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07.09.2008 | 桃色名單

暑假黃金時段已過, 最近都冇乜勁片可看.. 週末想話睇場戲消磨時間, 不過唔想(係極度唔願意)睇《錢不夠用2》同《大四喜》, 所以揀咗呢齣《桃色名單》.. 經過上個星期睇到嘔血嘅《巴比倫紀元》重大打擊之後, 其實都唔敢有太大期望, 雖然知道Ewan McGregor通常都唔會立亂揀套戲嚟演..

故事其實都頗簡單, 一貫驚悚懸疑片模式, 電檢局今次剪得都OK啦, 雖然好多F字都剪晒(搞到對白都有啲斷斷續續), 不過仍然保留某些纏綿鏡頭(真係劇情需要架其實).. 成兩個小時嘅戲, 眨下眼之後就散場, 劇情雖然冇乜大起大跌, 我反而就覺得一氣呵成拍得幾唔錯囉.. 都睇得人架, 總算係冇浪費張戲飛..since the summer holiday blockbusters timeslot was just over, there are not much movie to watch recently.. feel like going for a movie during weekend, but don't feel like (or rather reluctant) watching "Money Not Enough 2" and "The Luckiest Man", so finally end up with "Deception".. after a massive disappointment with the yaakss "Babylon A.D." last week, i don't dare to have high expectation on this movie, despite knowing that Ewan McGregor will normally choose good movies to play an act..

simple storyline and kind of expected plots for the thriller movie, the cencorship board actually did not do so badly this time, though all the F-words are being cencored (that makes the lines a bit dodgy in the cinema), but most of the "passionate" scenes (as needed in the storyline) are kept with the movie.. almost 2-hour long, but i really didn't feel that long, it's like you go in enjoy the movie and there it ends.. no big ups and downs, but instead i feel the continuity of the entire movie, somehow this is quite well directed.. not a bad movie at all, it is worth (or at least not wasting) the tickets you pay for actually..


  1. This show is Rated R, I rarely watch R-Rated shows in Malaysian cinema, as they will cut out a lot of those interesting parts, and make the movie unwatchable.

  2. well actually for this it's still under 18PL instead of U.. and i gotta say it was not so badly cencored cos the storyline is still there and the movie is still watchable..

  3. Hi SK,

    Noted on your comments. Any good movies opening in KL this week? Nowadays the movies in KL is faster to show on big screen compared to SG.

  4. hmmm, there is always a reason why movies are faster in KL, you know the "P" industry right?? haha..

    the coming soon are "The Other Boleyn Girl" and "Mama Mia".. a friend of ours highly recommends the latter.. shall go watch..
