某位拍檔同事終於都決定遞信燉老細冬菇.. 其實真係好噩然, 因為估唔到佢會選擇呢一步, 而且仲要走得滾水漉腳, 月尾之前就要鬆人..
佢一走, 首當其衝嘅人就係我, 好多嘢都要接手.. 佢遞咗信之後各有各忙, 好難就到時間可以坐埋一齊傾接手嘅嘢, 禮拜一見火燒眼眉於是嗱嗱聲plan一plan, 先發覺其實都好多事幹要搞..又鬼咁啱一早已經計劃好呢個月攞長假去旅行, 計計吓今日之後得返四日咁大把要做晒全部handover, 所以真係是日無多, 搞到非常倉促咁.. 所以佢未到last day眾同事們都會竭盡所能將佢搾乾搾淨, 誓要佢「鞠躬盡瘁」到最後一分鐘, 將全身功力通通不留余地咁傳授畀我哋.. 佢走咗之後, 仲會時不時奪命電話追蹤, 哈哈..
其實講得認真啲, 好多嘢都係擺喺個心裡邊, 唔透露並唔代表唔在乎, 只不過係選擇用另外一種方式來表達.. a colleague who works closely with me finally tendered her resignation.. was pretty shocked by the news because it was of the least expected, furthermore she is planning to leave very soon, real soon before end of this month..
following her resignation, i should be the one brought with the most impact, a lot of things to handover to me.. however soon after her resignation, we were too busy with each other's work to sit down together to seriously talk on the handover exercise, until monday that we see how tight time has been that we finally make an effort to discuss and plan accordingly, only to realised that it is never a small session.. what's more, i've already planned a long holiday for this month, and giving it a count, there will be only four days left after today, kind of rush and short of time to have everything properly handed over.. hence, before she can survive to her last day, all of us shall try our very best to "squeeze" her out for everything she knows, and to pass all her knowledge to everyone till the very last minute.. and after she has left, we shall constantly give her phone annoying rings regularly, hahahaha!!
to be a little more frank and serious, there are just too much put aside in heart, never spoken out does not mean that we don't care, just that i may like to choose to use another method to express myself..
Well.... someone in my office is also leaving soon... it's a sad feeling.. from colleagues to frens to a brother... let's wish the leaver's good luck in everything bah!!!
ReplyDeletehaha.... need my help?
ReplyDeletehahah.... me good in eat only....
people come people go...
as long as we are still friend, no matter where also ok...
You must think about 26,400 HP employees are going to lost their job soon.
ReplyDeleteSo, you are lucky in a way.. :P
ReplyDelete多謝晒, 好感動!! 撐, 好唔容易先去到呢個地步, 我一定會撐落去, 你放心啦, 我知道我哋大家都會互相支持大家嘅!! 大家祝佢前途無量啦..
well, people come and people go.. i always will feel happy for them and send them off with my best wishes, if i know they are gonna excel and have a better future..
william h:
well, personally i'm not sad at all but indeed think if that is what she wants, then she should go ahead for it.. friends are always supportive of each other with no questions ask.. agree??
errr, i'm in a different situation from the 24K HP employees laa.. anyway, there's always a place in this earth for everyone of us..
Poor you. I wish I can leave my project and dump everything on other people.
ReplyDeleteya... we all wish that too...
ReplyDeleteso i can concerntrate reading my comic... hahha
ReplyDeletehaha, you are very true.. i totally understand how nice the feeling is to dump everything to other people and get hands clean..
william h:
hmmm, you are looking for a job that you can leisurely read your comics?? how dare.. haha!!
waiting for you to offer me ...... hahah
ReplyDeletehmmm, if there's such a job, i think i'll like to grab it firm first.. hahaha!!