
___[conclusion] ___
complaints and complaints, but luckily the bill is just only RM60!! the only thing that we thought good were the cosy environment, service was not bad, full portion of food and nice presentation (whether it’s nice is another issue).. will i ever go there again?? frankly, if the food is delicious, there will always be patrons no matter how expensive it is.. if the food is lousy, even if they promote it at 90% off, it’s just so impossible to get people to buy in..