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04.09.2008 | 屬於我的

  1. [我的茶杯] 喺公司每日都會用佢嚟食早餐, 偶爾都會飲吓綠茶..
  2. [我的銀包] 當然係隨身之物, 用嚟放幾張(真係得幾張咋)銀紙同埋身份證信用咔..
  3. [我的手錶] 記得4年前忽然唔見咗隻錶, 當機立斷之下買咗佢返嚟嘅, 都係返工時候戴囉..
  4. [我的座位] 我的座位一角, 冇乜特別啦, 都係一般辦公室用品同私人物件..
  5. [我的會所] 加州健身中心, 可唔可以開多幾間club分散啲會員啊?? 逼爆人喇..
  6. [我的電腦] 我的搵食工具, 每日都會睇住佢做嘢, 入邊裝有大量公私檔案同智慧財產..
  7. [我的公司] 一個星期有5日必到嘅地方, 每日至少9小時, 至今都有2年8個月喇..
  8. [我的手機] 一年前畀人扒咗個手機之後, 即刻買返落嚟嘅6300, 用嚟影相多過打電話..
  9. [我的收藏] 部份音樂CD收藏, 全部都係托朋友喺香港買返嚟嘅, 其實擺喺度都好少聽..
  1. [my mug] using it everyday to have my breakfast in the office, sometimes for my green tea too..
  2. [my wallet] to put my few pieces (yes, i've only got few pieces) of notes and also ID and credit cards..
  3. [my watch] bought this watch 4 years ago when i lost the previous one, only wearing it for work..
  4. [my seat] a corner of my seat in the office, nothing special just some office equipments and personal belongings..
  5. [my gym] california fitness, wonder would there be more clubs to disperse the ever increasing members, the clubs are really too packed especially the afterwork hours..
  6. [my laptop] my tools for a living, using it for work (and of course leisure) everyday, contains tons of files (work and personal) and intellectual properties in it..
  7. [my company] a place i will go 5 times a week, and at least 9 hours a day, have been doing this for 2 years and 8 months..
  8. [my phone] bought this phone a year ago after being picked-pocket, have been using this 6300 to take random photos more frequently than making calls..
  9. [my CD] a small part of my music CD collections, all bought from HK with help of a friend, just for the sake of collection and seldom listen to them though..


  1. Hmmm.. your office table is very clean. :) Mine is horribly messy.

  2. 手机里的背影你来的是不是...哈

  3. Ooh... I'm using 6300 too. Although not very canggih, but it's small and slim.

  4. lifebook:
    you are fooled!! that is the tidy corner of my desk instead, the other corner is scattered with documents and scripting papers, hahaha..

    hehehe, 我的背影還不錯吧?? 可以騙到吃吧?? 哈哈..

    yeah, i think quite many people are using this model.. i would say not sophisticated but enough for a casual user like me..

  5. 我欣賞識拾臺的人。;)

  6. 噢,这招你常用啊!


    SK你就一个转身: 小姐,我背影好看吗?

    你就来这招骗吃是嘛...哈哈 ;P

  7. danny:
    哈哈, 多謝讚賞, 其實我都算係個頗企理嘅人嚟嘅..

    沒有喇, 因為正面太醜, 背影還不錯, 所以就索性以背示人囉~~

  8. 校花之类,面档最美那位不是叫面食档花咯!..哈哈

    office 外面又要下大雨了。

  9. 那跟"面食档花"有什麼關係啊?? 真搞不懂..
