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02.09.2008 | 週末食乜

國慶日呢個長週末, 唔打算去邊, 因為城中游子都返晒家鄉, 城中忽然少咗四成人路上一路順暢, 所以最後就係留返低享受安靜.. 週末長假懶洋洋, 民以食為天, 沒有山珍海味沒有高檔餐廳, 只有家常美食, 哈哈..
  • [豉油王炒烏冬] 烏冬配以簡單嘅芽菜仔+菜心+豬肉, 秘訣就係個獨家秘製豉油王, 好鬼好味!!
  • [海鮮豬肉粉] 覺得麻麻地, 湯頭過淡, 海鮮同豬肉少少唔新鮮, 結果就係食咗就算喇..
  • [生炒糯米飯] 豬腩肉+背脊肉+冬菇+爆香蝦米, 飯上再落蛋絲, 糯米炒得夠稔夠香, 超好味, 一人啃落兩大碗後動彈不得, 呵呵..
  • [鮮蚶叻沙] 碩大鮮蚶能夠增加我對一碗叻沙嘅好感, 呢碗叻沙係普普通通, 都冇乜料, 不過如果一碗叻沙個湯頭可以煮得濃郁嘅話, 都好難唔好食囉..
  • [點心] 食叻沙時候外叫嘅點心, 一般水準, 但係唔明點解人頭洶湧, 等位嘅人絡繹不絕..
  • [炒板麵] 唔錯啊, 板麵炒得煙煙韌韌而且仲入晒味, 特別之處係發現個大嬸放埋炸菜一並落去炒, 難道係箇中翹妙?
it's the merdeka long weekend, didn't plan to go anywhere, as people are back to their respective hometowns, so the town shall be less packed and the traffic less congested.. manage to have some nice food, though not any fine dinning and exquisite delicacies, they are good too, haha..
  • [fried udon in superior soy sauce] just simple udon with pork + vege + beansprouts, but already very delicious.. i think the miracle lies in the secret recipe superior soy sauce, very nice indeed!!
  • [seafood pork noodles] just not very satisfy with this, the soup was a bit tasteless, the pork and seafood was a bit not fresh.. just have it fill up the stomach and go..
  • [hand fried glutinous rice] pork belly + back bacon + fragrant mushroom + dried shrimps, shredded eggs to garnish, the glutinous rice was cooked to perfectly soft, i had two big bowls of them without failed (but failed to move after eating), haha!!
  • [laksa with fresh cockles] i always add points to laksa that comes with fresh cockes.. this is just a normal one and not much condiments given, anyway if the laksa soup is cooked to taste, it can hardly deviate too far from how it should taste..
  • [dim sum] side orders for the laksa, very common standard and nothing to shout about.. just wonder why the restaurant was so packed with patrons, and people queuing for seats..
  • [fried pan mee] this was not bad at all, the pan mee was cooked al dante and the taste of the frying sauce was totally absorbed.. surprisingly to find sichuan pickles in there, could that be the secret indeed?


  1. Wah... dai lou, the foods seems not bad wo.. Please dun put on weight wo!

  2. I miss Malaysian food also. But I still better have more Chinese food cause when I go back I will definitely miss Chinese food.

  3. chris:
    hehe, dai lou long long time ago already put on weight liao.. hahaha!! die lor die lor, sai lou i must go on diet already..

    hmmm, looks like you are having problem to stay in a place, because you always miss the food from another place, hahaha!!

  4. so miss food in malaysia...

  5. haha.. i supposed there are still lots of nice food for you to explore over there right??
