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23.09.2008 | 吳哥悠遊(4)

去到最後一日, 下晝機返吉隆坡, 其實得番嗰半日時間確實係冇乜可以做.. 於是就喺旅店個花園餐廳度, 叫咗份餐牌上最貴嘅早餐(再搭多杯鮮搾青檸水), 享受早上和暖嘅陽光, 望住花園啲花草樹木, 心情都開朗啲.. 食完之後好得閑, 就去附近個中央市場(Center Market)揀手信..

退房之後就直接去機場喇, 今日中午時份天氣炎熱, 所以篤篤車上一路沙塵滾滾, 好唔容易先捱到去機場.. 機場唔大, 不過應該係新建嘅, 所以睇落好乾淨好企理.. 當大家開開心心入閘時候, 職員叫我哋去畀機場稅, 大喇喇US$25, 真係食水好深囉, 駛唔駛咁貴啊?? 心口狠狠地畀插上一刀, 好痛, 柬埔寨畀我嘅第三個壞印象!!

喺候機大廳苦悶等待一個幾小時, 真係悶到抽筋, 因為細細機場一眼望晒冇咩店可以逛, 無無聊聊唯有玩自拍.. 幸好提早半個小時登機, 所以班機MH763順利地提早半個小時抵達吉隆坡.. 返到自己嘅屋子, 張床好舒服啊~~

~~暹粒四日遊之第四日, 完了就是完..it's the last day of the trip, taking afternoon flight back to KL, nothing much can be done for the short half day time.. had breakfast in the hotel's garden restaurant and ordered the most expensive breakfast set (with a glass of icy cold freshly squeezed lime juice), enjoyed the warm morning sun and had a great view of the plants in the garden.. after the nice and relaxed breakfast, went to the Center Market nearby to pick up some souvenirs home, and at the same time to kill the idle time before heading home..

after checked-out we headed straight to the airport, this afternoon was hot and the tuk-tuk trip to airport was extremely dusty, not easy to suffered through and finally arrived at the airport.. the airport is small, supposed to be a new one, because it looked so clean and tidy.. when we were happily entering the waiting lounge, we were asked to pay for airport tax, and no joking it's US$25 per person, damn expensive for such a small airport.. the third bad impression i had on Cambodia!!

waiting boringly in the lounge before we can board the plane for more than an hour, nothing much to shop about in this airport really, so just gotta be a "cam-whore" to kill time.. luckily we were boarding 30min earlier, and hence flight MH763 touching down KL 30min earlier too.. back to own sweet home, my bed is the best bed on earth i have ever slept on, haha..

~~end of day 4 of 4 in Siem Reap, FULLSTOP..


  1. Siem Reap 嗯,别搞... :)

  2. yeah~~~i will go thr 2moro after work...

  3. yee:
    人一世物人一世, 怎樣都要去看一看Angkor Wat的喇, 一次就夠了..

    oh really?? so you will be staying there over the weekend?? Angkor Wat is a nice place to visit actually..

  4. Yes, right to enjoy the most expensive breakfast set in the hotel because this is nearly the end of the holiday. Dusty journey, I am scared of dusty journeys. I agree own bed is the best! Not too bad this angkor wat trip. Enjoyable for me to read it, thanks for sharing!
